You Never Believed In Us.


A tear streaked down my face as I read the end of the letter. I placed it on the nightstand beside me. I crawled into bed and hugged my pillow, squeezing it like it was the hurt inside me.

“At night I will go,
Because it's not easy for me.
When I feel the bed cold and empty again
And your voice is like an echo,” I whispered, remembering the lyrics.

I woke up, yawning. I opened my eyes and noticed the bed was empty and cold. I felt a wave of rejection wash over me as I looked around the room. I looked over to the door and saw him standing there, holding two coffees. I smiled at him as he walked towards me, handing me a cup. He smiled at me as I drank some coffee, taking in the previous night.

I turned over, running my hands across the empty sheets as my tears brimmed over.

“A new day
You won't know
I look towards the heavens and ask why
There's no point in regrets
Again I walk to nowhere.”

I leaned over the balcony and watched the sunrise. I could see the rays of light hit the clouds and bounce to the sky. I felt him wrap his arms around me. I smiled as I pictured the rest of our life together.

I cried out in sorrow.

“Words, word that still hurt
Words said too easily
In the late mornings.

Words, words that still hurt
Words said too easily
Can there still be something between us?
They're just illusions.”

We moved as one, melting together, lost in the music.

I looked into his eyes and smiled, cheeks tinged by love. He smiled and held me tight, promising he would never let me go.

I shook my head and gripped the pillow tighter, spilling my heart out.

“At night I will go
It's hard but I will try
I want somehow in my mind to wipe
The words I don't believe anymore.”

It wasn’t fair.

I got up off my bed, still crying and looked at his side of the bed. I walked over to the closet and ran my hands over my clothes. My eyes welled up more.

I walked slowly to the hallway, taking in every inch, every memory, ever word.

“Inside me there is a hard fight
To not look back
And my arms are wide open
I let myself be carried away by the wind in the night.”

I pressed my back against the wall and slid down, weeping loudly. He left me. For nothing. I remember the first time he kissed me, the first time he said he loved me. It was all just talk. I cried harder at my thoughts.

“Words, word that still hurt
Words said too easily
In the late mornings

Words, words that still hurt
Words said too easily
Is it possible to still be something between us
They're just illusions.”

“Why?” I cried, clutching my sides. My throat tightened as I whispered the words.

“Words, word that still hurt
Words said too easily
In the late mornings,” I began to choke out in a tune.

“Words, words that still hurt
Words said too easily
Is it possible to still be something between us
They're just illusions,” my voice shook as I felt my heart break. I remembered the last words of the letter.

I’m sorry. It’s just something I have to do. Besides, you never believed in me, in us.

I wailed louder, clutching my legs tighter to my body, shaking with sobs.