A Deal With Death

Chapter Seven

Although he had seemed so happy yesterday I could tell that today had taken that happiness.

I feared that I would see him tonight.

I feared that it would have been our conversation at lunch that once again made him want to die.

I waited impatiently for night to come.

At the start of the night I only had one person on my list and they weren’t really serious about what they were doing.

I gave them a new lease on life they said that always makes me happy.

I decided after sitting in my park that I would check on Caleb.

I didn’t go into his house instead I stood outside his window watching my list.

I watched as he sat at his desk with his head down over pieces of paper.

As I peered through his window I noticed his walls were lined with drawings.

Normally I talked with him in his bathroom and then only times I had seen his room was when it was dark.

I couldn’t really see any of the pictures I just noticed there were many of them.

Someone else appeared on my list so I had to go.

For the rest of the night he stayed off my list, I was happy.

The next few days went by smoothly.

I had taken to hanging outside with Caleb at lunch times.

Neither of us would admit to waiting for the other we just joined the other at the tree.

We talked a little but normally just watching people pass.

It was relaxing and comfortable.

I noticed each day we moved closer and closer to each other.

After only three days our sides were pressed together.

Day four was interesting…

“I’m dead tired” he huffed right next to me and then went to rest his head back on the tree, I thought.

His head ended up on my shoulder. I turned and looked at him,

“Comfortable there?” I asked raising an eyebrow

“Very thanks” he replied and closed his eyes, I laughed.

“Glad I could be of a service” I grinned and watched one of my friends walk down the front stairs and around the corner, I had no idea what she was up to, didn’t care either.

“Only thing you’re good for” he said in a normal enough tone so it didn’t sound insulting at first.

When I realised what he said I sat up away from him,

“Fine then if that’s what you think” and then I went to get up.

“No wait, I’m sorry Airlea” he grabbed a hold of my hand making my heart skip.

His eyes were pleading like he thought I was actually going to leave.

“Alright then” I sighed and then sat back down flush against his side our hands still together.

He put his head back on my shoulder and I rested mine on his.

“I was thinking…” he started

“Of actually going to your last class?” I filled in the spot and he let out a short laugh.

“No, I was thinking maybe you’d like to hang out after school?” he lifted his head and looked at me.

“Sure I have nothing better to do” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Makes me feel real special,” he grumbled playfully making me laugh

“Oh poor little Caleb” I teased and he stuck his tongue out.

“Hey just because I’m younger than you” he was making faces at me now.

“What? How old are you?” I didn’t actually know how old he was, I just assumed he was as old as me.

“15” he replied, he was only a year younger than I was.

“You don’t really look or act it… most the time” I added the last part since he was acting like a child.

“I know, most people actually think I’m 17. Doesn’t bother you though?” there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

“Nope not at all. Time is just the measurement of how things decay nothing more nothing less. Our idea on time is assumed, it could really be going faster, slower or backwards.”

I rambled and he started to look lost.

“Don’t worry, in simple words – no, I don’t mind” I simplified it.

“Sweet” he grinned and we went back to sitting with our heads resting on each other.

Mine was now on his shoulder and his resting on mine.
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Thanks for all the comments guys :D