I'll Make You Believe

Portion One

"Loser has to go on a date with Kayla." A blond boy with a lightly tanned body and toned muscles said, pointing at a girl with light brown hair and a small physique.

"You're on." Said another boy with very dark brown, almost black hair, very pale skin and a lean build.

To Kayla, the race between Aaron and Tim was trivial. She sat on the side of the oval, reading one of the books she'd borrowed from the school library. It was so dull that she could no longer remember the title. The only reason she continued to read it was that she was too indolent to return to her locker to retrieve another.

Aaron ran through the goal posts first, with Tim just a few seconds behind. "Bad luck, mate." Aaron said, shaking his blond hair out of his eyes.

"I'll get you next time." Tim replied spitefully.

"Go on then. Get your date." Aaron said, slapping Tim on the back.

As Tim approached the girl bent over her book, there was not a doubt in his mind that she would reject him.

The sun was eclipsed. Kayla looked up at what was blocking the daylight, blinking to adjust her eyes to the now darkness. Light filtered around Timothy's head and Kayla could hear angels singing in her head. She laughed internally and said "You're blocking my sun."

"Sorry Miss." Tim replied politely and stepped out of the sun, temporarily blinding Kayla.

"Your intentions, Timothy?" Kayla asked. Once receiving Timothy's perplexed gaze, she reiterated, "What do you want?"

A look of comprehension dawned on Tim's face, "I wanted to see if you'd come watch a movie with me tomorrow night. Oh and could you please call me Tim?"

"Well Timothy, that was unexpected. You'll have to give me some time to think about it." Kayla replied, laughing to herself when she saw him cringe at the sound of his name.

"Would you please call me Tim?" He asked.

"Okay." Kayla said with a large, childish smile on her face.


"No. I mean okay, I'll go to the movies with you." Her smile still plastered on her face.

"You thought that through pretty quickly."

"On one condition." Timothy stared at her with squinty eyes. "I get to call you Timothy." Kayla finished smiling happily to herself.

"Fine." Tim said resentfully and walked over to where Aaron had beeneavesdropping waiting.

"She say yes?" He questioned.

"Of course." Tim replied, back to his normal, somewhat cocky, conceited self.

Kayla discarded her book after Timothy departed. She now had too much on her mind to concentrate on such a soporific novel. Kayla had always been that girl that no one was friends with. It was not that she was too shy or that she did not have an endearing personality. It was just her decision to never get too close. On the rare occasions (not always romantic ones) on which she had been foolish enough to let her guard down, she always found herself to be terribly crushed and broken hearted afterwards.

"So where are the two lovebirds going?" Aaron mockingly asked Tim. He made kissy-faces at him and batted his eyelashes.

"I'm taking her to a movie." Tim replied resentfully. He hated losing to Aaron, he always lost to Aaron. And the consequences for losing were always high. Still, this never stopped Tim from trying.

"Horror right?" Aaron put on a high pitched voice and batted his eyelids some more. "'Oh Timmy! I'm SO scared!' And then she'll hide her face in your chest. It's probably the only way you'll ever get a girl to be that close to you." Aaron howled with laughter.

Kayla continued to sit pensively. She knew there was no way that Timothy would actually want to date her, so naturally he had an ulterior motive. Since she knew that he could never really like her, she felt safe in accepting his invitation to view a movie with him. It could be quite enjoyable and Kayla would get him to pay. Still, she would be on her guard, anything could happen with a boy like Timothy.
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This is the very first time I've ever written a story where I've used the names of friends. Generally I avoid my friend's names, otherwise I just picture my character as my friend. Anyway, the first time I use my friend's names and I make two of my friends possible "love interests" x]