
Inter-House Mingling & Potions x14x

The next morning, I woke up in a crowded room filled with third years that I didn't really know and felt confused for a moment. Then I remembered that I was at Hogwarts, England, three musketeers, the talk. At first it seemed hazy so I found myself hoping it was a dream. One look at the end of my bedpost took care of that fantasy, there was my white bikini looking the faintest bit wet.

I got up glumly and put on my Beauxbatons robes then went into the Ravenclaw common room. A huddle of Beauxbatons girls were huddled around a list on the bulletin board so I walked through them to get the list, greeting them as I went past.

It was the list for classes. Instead of putting all of the students in one class, they divided us and the Durmstrang students up into the different houses.

They divided us up pretty evenly, each of the carriages being divided into the houses, one person for each house. Because of that, I was in "Gryffindor", Gabrielle was in "Ravenclaw", Isabella was in "Slytherin", and Lauren was in "Hufflepuff". We were with our year students so I was disappointed that no other people in Beauxbatons was in "Gryffindor fourth year" classes.

The Durmstrang students were apparently divided the same way we were, but by rooms in their ship. We were placed in all of our classes we took back home, so I smiled as I received my schedule. Potions was first and I had it with Isabella. Back home, our Potions teacher was so fun and I hoped Hogwarts potions professor would be the same.

I linked arms with Isabella, "Come on!"

"Kay, just wait a second, I have to get my stuff." She said, before running up to the dorm and returning with a bag.

We walked to Potions with a bounce in our step until we got there. It was clear this would be nothing like back home. The room was dark and in the dungeons and had an overall dark look to it. The teacher at the board had greasy black hair and gave us a glare as we walked into the room. He looked us over in distaste and asked with a sour expression, "Congratulations," he said in a voice that was so flat that it was clear it wasn't congratulations at all, "Its inter-house mingling day. What house are you two in?"

The students sitting down all looked at us with interest.

I was still pretty surprised so Isabella spoke up, "I'm with Slytherin and Serena's with Gryffindor."

He ignored me. He spoke to her instead, "She can sit with Paik, and you can sit with," he looked around the front for an empty Gryffindor and his eyes laid on little chubby boy with brown hair. He pursed his lips in disapproval and said, "Longbottom. I hope you are seven times better at potions than he is because otherwise you won't manage an F."

The boy he was talking about turned red and slumped down in his seat. Isabella ignored this and went to sit with the unfortunate boy. As she passed Ri, I caught Ri's eye and waved at her. She had luckily gotten the Durmstrang student but gave me a sad expression and, making a motion to indicate my partner, mouthed 'Good Luck.'

I followed her motion and began walking over, inspecting him. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. He leered at me as I walked past and I instantly wished my skirt was longer. However, I gave him a weak smile as I put down my bag and sat on the left side of the bench. "Serena," I introduced myself politely, holding out my hand. He gave a wide grin and grabbed my hand with a grubby paw, "Eustis."

I tried to pull away my hand after he shook it but he held on tight. Finally I jerked it away. I noticed that a few people around me gave me sympathetic looks. I bit my lip and hoped that this would be a quick and easy potion. I looked at the board and concentrated.

"Professor Snape" was turning over a board and explaining we had until the end of class to finish the Maxius Potion which made people who touched it break out in boils.

At first, it worked out well. Eustis Paik seemed to have a knack for potions. At least, he went and got the ingredients; I prepared them, and he stirred the cauldron and added them. Then after adding toadstools, he leaned over me to grab a few ingredients, and I felt a hairy knee against mine. I scooted over on the bench a bit and proceeded to puree a few hyena hairs with essence of boggart.

He sat down and added the potions, but then a few seconds later, I felt something stroking my knee. I grew rigid and looked under the table. It was a hand. I straightened up and looked at Paik, he had a dumb grin on his face. I smacked his hand and moved to the left. He moved to the left and began stroking my knee again. I moved toward the edge, and he followed. I was smashing some reeds so I began moving that over and began inching toward the left, trying not to pay attention to my discomfort. I put all my concentration into the smashing of the reeds and kept inching to the left.

I took a large inch to the left and found myself tottering and falling to the ground. I rearranged my skirt and robes and brushed myself off. I looked up to see an indifferent face looking down from the end of his crooked nose. The professor asked without really caring, "Is there a problem?"

A little pug faced girl was snickering from the desk in front and I picked myself up with dignity, "Not at all professor."

He looked at me with doubt and said, "Detention for disrupting class."

When I turned back around to my seat, I saw someone I hadn't seen in class talking to Paik. Draco was talking to him but when he saw me, he slipped back into his own seat.

I didn't look at him when I slipped in next to Paik, leaving a large space between us. The rest of class, he didn't try anything and didn't talk to me at all, but he had a sulky expression on his face. We finished our potion and turned it into Professor Snape who looked said it was too dark.

Then I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom. I waited by the door for Isabella or Ri. A few of the Slytherin students snickered as they saw me, but most of the Gryffindors especially the girls threw me understanding looks. Isabella walked out talking to her Potions partner and threw me a smile. So I waited for Ri to come out.