Love Me or Hate Me


Her breathing rasped heavily in her throat as she ran uneasily through the dense thicket of trees, unable to bring herself to look back to see if her persuer was following. Her thin body screamed at her to stop as her endurance began to run low. Tears threatened to flow down her ivory face, causing her throat to tighten, as she pushed her aching body to its outermost limit. She didn't know how much farther she had to run and prayed silently that she'd be able to make it. A loud crack behind her, signalling a twig breaking, confirmed her worries; he was getting closer and gaining on her. All hope she desperately clung to now slipped through trembling fingers, leaving her filled with dispair. The tears that had been threatening to break now fell down her face, causing her to to take a hitched breath that resulted in choked back sobs and stumbling steps. What had been a struggling sprint now became a staggering jog as sodden feet tripped up on anything that could be potentially hazardous. The many years of track became almost useless as her sure feet found everything to slip up on. As suddenly as this chase began it seemed to end as she found herself launched in midair towards an unforgiving boulder. A sickening crack echoed in the air announcing the impact of her skull on the slick yet unyeilding jagged surface; all became black.