A Deal With Death

Chapter Eleven

Even though Caleb didn’t turn up on my list that night I thought I would go and visit him anyway.

It wasn’t the best idea as he jumped up in surprise when he saw me.

“I wasn’t doing anything” he looked scared for some reason.

“I know I’m just checking up on you” I replied and sat on his bed as he sat in his desk chair.

“Oh” he looked relieved and then happy.

“Can you do this more often?” he asked a smile stretching across his face,

“I’ll try, can’t promise anything though can’t have you getting attached to me, now can I?” I smiled in return.

“Too late” he mumbled turning back to what he was doing.

That’s when I noticed the drawings on his wall.

They were all of a hooded figure.

One of them was different though, one of them had eyes and they were coloured.

Blue eyes peeked out from under the hood, two little blue eyes in an abyss of darkness.

“They’re all of me,” I gasped putting my hand over my mouth looking at them all.

“That’s why I said ‘too late’” by the look on his face he knew that it wasn’t good.

I turned around the room looking at more drawings of me and then I noticed one different.

There were four pictures that weren’t of my hooded self.

There was a girl lying in the grass and sitting with her back against the tree, two of each.

They were of me too, just not my hooded me.

“That’s Airlea” he came up behind me whispering for some reason.

I traced my fingers along the edges.

The girl sitting against the tree looked so beautiful and sad.

I didn’t think I looked like this in any way.

Her eyes stood out like a beacon of sadness, like his did.

I was stunned that this was how he saw me.

I always thought I looked pretty happy and average at the least, not beautiful but sad.

“It’s beautiful” I complimented not being able to tear my eyes away from the pictures.

“She’s more beautiful than I can draw her but not as beautiful as you”

His head was right where my ear was under the hood.

“Caleb you don’t know me you shouldn’t be saying those things, kept to what you know”

I walked around him and to the other side of the room.

“I don’t want to” he shook his head walking towards me again.

“Caleb listen to me, I’m here to stop you killing yourself and that’s all, nothing more nothing less,” I sounded really grumpy now.

“Then why are you here now?” he asked a small smirk on his lips as he got closer.

I didn’t have a good answer for him really I shouldn’t be here.

“I have to go Caleb I hope I don’t see you too soon,” I said as I disappeared to my park.

I knew that what I had said to him was probably going to make him do something stupid again.

Then I thought that maybe I could keep him happier as me, Airlea, the girl he drew outside school.

In the morning at around ten I decided I would go around to his house this time.

When I got there I knocked at his door.

I stood there for a while, I knew someone was home so I knocked again.

After ten minutes of waiting the door was finally opened.

“Finally” I grinned at him seeing as he had just woken up.

“What are you doing here?” he asked rubbing his eyes.

“Came to see you what else?” I asked as if it was obvious and then just stood at the door rocking backwards and forwards on my feet.

“Come in” he sighed “I’ll go get decent” he called as he ran up the stairs.

I didn’t really notice that he wasn’t wearing anything more than his boxes.

Not to sound like a pervert or anything but he had a nice body!

I didn’t really think about it before, don’t know why I would have either.

His chest was toned and you could see small outlines of his abs.

His arms and legs had muscle on them and his skin was a light olive colour.

I had to mentally slap myself to stop thinking about it and then I lay down on his couch.

“Make yourself right at home” he laughed and then came and sat on my stomach.

“I don’t remember this seat being so lumpy, it’s rather uncomfortable. It feels like it has ribs,”

And then he started poking said ribs, it was actually pretty sore too and it tickled.

I started laughing and trying to swat his hands away.

“Ticklish are we?” he asked and then moved so he was straddling me and started tickling me more.

“Hey, stop it, stop it, stop it,” I laughed kicking my legs on the other side of the couch.

“I’m really glad you came over this is fun” he was smirking evilly down at me.

“You know what else is fun?” I asked and then grabbed his knee in a ‘horse’ grip.

He yelled in pain and then fell onto me catching himself with his free hand behind my head.

I let go as his face was hovering very close to my own.
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Won't be updating for a week, going on holiday but when i come back i will be straight away, and it would be great if there were lots of comments XD, juts saying.