Counting Down The Days To Go

Just Tell Me.

Crush crush.
Two Three Four!

Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone.
Just the one, two of us who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than this

Hayley Williams’ voice blared out of my phone’s speakers and I groaned. That was my new alarm ring tone and I love that song to death but I wasn’t ready to get up at 6.30 AM on a Monday morning.

‘Another week, another day but the same old routine,’ I muttered to myself as I opened my sleepy eyes and stumbled to the bathroom adjoined to my room.

I peeked through my heavy eyelids and saw the mess of black stuff that I called my hair, heavy eyelids beneath my eyes and average features. That’s all I’d ever be. Average. It’s sad to know that I have one chance at life, and all I’d ever be is some average girl.

I quickly did my necessities that I do every morning and changed into my clothes. I decided to wear yet another pair of skinny jeans, a thin t-shirt with funky graphics on it and a light cardigan (another one of those longish ones that go past my ass).

“Morning, darling,” Mom said as I sat down to eat my breakfast.

An apple and a glass of milk later, I was going out of my house and into my Mercedes. I was going to pick Mike up and ferry the both of us to school as his car was still not here. Not that I mind though, these short rides gave us more time to talk. I was still dying to know about what he meant when he told Amanda that he “likes someone” and I was debating whether I should ask him.

Asking him would set things straight once and for all, but how would you ask someone whether they like anyone at the moment without making it seem like you have a crush on that certain someone you are asking? Although it’s sort of true that I may have a crush on Mike, I was still not going to confess it to him, especially when there is a huge possibility that he likes someone else.

Gah! High school is just too confusing.

“Tap tap tap,” I heard a tapping sound on the window and saw Mike’s face peering in. I looked around and realized that I was already at his house. He opened the unlocked car door and made himself comfortable next to me.

“So, how was your weekend?” I asked, wanting to bring up the whole thing that happened between him and Amanda.

“Nothing much, just the usual, you know? Eat, sleep, wake up, eat, sleep and the cycle goes on.” He said with a small laugh.

“So, Amanda called me up on Saturday and told me what happened,” I said, once again trying to bring up that topic.

“Yeah. Is she like pissed at me or something? She sounded kinda sad when I told her I didn’t like her in that way.” He said with a small shrug.

“Yupp. She is sort of upset. She told me that you liked some other girl.” I said. Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to find out who was the girl of his dreams right there and then.

“Indeed I do. I’ve got my eye on this wonderful girl. She’s pretty and funny and smart.” Mike said with another one of his crooked grins.

“You met her at the party?”

“Well, not exactly.” He mumbled.

“Oh.” I said, silently hoping that he would tell me who that girl was.

But he didn’t do what I wanted. Instead, he turned on the radio and switched around a few radio channels until some rock song was playing. The rest of the ride was spent in silence and in a matter of a few short minutes, I was already parking my car in the car park.

“We’re here.” I said before grabbing my bag and getting out of the car. The two of us then walked together to homeroom.

I doubt he was going to tell me who he liked anytime soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
a short, crappy chapter.

if all of you readers would just take out a few minutes of your time to comment, i might post it up tomorrow. :)

seriously guys, just give me some feedback. comments truly rock! :D