Sequel: Alone This Holiday

Better Man

Chapter Twenty Two

I woke up a few hours later in a room where Brian was sitting, with his head leaning against the bed. His soft snores were rhythmic, and I knew he was only having a light sleep, if he was properly asleep they'd be loud, and random. The room was chearfully decorated, and suddenly the thought struck me; where are my babies?

Hesitantly I woke Brian up by shaking his shoulder gently, he sat up and smiled at me. He was looking tired, and his eyes were slighty sunken back into his head. He looked hungover, but he wasn't.

"Where are they?"

He took a deep breath and started, "On the last update I got, about, uh, ten minutes ago; Connah is okay, he's sleeping. Daniel is tiny, he is not out of the blue. The third boy is doing alright, he was touch and go for a bit. And our little girl is, um, she's in surgery-"

"What? Why?"

"She's got some heart problems, and they're going to put a tube in her lungs so she can breathe. She's so small, Babe,"

"Can we name her, still? Or have you already?"

"Um, no, I haven't," After talking we came to Riley Jane Haner and Zachary Gates. Despite my brother being an arse, he was still my brother; and had done so much for me over the years.

Brian encouraged me to try to sleep, there wasn't anything I could do for them by staying awake, but I felt as though I had to. Understandingly he didn't force me to sleep, instead curled up with me and we just talked about the fact we now had six children under six years old. Before we got to far into our conversation my doctor came in, with a knock at the door, followed by a nurse pushing one humidity crib. I gasped as I saw Connah for the first time, properly. He had a small tuft of blonde hair and was sleeping on his stomach with some tubes coming out of him.

"Can I hold him?" I asked, only to receive a no and an explanation that he needs minimal contact with people who can carry germs. He was a premature baby, and had to be treated like porclein. Instead we got to just look at him, it was incredibly hard to say goodbye to him when he had to go back to the NICU. Both Brian and I cried a little.

"I called both our parents, mine are coming in later on, and yours are on a flight. Okay?"

"Yep. I need to call Val," I looked up to him, and got passed the hospital phone.

"I'll go check on the boys," He left and I shakily dialed the number for her mobile, I didn't know where she was, but I just needed to talk to her. She was maybe one of the only reasons I knew something was not right with the babies, and now, they have a small chance of surviving. I waited as the phone rung, it dialed out, but I tried again, and again. After the seventh time calling her number I gave up, and called Jason Berry, he'd be more the happy to take his phone to Val, it didn't matter if they were on seperate continents he'd still do it.

"This is God speaking," He slurred. I smiled and wiped away a tear that'd fallen.

"Hey God, it's Anna. How're you?"

He chuckled, and anwsered, "God is well. God has drunk alot. God is getting deathglare from your sibling, though,"

"Oh, um, so I'm guessing Val's there, somewhere?" I almost sounded as though I was pleading, but I needed to talk to her. "Please,"

"Yeah, she's bitching though cause she thinks a fan got her mobile number,"

"Um, no, that's just me trying to call her,"

"Huh, didn't know that. I'll get her," I could hear the distant shuffling, and Jason telling Val it was me. I could also hear Zacky asking what I wanted, I felt like yelling at him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Hey Anna," She sounded sober, which is what I needed. When she has a bit to drink she's like one of the men; barely talks in sentences, and can't walk in a straight line. "Haven't talked to you, well, since, ya know,"

"Val I had the babies," I cried. She'd obviously stepped outside of the building, because it was quiet and I couldn't hear drunken yelling, anymore.

"Oh, Anna. I'm coming home, are they, you know?"

"They didn't die, but they're small and sick and there's four,"

"Okay, you're in Huntington, right?" I murmered a 'yes', and she responded by saying she was on the first flight home. "Your brother want's to talk to you,"

"No, I'm too tired to argue-"

"Anna, Sweetie, it's Zacky," He had snatched the phone from Val, who I could hear explaining what she knew to someone. "W-what happened? Did you go into labour?"

"No, they h-had to do an emergencey c-section. There's three boys, and a little girl," He sighed, and I could tell he was trying not to cry. "I'm scared," I admitted.

"Don't be. I'm coming home-"

"Why? Thought leaving tours for me was, like, a sin, or something," I snapped, suddenly.

"Yeah, well, this is different,"

"How?" I yelled, not caring who heard me. "How the hell is it different? Because it's you who's scared?"

"Okay, fine, I fucked up. I'm sorry, I miss Brian and want him back in the band. Happy? I admitted it," I exhailed sharply, yelling made some stitches pull, or something. "I'm sorry I hurt you and Brian, and whatever. I'm coming home. I love you, Anna, I know you don't love me right now, but I'm your brother and am trying to look after you,"

"I love you too, Zacky,"
♠ ♠ ♠
That's a bit of a softy chapter.
