The Letter Says Don't Jump

Chapter 9

Elena's POV

I opened my groggy and stared up at the ceiling.

Memories from last night played in my head but I just shook my head.

Wait, why am I here? And why am I in a white shirt and blck shorts? Wasn't I lying at the backyard yesterday?

I stood up, only to fall on my knees.

My head was throbbing but I have to say that I am really hungry.

Hence, I made my down the to the kitchen like a drunken chicken before stopping dead on my feet.

There, I saw him cooking.

I immeadiately turned and walked back as quickly as I can, only to trip over the carpet and fall flat on my butt.

"Elena! Are you ok? You shouldn't stand. You're still not feeling weel." Bill exclaimed, rushing to me as he tried to help me up.

"Nein. I'm fine." I replied, pushing his hand away.

"Elena, just let me help you, You're still dizzy and the doctor said that you shouldn't stand too much." Bill groaned but in a good way though.

I just stared at im, shrugging my shoulders as he carried me like a bride to my room.

I have to say. For a guy who weighs 50kg, he sure is very strong.

"Ok. You stay here and don't go anywhere. I'll go and get the soup for you." Bill smiled and left before I got to say anything.

You actually wanted to say something?

Uh... Wait, I don't even know what to say...

I just stared at the door until Bill came back in with a bowl of soup and a cup.

"Here. I hope it's not too hot. I brought you a cup of Milo too." He said as he passed me the bowl of soup, still holding on to the Milo.

"Thanks..." I mumbled before slowly filling my tummy.

Not bad. Nice choice of flavour. Mushrooms. My favourite.

There was a moment of silence as the both of us looked around.

"Um... Thanks for yesterday..." I said softly, looking at my soup.

"No problem. You shouldn't have laid down in the rain yesterday, It made your fever and migraine worse." He replied, taking a sip from the Milo he made for me.

"Oh. I guess I just fainted yesterday." I lied before getting a Yeah right look from Bill.

"Yeah. Fainted." Bill said with a hint of sarcasm as he rolled his eyes.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I snapped, taking Bill off guard.

"I mean, you fainted? What kind of a bullshit is that?"

"If I didn't faint, then what had happened Dog?" I sneered, placing my bowl of soup down as he did the same to the cup of Milo.

"Listen Bitch. You're the one who decided to lie on the grass in your backyard under the stupid rain, crying like an uncontrolable freak until you passed out."

"I cried like an uncontrolable freak because of you Bill! You think it didn't hurt seeing you and Eliza together? You think it didn't hurt to see Eliza getting comfortable with you, touching you as if you belonged to her? You think it didn't hurt when I saw you kissing Eliza? You think it didn't kill me when I saw you and Eliza leaning towards each other at the party?! Sometimes I wonder if it will ever hurt you if I were to kiss Gustav in front of your eyes at the party." I shouted before getting up and getting out of the room, not forgetting to slam the door at Bill's face.

"Then why didn't you just kiss him?! And stopping walking! You look drunk for heaven's sake!"

"I didn't want to kiss him because I didn't want to hurt yo-- Ooomph!"

I groaned as I just sat on the floor, bringing up my knees to my chin.

"You didn't want to hurt me?" Bill asked, his voice sounding softer than before as he sat down beside me.

"Of course I didn't. Give me one good reason why would I want to hurt your feelings?"

"Maybe because I hurt you a week ago. That's why." Bill sighed as he looked away, pushing his hair behind his ears.

"You're stupid you know that. Why would I hurt you when you clearly know that I love you with all my heart? I miss you, Bill. I felt terrible without you..."

"I miss you too Elena." He whispered, loud enough for me to hear as he embraced me in his arms.

I missed him so much. His smell, his touchm his amazing long hair that I love to play with.

"I promised you that I was never going to leave you and I'm going to keep my promise. I don't care what happened before. I just want to look forward and go on with you by my side." I said, smiling as he stroke my hair.

"I swear upon Tom's dreadlocks that nothing happened between my and Eliza. She was drunk and she just kissed me."

"Don't worry. I believe you." I said as we let go of each other before Bill caught me of guard by pressing his lips on mine.

I jerked back a little, shock, but soon smiled and kissed him back.

"You don't know how much I missed doing that," He chuckled as we pulled apart, his forehead on mine.

"Mmmhmm." I smiled before the both of us stood up, hands entangled.

"You want to continue with your soup? You must be starving." Bill smirked as we walked back up to my room.

"Sure Mum. Oh and do you ahve more of those stuff? It is delicious!"

"I knew mushrooms cure everything." Bill giggled as we sat on the bed.

I know. Him giggling is VERY weird...

Then, when I was aboutto eat my beloved soup, Bill snatched the bowl away from me, causing me to look at him with confised eyes.

"Vas? I just want to feed you." Bill smiled childishly before he started to feed me.

"Your birthday is in three days right?"

"Mmmmhmmmm." I said, nodding my head.

"What do you want for your birthday?"

"I don't want anything. Just spending my birthday knowing that we're still together is enough." I smiled, wiping my mouth with my hand.


"Yep?" I replied while taking another spoonful of the soup.

"Do you want to be with me until the day I die?" He asked, looking me dead in the eyes.

I just stared, speechless, before a small smile formed on my lips.

"Yes. I love you with all my heart and I want to be with you fur immer Bill."

I love Bill and I promise you that I'm going to stick by his side forever. Even if this relationship doesn't work out. I'll still be there for him. Fur Immer...