A Deal With Death

Chapter Eighteen

2:23 AM Monday morning.

Caleb Daniels

His name was on my list, again.

Sometimes with names on my list there will be a timer.

The timer signifies how long they have left.

Caleb’s read – 2:23

The exact time, which was freaky must I say.

He wasn’t in his bathroom for once but in his bed just lying there.

His room was a mess and his walls were bare.

His face was pale and his arms were red.

Instantly I grabbed the rest of his bandages and plasters and went to work.

“Stop it, it’s over” his voice was weak but it was still there.

“No Caleb you’re not doing this to me again, you are not!” I shouted at him restraining him and bandaging him.

I saw next to his bedside there was a bottle of pills, sleeping pills and it was empty.

“How many did you take?”


“Lots” he whispered closing his eyes

“Don’t you dare die on me!” I shouted


I dragged his body to the edge of his bed and tried to get his mouth open but he wouldn’t let me.


“Please Caleb” I begged trying to force his mouth open so I could stick my fingers down his throat.


“Caleb do it for me, do it for Airlea, you promised” I didn’t even care about separating the two now.


I ripped off my hood now I had just more than thirty seconds.

“Look at me”


I turned his head and his eyes went wide.


“Airlea?” he coughed out, I nodded my head.

He struggled against me and shoved his fingers down his throat himself.


Time was still counting down.

He threw up all over this floor; it was revolting.


I didn’t understand why it was still counting down.

I check his pulse “You’re still alive, your pulse it strong” I yelled at the list and then it stopped.


It was stopped with three seconds left.

He was still throwing up over the side of his bed, it was going to be hell to clean up.

Next second a tall dark figure appeared next to me.

“No!” I shouted at a man I hadn’t seen in a fair few months.

“Don’t worry Airlea I’m not here to take him just to see what’s happening” he rocked backwards and forwards innocently.

“It’s under control he’s not dying anymore and won’t be from now on” I looked at him evilly.

“I see your hood is off” he commented with raised eyebrows

“It was a dire situation” I replied watching Caleb unaware of us.

“I see it was…” he trailed off,

“Good work” he patted me on the shoulder fatherly.

“I’m proud of you” I turned and looked at him stunned, this was weird.

“None of the others have stuck with a suicide for months before having to stop them time and time again, they all just give up on them.” he explained.

He did have others, other people in the same position as me, but weaker it appeared.

“Ah thanks…”