Status: Complete.

I Wasn't Asking for the World

Bob to the rescue?

Gerard had left Mikey in his room to calm down and cool off and collect his thoughts, managing to handle the situation how he was supposed to with Mikey. He snuck in to Mikey's room leaving some food and a drink for him, while he was sleeping, in case he got hungry.

He hadn't phoned Peter to ask what had annoyed him so much that he just left, in the fear of switching on his cell phone or the house phone to be bombarded with very angry phone calls. All Gerard could do was wonder what the worst thing that could have happened would be.

He tried to distract himself with watching the television but his mind kept wandering against his will. He'd rather he couldn't think at all. It wouldn't be quite as stressful and maybe he'd even be able to get some sleep.

He was flicking through the television channels when there were three knocks on the door. Recognising the same knocks of that morning he shot up from his seat, hoping for some sort of explanation.

He was very disappointed and pained when he opened the door to Bob. He really should have seen it coming. Bob wouldn't just sit around waiting for him to turn his phones back on. He wanted to act and possibly punch something. Probably Gerard's face.

The look on Bob's face told Gerard everything he wanted to know. That he indeed did want to murder Gerard right there and then. Gerard hadn't known Bob all that long, but he knew that he certainly wasn't someone to be messed with.

"Can you at least keep your voice down as you shout at me? Mikey's asleep," Gerard asked in a whisper as he opened the door to let Bob past.

Bob froze on his way inside and stared at Gerard a frown. "Mikey's here? I thought he was in the middle of a semester at university?"

"Uh. He dropped out," Gerard said as he closed the door, desperate not to look Bob in the eye as he shuffled past him and into the living room.

"You've got to be shitting me. He dropped out?" Bob said. Gerard gave a short nod as he sat down on the couch, his back poker straight ready for anything Bob through at him, literally or otherwise.

"Why?" Bob asked although it was more like a demand.

"Why do you think?" Gerard asked, still refusing to look Bob in the eye even though he was right in front of him now, staring down at him.

"You make me sick. How can you do that to that poor boy? He trusts you. He worships the ground you walk on. How can you live with yourself?" Bob demanded once again.

Gerard just sat there and hung his head, trying to ignore the surge of guilt that shot through him. Bob stared at him and shook his head, clenching his hands into fists wishing he could hit him. He wouldn't though. He had to control himself.

"Do you even realise what you have done to him? To both of them? Frank's in bits too. They were good for each other they belonged together. You weren't even around for much more than a year and you ruined them." Bob said. Gerard continued to say nothing.

"Mikey certainly doesn't deserve this. What has he said to you about Frank? Why does he think he broke up with him?" Bob asked through gritted teeth still trying to control his temper. If Gerard would just stand up and take it like a man maybe it would be easier, but the way he was acting right now was making Bob even more furious.

"He doesn't know. Frank hasn't told him anything, just said that it was the distance thing and that it wasn't Mikey's fault," Gerard mumbled.

"And you haven't even owned up to him about it? You haven't even had enough guts to face Frank or me so of course you haven't had enough guts to own up to something as bad as this. I said it before, and I'll say it again. You make me sick!" Bob said.

He continued to stand in front of Gerard, waiting for some sort of reaction, but got nothing. He eventually snapped, grabbed Gerard by the front of his shirt and took a swing at him, punching him in the mouth.

"You're pathetic!" Bob said as Gerard took the punch and didn't even say anything. Bob walked away and out of the room before going calmly to Mikey's room.

"He wont talk to you," Gerard said as he gingerly touched his bleeding lip, making it sting. It wasn't even half of the pain that he deserved. He was sure Bob thought so too.

"Oh yeah? Why not?" Bob said, softly in case Mikey was awake and could hear him.

"Because he's gone back to sign language. He wont talk to anyone," Gerard said. Bob could have marched right back into the living room and hit him again but he didn't. He controlled himself and took a deep breath trying to stop from shaking in rage.

"Fucking brilliant," he mumbled before putting his hand on the doorknob. "Oh and don't worry I'll keep your dirty little secret. Not for your sake but for Frank and Mikey's. I might be able to salvage some of this." He tried to control the obvious anger that was showing on his face and entered Mikey's bedroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh god.

Ever so sorry, really I am. Everything just got away from me. Seriously even though I've just had two weeks holiday for Christmas I just never found the time.

I got a new job, my first job, at Tesco's I can't remember what it's called anywhere else but I'm sure you've probably heard of it somewhere, somehow. Anyway a new store opened, I got a job and I now practically live there and between that and school i barely have time to breathe.

I'm gonna try and keep my Saturdays free from now on to do school work and write this. I got a chapter written tonight for the first time in about 4 months? Maybe not as long as that. Anyway, coming back with fresh eyes has kind of helped it's brought some new ideas, good ones too, good twists.

I knew from the beginning it wasn't going to be easy and it would take a while but I will get this done soon. I promised.

Thanks if you stuck with it. it means the most to me, really it does. thankyou. xo