The Letter Says Don't Jump

Chapter 14

Tom's POV

"We have to do something guys. You saw the state Bill is in!"

"Yes, Tom. I think the whole world knows that Bill is losing his grip but there's nothing we can do..." Gustav sighed as he scratched his hair.

"Give him time, Tom." Georg suggested before getting a glare from me.

"Maybe we should take a break from tour and go for a vacation. You know, so that Bill can clear his mind." Gustav said, rubbing his nose.

"You think it'll do any good? You know Elena is like a drug for him. He's like dying in a way without her." i explained before a soggy looking Bill came in.

He looked no different than he was 3 days ago.


3 days ago. When Elena had left him.

"Hey. Have you eaten?" I asked, eyeing his every single move.

He just shook his head before letting himself fall on the couch, his eyes closed.

"Go and eat something. You might get sick."

"Nein. Not in the mood to chew anything..."

"Don't do this to yourself Bill. We all are fucking worried about your ass man." Georg stated before Bill gave a chuckle that sounded very scary.

"You're worried but she's not. She rather be worried about that stupid baby in Emily's womb." He sneered.

I stared, speechless. Is this really Bill?

I looked at the other two and the same expression was plastered on their faces as well. I mean, who wouldn't? Is Bill insane? It's his baby he's talking about.

"What? Ok ok. I didn't mean what I'd said. I'm going out. I love you guys aite. Take care. " He rolled his eyes before going out.

That was... Freaky.

"Well, look on the bright side. At least he's talking." Georg smiled innocently before getting tackled by Gustav.

"Tom! Help me!" Georg squirmed.

"Of course I will Georg! You know I love you!" I smiled evilly before adding on to the load on his body.

I love being Tom Kaulitz.


Elena's POV

Why am I feeling hot? Why am I sweating so much? My legs hurt but I couldn't seemed to stop running.

The flight of stairs was never ending. I just kept climbing up but I was nowhere near where I wanted to be.

I knew he was up there. Waiting? Standing? Doing nothing? I don't know. All I know is that he's up there.

How long do I need to run? My body is screaming in my ears, telling me to stop and that it has had enough.

The grey door that I've been hoping to see finally came into view before I knocked pass it.

I didn't know what I wanted to do when I saw him shining under the moonlight. He was... Flawless. Just like his brother.

"No. Please. Don't do it."

"Don't do what?" Tom asked, turning his head.

"You're not going to jump?" I panted, sounding abit stupid.

"Huh? Why would I jump?"

"Then? You. I. The crying. What the hell?" I exclaimed, mouth agaped.

How could he? He's... Urgghh! An ass!

"So what do you want?" I asked, making my way slowly to him before taking in a deep breath.

"I just wanted to talk."

"Idiot. You just made me run a long distance marathon just because you wanted to talk? Ever heard of phones? Ouh, wait. I forgot, the only word in your dictionary is sex." I said, holding back laughter when I saw the expression on his face.

"Not funny Linds. I just wanted to talk about Bill."

My heart stopped beating for a while before I coughed and pulled back my hair.

"I thought we talked about this..."

"We did but it's not to the The End chapter yet. There's still a long way to go and I intend to finish it tonight." He stated, not looking me in the eyes and he squatted down and lit a cigarette.

I cooled myself down before joining in beside him, holding my breath.

"Before we start..."

I snatched his cigarette from his mouth and threw it down the 30 storey building.

"There. Much better." I smiled, receiving a glare from Tom.

"Fine Fine. So where were we? ... Ah! Yes. Bill." He smirked while I rolled my eyes.

Why can't they just understand?

Tom, Gustav, Georg and EVRYBODY has been bugging me! Even the press has time to sleep outside of my doorstep just to interview me about that stupid breakup thing.


"Talk, Elena. Talk and don't keep quiet."

"What do you want me to say?"

After that, his words came out slowly, "Say that you'll accept Bill again. You know it's a mistake."

"Yeah. A mistake." I chuckled, scaring myself.

"So you'll forgive him?"

"ARE YOU NUTS KAULITZ?!" I shouted, causing Tom to fall on his butt.

"Stop telling me to do that! I'm not going to!"

"You're selfish you know that." He sneered.

"Oh so now I'm the villian and Bill is the damsel in distress? Heh. Wow. It's funny how your brother twisted the story. An A+ for him."

"He didn't twist anything! Just listen to me! Do you love him?"

I just looked at him funny before I started laughing. The luaghter slowly died down a little as I, myself, asked that question.

"Do I love Bill? Do I love Bill? Do I love..."

It wasn't long before Tom embraced me. I knew I wasn't strong enough to go through this on my own. It hurt so much. It felt like I was dying but death never came and took me away.

"I don't know, Tom. I don't know anything anymore."

"Just listen to your heart. It'll tell you what to do."

I listened for that voice I used to hear but it was drowned somewhere in the noise of the wind.

Where are you?