
Half-Kitchens & Land Sightings x09x

I woke up in a richly decorated carriage. The interiors were much bigger than ones that took us to Beauxbatons from the stop, but they looked about the same from the outside. The interior had the main part of the carriage, which was seats and an empty area to just lay around on pillows, like the one to Beauxbatons. However, the rest of the carriage consisted of the bed room and the half-kitchen. Two bunk beds in the bedroom both carried two queen sized beds with one fluffy pillows provided by the school as well as three pillows each from Gabby’s collection. Other pillows littered the floor in the main carriage.

The kitchen was mainly a counter which had a fridge, sink, and a cropping of the counter which came out. Clustered around the cropping were four stools and two girls. The third of them was at the fridge, examining its contents. Of course Hogwarts would provide our food once we were there, but the ride there took 19 hours and we needed food during then.

I looked up at the clock hanging in between the bunk beds. It was just about 8:47 AM. Rolling out of bed, I managed to tangle my bed sheets around me even more and landed on the floor with a thud.

That got everyone’s attention. The black haired girl at the fridge took no notice of me and continued moving stuff around in the fridge. The two blondes sitting at the counter whipped there heads at me, and smiled. Although they had the same hair color, the two couldn’t look more different. The one on the left was none other than Gabrielle Delacour, who was so very little and with such light hair she looked more like a 2nd year rather than a 4th year.

Well anyways, the one on the right was two years older than us and was a tumbler rather than a dancer like the rest of us. Her name was Lauren Escarole.

The black haired one at the fridge’s name was Isabella Pirandello and was the tannest of us all. She was also from Italy so her French was not perfect and she often got it mixed up with Italian.

I rolled around trying to break free of my bed sheets, but finally ended up in rolling toward one of the tables and trying to grab my wand.

Lauren laughed and asked with a twinkle in her pink contacted eyes, “Having some troubles, Serena?”

“Ah, shut up,” I said back in a good-natured, but grumpy, since I got up, way.

Gabby just grabbed her own wand and said the spell that I would have said myself once I had my wand, “Releshio.” She said pointing it at me.

“Thanks,” I said when the sheets released me from their hold.

While I had been trapped, Isabella had been looking in fridge. Once I was free, she announced in a loud important voice that, “Girls, we simply have nothing to eat!” She sighed and collapsed on a stool. Suddenly the clock struck 9:00 AM and food filled up the counter. I gasped, my eyes growing wide as the counter filled up with delicious delicacies such as toast and jam! Well, they weren’t quite delicacies but they smelled delicious enough

I walked over and sat down on the empty stool at once. I scooped a few pieces of French toast and some fruit on my plate and began eating. The others followed suit.

Finally finished with the meal, I accioed a set of my uniform robes and called in a very large voice, “I call first bath!”


Once everyone had finished their baths and breakfast, we lounged around, gazing out of the window to the clouds. The time passed slowly as we played muggle board games, had competitions with our wands, ate lunch, and talked.

But somehow, it was already around 4:00 PM when I was sitting on the window side, looking out the window. I gaped, open mouthed, and as we scooped out of the clouds, the rolling green countryside became visible. I finally understood why it felt like the carriage was not moving. We were idling along, as if going by a train.

“Land, ho!” I called out in English to the others. By this time since we were going to England, everyone had studied English and was somewhat fluent.

“Who you calling a ho?” answered Gabby in French, her eyebrows raised.

I answer with (If I do say so myself) an amazing Jamaican accent, “WHO DA HO?!? Why YOU da ho!” I said snapping my finger at no one in particular.

Isabella passed by me at the precise moment I had said that so she gasped and twirled her finger at Gabby said, “No you da ho!”

“No, YOU say ho, so you ARE da ho!” Gabby said to me snapping her finger.

“No, YOU da ho!” I snapped straight back as I thought for a minute and replied, “No wait, you ALL is da ho.”

“Isdaho?” Lauren asked, looking up from her book at her place at the counter. She had only taken notice at our little match as our voices had been increasing. Lauren looked at her book on America and squinted at her map. She then called back to us with a triumphant voice pronouncing each consonant so we would understand her, “You mean, I DA HO.”

“YOU DA HO!” Isabella, Gabby, and I yelled in unison, victorious at ending the ho match and agreeing on who was the ho, snapping our fingers at a befuddled Lauren.

By then of course we had promptly forgotten what had impelled this yelling match until Isabella cried out, “Oh look!” gasped at the beautiful green below us. It was becoming twilight and the forage below looked even more gorgeous because of it. I think most of us preferred France actually, but it was just different from what we were used to that we couldn’t help but gasp.

Suddenly a beautiful stone chateau came into view and Isabella cried out, “That looks like an exact replica of our chateau in Monaco!”

As we began to fly lower we all cooed about how cute it was and how it might be like Beauxbatons. At least Isabella and Lauren chatted away about how cute it was and how it did look almost exactly like Isabella’s Monaco chateau and Gabby and I wondered what it would be like and that it might be like Beauxbatons.

Suddenly we began to land and we all were thrown back in the sudden change of smoothness. And just as it had begun, we could then feel the tapping of the winged horses hooves on the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠
Almost at Hogwarts!
