Holding Back a Wallflower

embracing my inner geek

According to my Mother and stepfather, I was a pretty happy baby. I didn’t cry too much, I slept almost for full nights before I was one, and I could keep myself occupied for hours just by babbling away.

At the time, we lived in a two story house in Bohemia, a small little town not too far from Oakdale, New York. At the time, it was me, my parents, my stepbrother every other weekend, and my grandmother and her roommate in the apartment upstairs.

After I’d learned to talk and walk, I used to run up to the apartment and stay up there with my grandmother. Usually, I would run over and grab a book from her giant shelf, and hand it to her or her roommate to read to me. They’d place me on their lap and tell me stories the children’s books had embedded into them. After one was done, I’d run over and grab another, yearning for just more and more.

My grandmother doesn’t live with us anymore, and her roommate is long gone, but my passion for the books still lives on, even if for some of them I’m just a little too old for.