A Deal With Death

Chapter Sixteen

Thursday morning I didn’t know whether to go to his house or to school.

I took the chance and went to school.

When he wasn’t there at lunch I decided I would go and visit him and take my last class off.

I found him in his kitchen, baking.

It was weird he was singing to himself while dancing around the kitchen stirring something in a bowl.

I stood in the doorway and coughed loudly.

He froze and turned towards me.

“Hi” I waved grinning like a maniac,

“Afternoon” he wasn’t tainted by my arrival, a smile still stretched across his face.

“This is weird” I looked around the kitchen warily as I put my books down.

“It’s relaxing,” he laughed spooning the mixture into a cake tin.

“You like baking cakes?” I asked sitting at his dinning room table.

“Cakes, slices, brownies, cookies, anything really” he shrugged his shoulder and then put the cake into the oven.

“That’s a bit different, but whatever floats your boat” I watched as he started cleaning up.

“Water floats my boat” he replied stealing a glance at me before stacking his dishwasher.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“So skipping class again are we? I’m a bad influence aren’t I?” he moved out of the kitchen wearing an apron covered in flour.

“Yes very bad influence” I agreed laughing again at his attire.

“I’m so glad that I could make you laugh so much again” he referred to the tickling incident about a week or more back.

“It’s great coming over here” I winked at him thinking about all the fun times we had had.

There were also sad times but I always tried to make them fun.

He pulled a chair out and sat across from me.

“So come here to make sure I’m okay hey?” he asked raising his eyebrows.

“Yes” I nodded my head once in agreement,

“I’m fine” he undid the apron and threw it on the table.

“Well it seems it now” I laughed,

He fell to his knees in front of my suddenly “Caleb what are you doing?”

I was surprise and confused at the sudden movement.

“Sh… just be quiet for a moment” he hushed me and then brought his head close to my chest.

He lay his ear over where my heart was and listened to it’s beat.

“Caleb?…” I whispered sitting perfectly still feeling my heart beating out of my chest.

“You sound just like her” he whispered in reply, there was a reason for that.

“Caleb what are you doing?” I asked him again bringing my hands to the side of his face and pulling him away from my heartbeat.

“The heart is a funny thing isn’t it?” his voice sounded as if he was dreaming.

“It’s just a muscle and yet so much more.

“It gives us feeling, love and hate, like and dislike.

“It remembers those we lose and those we have, it’s so much more than a muscle.”

He rambled on.

“Caleb you’ve lost me” I tried capturing his eyes but he was in another world far from my own.

“You have my heart but she owns it but doesn’t want it or can’t have it. She told me to give it to you and forget about her. She told me she would always be with me in here”

He held his own hand to his heart.

“You know Caleb I’m getting sick of hearing about her,” and I was.

I wish he would take my advice and just forget about Death’s Assistant.

If I could I would quit but I can’t and if he’s on my list I have to go.

No matter what promises he’s made me I know he’ll be back on my list soon.

“I’m sick of knowing that she consumes you and you can’t think past her, you don’t trust anyone but her. What happens if I was she? What would you do?”

I had no idea what I was saying; I knew he wouldn’t believe me.

“You could never be her,” he whispered throwing my world over board.

“Goodbye” is the last thing I said to him before storming out of his house and running as far as I could.

I ran and I ran I didn’t even know where I was going I was just running.

Death’s Assistant and I were the same person,

Having him say that I could never be me hurt more than it should.

He didn’t even know me, he didn’t even know her, and how dare he say that!

I dragged myself home not wanting to worry my mother; I was worrying her enough these days.

I threw myself on my bed and waited for my cloak and scroll to appear in my wardrobe like normal.

I threw them on and went to work.