The Letter Says Don't Jump



"Tom. No. Your brother will see us!" Elena just said, pushing away Tom Kaulitz's hand in a friendly manner.

"Common Elena! It's a dance. Besides, he's dancing with Ana right now. He wouldn't notice anyway. Pleaasssseee. Just one dance I promise. " Tom pouted, taking her hand in his.

Elena Linds just sighed and followed Tom to the dancefloor where she wrapped her hands around his neck and his around her waist as they started to sway slowly to the music.

"Elena. We can't keep this a secret forever you know. They'll have to know one day." Tom whispered.

"I know but not now. Just not now. They will freak if they know especially Ana judging that she's dating your brother right now." She laughed as her tightened her grip slightly on his neck.

Silence took over as they just moved along to the slow music.

"You wanna go somewhere else. I mean, to talk. I'm kinda bored here." He said, breaking the silence as he let go of her waist as he dragged her towards the exit.

"Haha. Okok. Just stop pulling me! I'll go find Ana first."

Elena scanned around for her bestfriend, Ana and finally saw her, dancing with Bill Kaulitz.

Bill Kaulitz. Brother and twin of Tom Kaulitz.

Ever since her bestfriend, Ana, dated Bill, it was as if she and Ana were never bestfriends anymore. Ana will always go and tag along with Bill and his popular friends and she treats Elena as if she never existed.

"Um Ana. Are you okay with it if I go home now?" Elena politely asked Ana, who only rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. You dad's car stink anyway and besides, Emily offered to send me home today." Ana sneered, causing Elena to shrug her shoulders.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow then..."

"You wish." Ana muttered under her breath, loud enough for Elena to hear and for Bill to smirk.

Elena just turned her back and made her to Tom who noticed Elena's akward silence.

"You ok, Elena?" Tom asked as he embraced her.

"Yeah. I think. I guess Ana isn't the Ana I used to know." She replied before letting go and letting Tom guide her to wherever he's taking her.

Elena looked at Ana and Bill for the final time before turning her back from them. This time, she has a gut feeling that this would be the final time she gets to see Ana.


She waited for her calls, her text messages and her e-mails but there were none. It has been 2 days and she hasn't seen or heard anything from Ana. Even Tom doesn't know where Ana is. Not even Bill.

Feeling uneasy, she decided to pay Ana a visit. A visit that she didn't make for a very long time...


"What's going on? What is everybody doing here? Where's Ana?" Elena questioned those around her but all they could give her was a shook of the head.

Elena, confused and lost, decided to go to Ana's room where she will find out that Ana has left her forever.


"No Tom! How could you?! You know how much Ana means to me and you still kept me away from Ana's death? What did you think keeping this away from me would do?" Elena screamed as she ran out, Tom and Bill following her.

"Listen Elena! I didn't want to hurt you!" Tom fought.

"But guess what? You already did! You're just like your brother. Cold, sinister and heartless!"

"Don't you ever say that about my brother! You have no right against him!" Tom grabbed Elena's arm only to get slapped by her.

"Ouh. So you can keep secrets from me and hurt my feelings but I can't say a single thing about your brother so that your feelings won't get hurt. You're fucking bullshit you know that Tom. I don't know what I was thinking going out with you. Thank you Tom, for all the happy times but we're through." Elena sneered before running off into the distance.

"Tom, I think we should have told her about this..."Bill interrupted the silence with a sigh.

"Don't you think I already know that?" Tom snapped.

"Yeah but..."

"Shut up Bill. You know, ever since you and Ana got together, Ana hurt Elena in a way you will never understand because you were always there to make Elena feel worse. So don't act like you know the fuck about everything that's going on because you know why? You don't." Tom pushed Bill away before walking away.

Bill just shrugged before going back home, to where his laptop was and switched it on.


To: Nothing-But-Me

I feel horrible today. I didn't know that this could turn out so ugly. Now I think that I'm the cause of everything.


To: Live-The-Second

Hey, you're not the only one. My day was horrible as well. I'm moving tomorrow. To America. I guess there's nothing here anymore. Maybe I'm just not suppose to be here...


To: Nothing-But-Me

You're moving? Gosh. That means I can't get to see you again in school.


To: Live-The-Second

Haha. But you don't even know me and I don't even know you.


To: Nothing-But-Me

Yes, I don't know who you are but you're still my classmate right? So I can just be looking at you but have no fucking clue that your Nothing-But-Me. I guess this project that Mr. Steve gave us wasn't so bad after all. Promise me that we'll still keep in touch after you moved?


To: Live-The-Second

Yes. I promise but wouldn't you find it weird because we might never meet each other and you're like emailing a pure stranger like me?



Don't worry. I believe that we will meet someday.