Status: Complete.

I Wasn't Asking for the World

Peter to the rescue?

Gerard woke from his slumber to an insistent buzzing sound and three loud knocks. He groaned, opened his eyes and looked around his room blearily. The events of the day before unfolded inside his head and he hastily stood and grabbed his cell phone off of the bedside cabinet and reading the caller display. It was Bob.

His stomach swooped with slight dread but he answered anyway, just to see if his suspicion was right. "Hello?" he said as he left his room to sort out the knocking.

"Gerard I-" Bob said on the other end a little harshly, making Gerard cringe.

"Oh uh Bob," Gerard cut in, "right now isn't a good time, there's someone at the door, I'll call you back later," Gerard said hastily hanging up and turning off his phone. He thought he was going to have enough guts to let Bob speak to him but he had chickened out. He eventually reached the front door and opened it to Peter standing with his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"Gerard, it's noon. You look like you just woke up," Peter said as Gerard let him into the apartment.

"That's because I did. I couldn't get to sleep for a while after I phoned you." Gerard explained. Peter nodded as he looked around at the walls of the hallway. even though it had been a couple of years since Mikey had moved in with Gerard, Peter had still never been to the apartment before.

Gerard closed the door and started making his way into the living room. Upon entering it he saw Mikey standing in the kitchen making coffee for himself. Gerard smiled slightly to himself and looked at Peter.

Peter didn't pay any attention to Gerard and just focused on Mikey with half of a sad smile on his face. He wondered why he had let it come to this once again, hadn't he protested against Frank from the start? Hadn't he known this would end up in Mikey getting hurt? He knew why. He just wanted to see Mikey happy for once, even if it hadn't been forever like he had hoped it would be.

"Hey Mikey," Peter said making Mikey quickly spin around on the spot. He looked from Peter to Gerard and back again then frowned.

"What are you doing here?" he signed to Peter. Strangely, instead of being angry or mad at Gerard for getting someone else involved, like he wanted to be, he felt comforted. Peter was familiar in this situation and he was just glad he didn't need to write everything down all the time.

"Gerard told me that you were home from university and I just came to see how you were doing. It seems like years since I last saw you," Peter signed back to Mikey. By that act alone, Mikey knew Peter wasn't there just to see him. He was there to fix things, or at least try.

"It has been years," Mikey said with a shadow of a smile on his face. Peter smiled, fuller and brighter, just glad that Mikey wasn't just out right rejecting his attempt to help.

Gerard watched on bewildered and a little confused. He didn't really like that he didn't know what was going on but he was willing to take it to help Mikey, for now at least.

"Uh, Mikey why don't you sit and catch up with Peter and I'll make us all some coffee?" Gerard asked, hoping that they weren't right in the middle of a conversation and that he wasn't interrupting. Mikey shifted his gaze from Peter to Gerard, as if just noticing that he was still there, and gave a small nod, walking forward and into the living room. Gerard crossed over to the kitchen giving Mikey's shoulder a small pat as they passed.

Gerard pottered around the kitchen, making some sandwiches as well, since it was the afternoon and he was hungry. He kept looking into the living room every few minutes, making sure that they were communicating since he couldn't hear anything. They were.

Once he'd made his food and the drinks he transferred it all to the living room and on to the coffee table and sat down on the chair that was off to the side of the couch and ate and drank in silence, watching Peter and Mikey even though he couldn't understand what exactly they were talking about.

Mikey was glad that Gerard couldn't understand what was being said as it made the conversation a little more private. He wished he could have had the conversation with Gerard rather than Peter but that wasn't possible so he just had to settle with what he had.

Eventually Gerard got fed up and went through to the kitchen again and cleaned up as much as he could. It was going to be a long day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Internet's back just this morning and this is the first thing I'm doing on it.

I'm not at school today because it was the Fall Out Boy concert last night and I'm a bit rough this morning. It was absolutely amazing though. seriously all the bands were awesome. I didn't know You me at six was going to be playing but I was so glad they did. And boys like girls were excellent too.

I know this isn't exactly good but it will get better. I'll post another one tonight and then another two tomorrow. That should give you enough I should think.

Thanks for sticking with this and me. =]