A Deal With Death

Chapter Seventeen

Friday I went to school and avoided Caleb as much as possible.

I didn’t even know if he was at school or not, we didn’t really cross paths anyway.

I walked a different way home just encase he wanted to talk to me.

When I got home I locked myself in my room and kept my iPod in my ears, blasting them with music.

I couldn’t hear if someone knocked at the door, if the phone rang, nothing.

I isolated myself completely fearing if I saw or talked to Caleb I would cave.

Being with him made me feel wanted, happy and I like feeling like that.

If I saw him and he apologised I knew I would forgive him but he wouldn’t change.

He loved Death’s Assistant too much and he liked me too much too, he was torn.

Throughout the weekend I did the same.

He didn’t appear on my list once, which I thought was unusual especially after my episode.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday came and went and nothing.

On Tuesday I turned up by his window at about three in the morning just to make sure he wasn’t dead and that I was just missed out.

He was still there.

It seemed he hadn’t left his room thought, but he was still alive.

Thursday, Friday came and went as well and then the weekend followed.

I myself was becoming pretty depressed without him around.

I hung out with my other friends at lunch again, they were happy to welcome me back as I still talked with them in classes.

I missed Caleb a lot more than I thought I would have.

On Saturday I went for a walk just to think.

I may have been thinking but I wasn’t really thinking about where I was going.

My feet stopped me outside Caleb’s house, who would have thought?

I took a deep breath and then went up to his door and knocked a few times.

There was no answer and yet I knew he was home.

I sat on his doorstep continuously knocking for about an hour and still no one.

I got up defeated and walked home glum.

On Sunday I decided instead of knocking I would just leave him a letter.

‘Caleb I’m worried about you,

Are you okay? I’m sorry.

I’m sorry about what I said I miss you.

Please call me, come see me, let me know you’re alive,

You have a promise to keep.’

I didn’t sign my name he would know who it was.

That night I got an unwelcome surprise…