The Letter Says Don't Jump

Chapter 10

Bill's POV

I love her. I really do.

But inside, I was feeling guilty.

All this time, the dark past has been hidden from her.

I couldn't tell her the truth.

No. Not now.

But how long must I keep this from her?

I am afraid of telling her. Afraid of how would she react.

But if I don't tell her, I'm more afraid of losing her.

Nein. I must tell her. She must know. She has the right to know about Ana.

I'll tell her on her birthday.

Nein. I can't...

Urggghhh! I don't know what to do!!

Haiz... I'll tell her when the time is right...

"Hey Brudder. let's get drunk and do ourselves stupid today." Tom exclaimed as he jumped onto my bed.

"No, thank you." I replied, raising my eyebrow as I hugged a pillow.

"Have you thought about making a move on Elena?"

I immeadiately glared as him, disgusted and annoyed.

"What? I didn't say make a move as in sex. You're sick you know that." Tom laughed.


"I mean when are you going to propose to her. I can't wait till she's my sister-in-law and I'm actually waiting for the both of you to give me a nephew." Tom 'seriously' said, trying to hold back laughter.

"I've thought about it lots of times... But nah, I think I'll just let fate put everything into place on its own." I smiled before he started kicking my head with his toes.

"What do you think I am? A bobbing head?" I snapped before slapping his foul feet away.

"Haha. Uh. Yes."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes before resting my head in the pillow that I was hugging.

2 days. 2 more days to her birthday.

The thought of seeing Elena happy on her birthday made me smile and laugh, causing Tom to look at me weirdly before slapping my head.

"hey!" I glared at Tom who started to fleeing like a fly.

"You're going to regret doing that you horny whore of the century!" I shouted before chasing after him.


Elena's POV

Spending my birthday with Tokio Hotel, Melrose, Shaun and Torin sure is a blast.

We watch a movie, which I spent the whole time sleeping, and Bill cried but no one saw except me.

Now, we're having a picnic by a murky yet beautiful lake.

"I love you." Bill whispered as he tighten the grip of his hands around me.

The both of us were sitting in front of the river, in each others arms while the rest were having a food fight.

"I know. I love you too." I smiled before he kissed my neck.

"Hey. Don't do that. There's people here." I cheekily laughed.

"You want to know something?"


"I can make you wet in 5 seconds." He slyly smiled before I gave him a disgusted look.

"Seriously, I can." He smirked before pushing me.


"Bill! You're lucky that I didn't bring my shaver with me or you're going to be a bald monk very soon!" I screamed, swimming up and looking at my wet clothes.

Gosh. This lake quite deep. Thank god Tom taught me how to swim years ago.

"Common! Help me out!" I said to Bill, who laughed but stood up and stretch his hands.

"Ouh you're going to regret doing that." I smirked before pulling him into the murky water.

I couldn't help but laugh my ass off before being pulled underwater.

I looked around me but couldn't see anything. Everything was just too murky until someone's lips met mine.

I know. It's weird making out underwater but it has a nice feeling to it.

"Eeeww! They're making out underwater!" Tom shouted.

I immeadiately pulled away from Bill before going back up for air.

"I heard that whore!" I screamed before attempting to get out of the lake and chase after Tom.

"Ouh shit!" Tom replied before running away from my vicious attack.

Yes. A vicious attack which involves him and me pinching his god damn nipples. Haha. Weird. I know. But that is what he's afraid of.


I opened my groggy eyes and stared at the clock.


Woah. I've had so little sleep?

I sat up before rubbing my eyes. I look around before noticing that there was black roses everywhere.

What the hell??

I got out of my room and down to the living room where I saw Bill on the couch, plucking the petals off a black rose.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty." Bill shifted his eyes away from the rose and smiled.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised that he's here 2.30am in the morning.

"Come." He smiled before taking my hand and bringing me to my bedroom balcony.

"Something's burning here." I commented, causing Bill to chuckle abit.

Something smells like it's burning.

"Look down."

I shifted my gaze down to my backyard when I saw like hundreds of Black roses on fire as they spelt out "Will you marry me?".

I was speechless. I'm loss for words.

I just stared at the burning roses before Bill brought my face to his.

"So? Will you?" He ask, staring deep into mine as I slowly got lost in his.

I smiled before nodding my head.

He then took out a lack box before opening it.

A ring. In a shape of a black rose.

He placed in on my finger before giving me a peck on the cheeks.

"So what do you want to do now? Celebrate and tell the guys?" Bill asked as he took the both of my hands.

"Well... Not yet." I smiled slyly before pulling him by the collar into my room where we shared a passionate kiss and the rest is history...