A Deal With Death

Chapter Four

I continued with my life as normal.

Every week the same guy would turn up on my list twice.

It was always just as hard to talk him out of what he was doing.

Once I even had to leave him to go and save someone else quickly, they weren’t so difficult.

When I got back to him he was in the same state as I normally found him when I first turned up.

He was still as familiar as when I first saw him but I still couldn’t place him.

I didn’t know why either because he had the most amazing eyes that just sung out for help.

They were like a beckon.

His smile, when he did smile, which has been once, is positively startling.

I though he was familiar to me because he went to my school but no one there looked anything like him.

He had sea green eyes and black hair; his hair was straight and swiped over his left eye.

In the beginning of course I hated seeing him in the state I found him but quickly I became to despise it and whatever that was making him do it.

He was the only person that ever turned up on my list more than once.

Even though he turned up time and time again I wasn’t going to let him die, I wasn’t allowed.

The fact that he was still on my list meant that he was still supposed to live.

I was sitting outside thinking about him, Caleb.

It was lunchtime at school and I had left my friends in the cafeteria since I wasn’t hungry.

I just wanted to lie outside in the sun and maybe fall asleep since I hadn’t done that in months.

I had my head tilted to the side and I was watching as some students passed through the back door soaking up the sun.

As I watched a boy around my age walked out.

He had straight black hair and was wearing tight black jeans and a black hoddie with his shoulder hunched.

There were many kids at my school that looked like this but the thing that made me sit up was when he looked at me.

He turned his head and looked down at me lying spread out on the grass.

His sea green eyes sparkling with tears from looking up at the sun, a small smile on his face, which quickly disappeared.

I wanted to run after him but I didn’t know what to say.

As I watched him walk away I couldn’t believe he was the same guy that I talked out of committing suicide twice a week.

He looked normal, like any other student in the school; it really was hard to believe it was him.

I lay back down and closed my eyes.

Minutes later it was really cold.

When I opened my eyes it was dark and the sky was cloudy.

“Shit” I jumped up and started sprinting home, I was late.

I couldn’t believe I had slept, I had actually slept and now I was late.

I paused outside of my house and got my breath back, I had run the 20-minute walk from school to home.

I had to act tired so I could go straight to bed, hopefully my mother wouldn’t be too suspicious.

I’ll just tell her the truth and that I was still tired and not hungry.

I got into the house and my mother was waiting, I told her my story she sent me up to bed herself.

Once she had left me I put on my cloak and went to work.