I Hope to God He Was Worth It




-One Week Later-

"Linsky get up!" Coach Rawl screamed at me as I laid on the ground breathing hard from the last tackle made on me by one of the biggest guys in school.
"Everyone run a mile!" he said as he through his hands up in the air.
"Sprint Ross, not jog!" Mr. Rawl said as Ryan began to fasten his pace.
"Bet you can't beat me Ross," I said as I caught up with him.
"I would have to kill myself if you beat me Linsky," Ryan smirked as he began to breathe hard.
"Better start digging your grave Ross," I smiled as I gained more speed ahead of him leaving the rest of the football team behind.


Damn Derek can run.

"Damn Derek," I said through heavy breathing as I collapsed on the ground.
"Ready to run some more Ryan?" he asked me as he stretched out his ankles.
"Hell no Linsky, you must be crazy," I said as I laid on the ground.
"It looks like practice is over," he sighed as he looked around the empty football field.
"I think I'll lay here for a while," I sighed.
"I got to go, catch ya later Ross," Derek said as he waved and jogged off towards the showers.

I swear he looks just like Kayley some times.


I stuffed my duffle bag with my school uniform making sure no one was watching.
I was heading to Derek's to take a long, cold shower, and to just hang out with him.
I walked through the front door to find him feeling up some skank named Brittany and shoving his tounge down her throat.

"K-Kay, it's not what it looks like," he said as he finally noticed my presence.
"Oh really then what is it then?!" I asked him as I felt tears well up in my eyes.

Brittany tried to fix her shirt so her boobs weren't literally falling out as I grabbed the silver heart necklace Derek gave me.

"Have it you whore!" I screamed at Brittany as I threw it at her and ran out of the house.


"Are you alright?" I heard someone ask me as I sat up against an oak tree at the local park.
"Oh, hey Blair," I choked out as I tried to wipe away the remaining tears I had.
"What happened?" she asked me as she took a seat next to me.
"Derek cheated on me with a skank named Brittany. Who is a fucking freshmen. She's 14 for god sakes!" I cried out as she put a hand on my shoulder for support.
"Come with me and we'll get you cleaned up," she said as she stood up and helped me up as well. "Why are you wearing a football uniform?" she asked me as she noticed I was wearing one.
"Long Story, I'll explain it to you when I get cleaned up," I sighed as she unlocked the front door to her, yes her, apartment.
"It's not much, but it's home," she laughed lightly as she threw her keys on a near by counter.
"It's pretty nice, for living alone," I nodded as she escorted me to her bathroom. "Thanks," I smiled as I opened the bathroom door and closed it.