The Letter Says Don't Jump

Chapter 2

Elena’s POV

“I’m going to miss you Ana. I’m leaving today. I’ll promise to visit you straight after I finish this tour with Tokio Hotel.”

“Well, I’m going to miss you too, Ana.”

I looked up to see Bill, with a stalk of black roses, before he placed them on Ana’s grave, beside mine.

“What are you doing here, Kaulitz?” I sneered before he sat beside me.

“I’m visiting Ana. That’s what I’m doing.” He rolled his eyes.

“Why did you lie yesterday?” Bill asked before his eyes met mine.

“Why do you care anyway?” I questioned.

“Just shut up and tell me why you lied!” He snapped.

“You think I want everyone to know about Ana? She was the only person that I had. Why did you have to take her away from me Bill? Why?” My voice softened before I stared in his eyes.

“I’m… sorry, Elena. I never meant to make Ana turned her back on you. It was just that-“

“That what? Every time Ana says something mean to me, you added salt to it. That night. During the dance, Ana’s words were enough for me but you just had to give me that smirk of yours. I was convinced enough that I lost Ana to you…”

“I’m sorry, Elena. I would do anything to stopped this from happening. I know Emily did the wrong thing to spike Ana’s drink but Emily was drunk that day! You couldn’t blame her!” Bill fought.

“Too bad. I’ve hated Emily since the day she stepped foot into my life and I’ve hated you ever since Ana died.” I sneered before standing up.

“Why?” He asked, standing up beside me before turning his body to face mine.

“Because you slept with the bitch who killed Ana on the day of her burial.” I snapped before walking off.

“Are you coming or not?” I turned my back, holding up my car keys.

Bill just looked at me as if pigs just flew above my head

“You’re not even 18 to drive.” He answered causing laugh to laugh and rolled my eyes.

“Correction. I turned 18 two weeks ago. Fine then. See you later.” I smirked before making my way to my car.


I turned my head to see Bill running after me.

“I could really use a ride. Thank you.” Bill smiled sheepishly before both of us walked to my car.


“Weird. You, giving Bill a ride? That’s so not like you.” Melrose laughed when she saw the sight of Bill getting out from the passenger sit.

“Shut up before I skin you al—“


The three of us turned our heads and guess who we saw running with high, pink heels?

“Oh honey! I was worried sick! Where were you? Why didn’t you called me? Why are you with her? Are you cheating on me? God! How could you! She’s not even pretty like I am! That’s it! I’m calling my daddy! We’re having a time-out!” Emily complained, making a big scene, before walking off with her plastic Eliza.

“Wow. Nice choice for a wife.” I turned and smirked at Bill, who only groaned.

“I am not engage to her.” He sneered before walking off.

‘Well. A thank you to my friend here for giving you a ride would be nice.” Melrose said sarcastically, causing Bill to turn.

“Oh thank you so much, girl who isn’t as pretty as my future wife.” He smirked before walking off.

Melrose just stood there mouth agape while I laughed my heads off.

“So what was that about?” Melrose asked me, smiling childishly.

“What was about what?”

“You giving Bill a ride. That’s what it’s about.” Melrose pulled on my sleeves, causing me to shove her playfully.

“It’s just a ride. Sheesh.” I said, before walking tour bus, feeling pissed.

“Well sorry! But did I mention that Emily is a total plastic?” She shouted before running towards me and linking hands.

“No but true. She’s the AVC kind of plastic. Place it on a small flame and she burns.” I smirked.

“Like just now. Haha.”


To: Nothing-But-Me
Hey. So where in the world are you right now?


To: Live-Every-Second
Heading to Munich now. How bout you?


To: Nothing-But-Me
Munich? Hey! That’s where I’m heading too! What are you doing over there?


To: Live-Every-Second
On tour with Tokio Hotel. How about you? Why are you going there?


To: Nothing-But-Me


To: Live-Every-Second

Sorry. Was it something that I said?


To: Nothing-But-Me
Nein. Shit. You could be anyone. Nevermind. So how was your day? Touring with Tokio Hotel must be fun.


To: Live-Every-Second
Haha. Fun? You have got to be kidding me! It sucks… And Bill’s shitty girlfriend is coming along for the tour along with her plastic friend Eliza. Emily’s her name. You remember her?


To: Nothing-But-Me

Yeah. I remember her. I agree. She’s a bitch. She always misjudged everything and goes complaining to her father. She’s a spoil brat. I pity Bill for having her as a girlfriend.


To: Live-Every-Second.

Correction. Future-wife. That’s what he said. Haha. I wish I could chat more but I have to check on some things for the tour. I mean of all bands, why did I got stuck with Tokio Hotel?


To: Nothing-But-Me

Why? You don’t like them? They’re nice people so don’t judge them too soon. Just be friendly to them and everything will be fine :)


To: Live-Every-Second.

Haha. That’s what I’m planning to do. Well, at least to Tom, Gustav and Bill. It’s either that or my job goes down the drain. Guten Nacht aite :). Sleep tight. What do you always dream of?



I always dream of meeting you. How would you look like. How about you?



Me too. Haiz. Alright then. Nacht :)



Nacht to you too :)