Status: Complete.

I Wasn't Asking for the World

Cat's out of the bag.

Bob sighed as he turned over in the unfamiliar smelling bed, having realised quickly enough that it was Mikey's. He opened his eyes, seeing Mikey fast asleep with his mouth hanging open slightly, his breath coming out in a short and relaxed pace.

Bob blinked a couple of times before rolling back over and out of the double bed, planting his feet firmly on the floor and picking up his jeans to pull them on. He got up and stumbled his way out of the room and into the living room, from which he could see Gerard making himself a cup of coffee in the adjoined kitchen.

Gerard heard Bob shuffle through and bit down on the inside of his cheek. He didn't want another confrontation no matter how much he deserved it. To be honest he didn't really understand how Bob even found out in the first place. He didn't want a single soul to find out what he had done and he would have thought Frank would have wanted the same. Thing was, he was too scared to call Frank and ask him what he was thinking.

"Uh. Did you sleep okay?" Gerard asked, pushing everything to the back of his mind, behind that imaginary bolted door, so he didn't have to think about it anymore.

Bob ignored him and walked into the kitchen, finding his own cup and pouring his own coffee. He wasn't going to waste his breath on someone that would break Mikey down into the person he was right now.

"Bob I-" Gerard began but Bob was already walking away from him. He sat down on the couch in the living room and Gerard sighed before following him.

"Did Frank tell you everything?" Gerard said in a hushed voice as he sat down next to Bob, not getting the hint that Bob was ignoring him for his own good.

"Look Gerard, if you stay out of my way I'll stay out of yours. I'm here for Mikey, no one else." Bob said.

Gerard stared at him for a moment before nodding and getting up again to sit at the kitchen counter top instead. He was never going to get into his good books again, he knew that, but he thought they could come to some sot of understanding. Although if the situation was reversed Gerard wouldn't be able to forgive Bob. He can't even forgive himself. He wouldn't be able to understand if anyone actually did.

"I just don't understand how you could do that," Bob blurted out randomly making Gerard jump and look up from where he had been staring at the counter top.

"That's the only thing you don't understand?" Gerard asked

Bob turned to face him quickly, "Are you calling me thick?" he asked.

"No. I'm being serious. That's the only part of it that you don't understand?" Gerard said with a small frown.

"Is there any other part to it? I mean how could you break your brothers heart like that? Intentionally?" Bob said, his voice changing from angry to confused and a little hurt. He had trusted Gerard too. Trusted him not to hurt Mikey. It was quite obvious now that he misplaced that trust. Too bad it was too late to do anything about it.

"But Mikey doesn't even know and I don't plan on him ever finding out. It won't have a chance to break his heart," Gerard said.

"You don't think that Frank breaking up with him broke his heart enough? And you seriously don't think that Mikey wont find out that you had an affair with his boyfriend?" Bob asked with raised eyebrows, surprised at the way Gerard was acting.

Gerard frowned. Had an affair with Frank? This was news to him and he was sure he would have remembered something like that. He was about to question Bob when he noticed Mikey in the doorway.

"You what?" Mikey said softly, directly to Gerard. Bob's head swivelled round then back to Gerard again, biting his lip as he did so. He really wasn't expecting or wanting that to happen. His big mouth had just spilled everything.

Once word ran through Gerard and Bob's minds. Shit!
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm disappointed in you all.

You all thought I'd be that predictable? Seriously?

In case you didn't pick it up, Gerard didn't have an affair with Frank!That's not what happened!
I was going to go down that route but it was never good enough for me. My new idea is slightly better.

The secrets aren't kept secrets for long in this story huh? I think it might be because I want to get on with other stories instead.

Anyway, comments and stuff? Maybe?
p.s. I was going to have a bokey [Bob/Mikey] romance but I changed my mind with that too. It would just complicate things.