Pink dresses and tiaras aren't all there is in being a princess.

The Nightmare.

I went down stairs to find Maddy and her werewolf on the couch watching 'The Exorcist.' I silently went in and sat beside Maddy.

I fell asleep on her shoulder.

I was vaguely aware of my sisters voice as i slipped deeper into unconsciousness.

"Kevin could you carry Nikki up to her room and get her Vampires to put her to bed?"


I felt strong arms wind around my waist and my legs. I also felt the swaying of movement as we ascended the stairs. Kevin kicked the door lightly and i heard someone fall off the couch with a thud and a muttered curse. After about 20 seconds someone opened the door.

"Madison said to give her to you to put to bed."

I guess he nodded because i didn't hear a reply and Kevin started passing me to him.

He got me in his arms and walked into my walk-in closet.

He set me on my feet but held me close to his side as he got my PJ's out. I felt him undo my jeans and slide them down with his foot. Next was my shirt going over my head. I'll have to remember to tell Steph about this, because it was hot with double T's.

After he finished dressing me he carried me over to the bed and put me in next to the little girl. She snuggled into my side unconsciously and sighed.

I felt him leave the side of the bed and i heard the couch creek while his weight was distributed along the worn out cushions.

After that i drifted into my restless slumber.

I was running through my owners huge house looking for my mother. I was five.

"Mommy! Where are you?!" No reply.

I ran into the bedroom meant for the slaves. She wasn't there. I asked one of the maids and she said that the master took her down to the dungeons and that i shouldn't disturb them. I didn't care. I ran down to the basement screaming for my mother. I just couldn't shake the feeling that
something just wasn't right. I needed her to confirm everything was okay. I ran into the stone hallway of the dungeon just in time to hear my others screams of terror. Horror washed over me like a title wave. I ran down the hallway to the very last stall to see my master, the one i loved, standing over my mothers lifeless body. Her blood stained the walls, his clothes, and his fangs.

"What did you do?" I gasped.

"She deserved it. She was stealing things and trying to get away with it." No. That wasn't right.
I was taking things. It wasme who should be lying in my mother place.

It was all my fault.

I jolted upright in my bed, my head, pillow, and clothes damp with sweat. The boy was leaning over me, a concerned expression on his face. I looked down to where i felt someones little hands clutching my arm. It was the little girl.

"Nicole, are you okay?" She asked in her cherubic voice.

"Uh....yeah. It was just a nightmare."

"Are you sure? You were screaming and kicking. You woke up your sister and Kevin." I looked over to see Madison coming through the open door with Kevin not far behind.

"Nikki? Oh my god. Did you have the dream again?"

I nodded. She came over and gathered me into her arms. My own arms winding around her and clutching her close just like i did with my mother just a few years before.

"Its okay. Its just a dream."

But that was it. It wasn't just a dream.

It was the last memory I had of my mother.
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Oooooo, creepy.....