The Da Vinci Term

PROLOGUE: A New Beginning

"What would you do if we behaved as badly?" the girls asked, quietly, and he saw they knew what had taken place in the Common Room earlier.

"Do?" He drew himself up. "Please, girls, do not be absurd,“ he said, trying to buy as much time as possible.

“We asked you a question, Monsieur! Do us the courtesy of an answer!" The girls were addressing him as if he were a naughty boy! This was outrageous, he thought. And yet, his anger seemed unable to surface and he shuffled his feet in an agony of embarrassment.

What on earth was going on here?

He had the terrible feeling that he already knew. Raising his chin, stiffening his back further he asserted his masculinity: "I would cane you girls, as you well know!" He screamed.

"Then we will accept nothing less, Monsieur, and we will deliver the strokes ourselves! A dozen of the best, we should more than you gave us before, and we shall call the matter done." Said the girls, their eyes as cold as the chilly winter outside.

He gaped at them. "You cannot be serious!"

“We are utterly serious, Monsieur. It is high time you realised your errors and became a working member of this House again instead of an occasional guest. You are self-indulgent - you are, in a word, naughty."

He found himself actually cowed by their words, and suddenly possessed of an intense desire to make things right, to please them. "Yes, Ladies," he heard himself saying, while thinking… No, no, this is absurd, I am a man, I am the House Master!

"Go to the chair, Monsieur, and let us have a bare bottom," said the girls. He moved as if propelled by an unseen hand, in a daze or dream, unable to believe this was happening. His loins stirred at the thought of baring himself to the girls and saw them push their sleeves up past their elbow, all business...

“One, two…” The girls said and he closed his eyes as they swung the cane high in the air…


Gerard awoke slowly. The alarm clock was ringing in the darkness- a tiny, familiar ring. He fumbled for the alarm clock and turned it off. Squinting at his surroundings, he saw that he was in his room- IKEA modern furniture, hand- frescoed wall, and a colossal mahogany four-poster bed.

Oh, that was a nightmare.

Dazed, Gerard looked at the bedside clock. It was 6.30 am, he had been asleep all night, but he felt like the dead- he was tired and not in the mood to start his Monday. It was yet again, another new semester at King Edward School.

Sitting up now, Gerard frowned at the bedside. He turned and gazed tiredly into the full-length mirror across the room. The man staring back at him was a stranger- tousled newly colored black hair and weary expression spread across his boyish face.

“It’s the end of your vacation, Gerard,” he told himself and slid off the bed. His toes sink deep into the savonnerie carpet. He took a bathrobe and dragged his feet to the bathroom. He entered, closing the door behind him and turned the shower knob. The cold water hits his warm body and he shivered, both from the coldness of the water and the tiled floor under his feet. He shakily steadied himself to his feet while grabbing a baby blue sponge and poured a handful of Dior Homme shower gel onto it before scrubbing it on his body. He checked his reflection in the bathroom mirror, grinned cheekily while flexing his muscles. He wasn’t a vain man but he had much to be vain about- his body was strong and perfectly toned. His legs were muscular, not from hours spent at the gym but from jumping and kicking while singing onstage. At 5’9”, he wasn’t a very tall man, but he was tall enough to make the girls at House Of Wolves feel safe when he stood protectively beside them. Most of all, the girls loved that when he hugged each of them, their heads would rest neatly just under his chin, where they could feel his breath lightly blowing their hair.

“We love you House Master Way,” said the girls during their Christmas party last semester.

He smiled to himself, thinking about the memories he had with the girls. There were many joy and sad moments that he wouldn’t trade for anything else in the world.

After he finished showering, he walked back to his bedroom and dressed in the 3-piece teachers’ uniform. He admired himself in the mirror. There were far more important things to worry about right now than irrelevant little details like how he looked. He combed his hair neatly, just in time when a heavy fist pounded on his front door.

“Mr. Way? They are here,” the girl’s voice was polite. Gerard took off the security chain from its place, opened the door and found three faces staring back at him.

“We are waiting for you, sir,” Blue said.

“Now?” Gerard asked, adjusting his shirt sleeves.

The three girls nodded- they were the new elected House Captains- Blue, Nita and Maegan.

“ I trust nothing is wrong?” Gerard asked, winking.

“No, sir. Everything’s under control,” Maegan said and the girls escorted the House Master to the Common Room where the new batch of Wolvers were waiting. Gerard stared at the girls in front of him, seeing the new girls’ nervous smiles and the knowing look on the older Wolvers- the image was strange, bringing with it an unsettling sense of déjà vu. A little over a semester ago, he had took 30 girls into the House Of Wolves and he was doing it again this time. The girls- nation’s top scholars, and/or daughters to who’s who were sent into his care by their aristocratic parents/scholarship provider who can afford 20 grand per semester for tuition fees. This time, Gerard had promised himself that each one of the Wolvers are going to graduate from King Edward School with every essence of an educated young ladies.


House Master Way- A new look for a new year, all ready to 'educate' the Wolvers... *salutes* Bring out the cane, sir! We've been very very naughty~ ::naughty: