Counting Down The Days To Go

Major PDA-ing.

“Disturbia” by Rihanna blared out and I could hear it even before I saw the house. Peter was one of those richer-than-rich kids. His house was majestic and it sat on a huge plot of land. Jealous of him? Yeah, I sure was. And as he was the only son who would carry on the family name, his parents let him do whatever he wants by closing both of their eyes. Peter was notorious in school for his parties. God knows how he got the booze as he isn’t of legal age yet. But I’m sure his father himself stocks the booze cabinet for his son’s parties. Was Peter a spoilt, stuck-up, loud guy? Yup, he sure was. I don't know him personally but I'd seen him around school and we had exchanged small smiles once or twice.

“We hereeeeeeee!” Amanda emphasized on the ‘e’ just to make sure we paid attention to her. During the 15 minute car ride, it was mostly Amanda doing the talking, Mike occasionally mumbling a mono-syllable word and me stoning at the front.

“Oh really? I didn’t notice because the music was too soft,” I said with a roll of my eyes.

“What? I could hear it like way down the road. Oh my gosh, Crystal. What’s wrong with your ears?” Amanda asked me, wide-eyed. This girl doesn’t get sarcasm at all.

“I was being sacar- you know what? Never mind.” I couldn’t wait to get my hands on some drinks and drown myself in them. I couldn’t waste any more time of my life trying to explain what is sarcasm to little miss pea-brain over there.

“So, Mike, why don’t I bring you around to my friends and introduce you? They are like dying to meet you.” Amanda said while grabbing Mike’s hand. Oh great. She has started to attack already.

“Sure. Whatever,” was Mike’s cool reply. He looked bored again, just like he did on the first day of school. I suppose the parties here were no where as cool as the parties back where he lived. Either that or he couldn’t be bothered at meeting new people.

“Hey guys. I’m just going to walk around and grab a drink. Maybe I’d catch you guys later?” I quickly mumbled out my excuse and walked away. I don’t think Amanda even noticed that I was going; she was too busy talking to Mike. But Mike gave me a “don’t leave me” look. Nah, maybe I interpreted it wrongly. It must have been more of a “Yay, she’s gone” look. He must be more than thrilled to be in the company of Amanda.

I shoved through the crowd of party goers, most of whom I recognized, and managed to find my way into what I presume was the kitchen. Alcoholic drinks of nearly every brand available were on the huge island in the middle of the kitchen. I grabbed a Rockstar and opened it. Just as I was taking a gulp, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist.

I did my best not to choke on my drink and turned around, only to come face to face with Aiden.

“Long time no see, Crystal.” Aiden said with a toothy grin.

“Yeah. It has indeed been a long time. So what’s up?” I asked him. Aiden was a nice guy really. We met each other at one of those summer camps when we were both thirteen. We managed to form a strong friendship and managed to remain friends until now but keeping in touch was quite hard for us because we go to different schools. He goes to the private boys-only school (where only the super rich parents sends their overly spoilt little boys to) while I go to the public high school for the 'average' folks. Sometimes, I get the feeling that he’s either gay or bisexual because I swear I’ve seen him checking out guys’ asses a couple of times.

“The ceiling.” Aiden replied. It was an inside joke between us.

“So, what brings you here?” I asked him as I led the both of us out into the main party room where dozens of sweaty bodies were moving to the beat of the music.

“What’s a party without Aiden? Of course Peter had to personally invite me here to get the party going.” He said with a smirk. Yeah, that was the Aiden I knew, the ever-cocky and extremely confident guy that I’ve known for years.

“ Wanna dance?” He asked me. But before I could even respond, he grabbed my hand and led me to the middle of the dance floor, the most crowded place in the whole room. We became grinding against each other and basically just having a good time. As there were too many people on the dance floor, I lost Aiden in the big crowd which was fine with me actually. I then proceeded to dance with a few familiar faces from school. Almost everybody was either too drunk or too high to care who they were doing what with.

I managed to dance away my worries and I was drunk off my toes. I know that I’d have to pay for this the next morning but who cares? I'd rather enjoy life then wallow in regret when I'm 65 years old. I was getting tired from all the dancing and getting dizzy from all the drinking so I decided to sit down in for awhile.

I walked through the long hallway and I saw that the door of the first room was opened wide. It had red lights illuminating all the surfaces and giving it an extra spooky feel. But there was nothing to be spooked about as I could easily spot a few people lounging on the many chairs and sofas. A couple of guys were playing Guitar Hero too.

I strolled over to a chair and sat down on it, hoping to get some rest. There was a huge sofa in the middle of the room that could easily sit five people. It was supposedly the main attraction of the room and I was sitting on one of those antique chairs somewhere around the huge sofa. I looked over to see a familiar mop of blond hair. That head of hair was attached to a small body. A small body that was currently straddling a guy in a rather suggestive manner. Now, who do I know that is petite and owns a mop of blond hair?

Who else but Amanda?

Just then, she moved her head to the crook between the guy’s neck and shoulders, and at the same time giving me a good view of who the guy was.

He had black hair and a lip piercing. Even though I was probably drunk out of my eyes right now and the lighting in this room was horrible, I would recognize that face anywhere.

It was Mike!

The fog inside my head suddenly cleared and I was sober again. Or almost sober. Whatever. The sight before me was just too much to comprehend. Mike’s hand was slowly slipping under Amanda’s shirt. I wasn’t near enough to see where the hand was going, but logic told me that he was feeling up her back. Duh.

Stupid stupid Crystal. I should have known from the start. Amanda is the hot one. You are so not. They are going to hook up now. Just accept that.

Although I couldn’t bear to watch “the show” anymore, my feet just wouldn’t stand up and let me leave the room.

Amanda seemed to be sucking on his neck and I thought I heard her let out a moan. My heart went cold. She was totally enjoying herself in his hands.

Grow up, Crystal. You just had the stupidest crush on Mike. Nothing more nothing less. You should have known from the start that he would never return your feelings.

Glumly, I decided to listen to the little voice at the back of my head for once. I had already done enough gawking at the two of them. I suppose Amanda was in no mood to give me a ride back homebecause she was enjoying herself too much on the lap of a certain you-know-who. So I went back into the main party room and found this classmate of mine from Physics last year for a ride home.

I wasn't in a mood to party anymore. I wonder why.
♠ ♠ ♠
New character : Aiden.

I put up how his character looked like even before i introduced him. Oops. That was an accident. But now it's all cleared up. :D

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I'd like to thank NegativePress for your support. :D