The Letter Says Don't Jump

Chapter 3

Elena's POV

Gosh... It's only been 3 days and it feels like an eternity... Seriously, besides having irritating Bill here, the work given to me is alot! Why must Tom have 15 guitars? And I'm the one who has to tune them every single time...

"Elena? You're not ready yet." Melrose asked as she sat on my bed.

"I don't feel like going, Melrose. I don't have the mood to go..." I replied as I laid down on my bed.

"Please. Please go! If not, I'll be the only girl there!" Melrose pleaded while making a puppy dog face.

"Alright alright. I'll go but I'm not dancing or checking out any guys over there ok."

"Yay! That's why I love you!" Melrose jumped up in the air before planting a kiss on my cheeks.

I can't believe I just agreed to that...

(A few minutes later...)

"Woah! Elena! You look... Wow!" Melrose squealed as I stepped down the bus.

I could feel every eyes that was staring at me.

What's so special about what I'm wearing? All I'm wearing is a black shirt, black pants and a white converse. Ok and maybe abit of eye makeup but... Does that even count?

"Stop it Melrose! It's embarassing!" I whispered slowly before Tom came over to me.

"Wow wow wow. What happened to the nerdy Elena that I use to know. You look beautiful." He smiled as he placed his hand around my waist.

"Thank you and just because we're friends, it doesn't mean you can anyhow touch me." I smiled back before slapping his hand.

"Sorry but really, you look stunning tonight. Even Bill can't take his eyes off you." Tom smirked causing me to roll my eyes.

Pfft. Yeah right. Bill looking at me? That must be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

I took a glance at Bill but quickly reverted my eyes back to Tom's face.

Fuck. He's looking! Tom is right then.

"Ummm. Let's go." I said before grabbing Tom's hand.

"See. I told you he's looking but noooo, you chose not to believe me and now look at us, rushing. Relax."

"Shut up, Tom." I sneered.


Upon reaching the club, everyone went their seperate ways. I wander around the club before sitting down at a table, alone, as usual.

"Hey. What's your name beautiful?" A drunk looking man whispered to my ears, before taking a seat beside me and wrapping his left hand tightly on my waist.

I tried pushing him away but to no avail. He just kept laughing and moved closer to me.

"Get away from me, you bastard!" I shouted before slapping his face.

"Not until you give me some sugar. Hehe." He slurred before trying to shove his tongue down my throat.

After that, everything that happened was a blurr. All I remember was that Bill pulled me out of the club.

"Are you ok?" Bill asked as he hugged me.

"I'm fine. I-I think." I replied, still dizzy from what had happened.

After about 10 mins, I finally came to my senses. All this time, I've been hugging Bill and I didn't let go. I immeadiately pushed him away, causing him to look at me, confuse.

He took my hands but I pushed it away.


"No, Bill. This is not right." I cut him off before staring at his face which was confuse and little dissapointed.

"What is not right, Elena? The only thing that is wrong is that you wouldn't give me a chance to show you who I am." He whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

"No. It's not that." I answered before looking back down to my shoes.

"Then what is it? Tell me." He tried asking again, this time, placing his right hand on my cheeks.

I just stared into his eyes, slowly being mesmerized by it. I never knew they were so clear, so beautiful.

What am I doing?!? I hate him remember!

I just pulled off and ran. I let my legs take me anywhere they wanted to go and finally, I arrived in a parking lot.

How the hell did I get here?

I just let my butt dropped to the ground before taking a deep breath.

This wasn't like me. I never felt like this before. Never in my entire life. Why did I stood there with him and stared into his eyes? Why?

"I hate you! I don't want to fall for you! You killed Ana you Bastard!" I screamed to the empty parking lot before lying down on the cold tared floor.

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you but..."

"But what?"

I immeadiately sat up and looked around.

Who was that?

"Let me ask that again. But what, Elena?"

I turned to the direction the sound was coming from and HE slowly emerged from the dark, before taking a seat beside me.

"I hate you." I said, trying to make it as harsh as I possibly could but his eyes wouldn't allow me.

What is going on with me?

Bill's POV

She was quiet but I can hear her every screams. She hates me. Yes, I know that but I don't believe that she really does by the way that she looked me in the eye just now.

"I hate you." She said but I could sense that she doesn't mean what she said.

"You don't hate me. You never did." I said.

"I hate you, Bill Kaulitz. I fucking hate you." She tried saying it again.

I turned to face her before looking deep into her eyes.

"Now look me in the eye and tell me you hate me." I challenged Elena.

"I... I... I need you Bill..." She confessed before hiding her face in between her knees.

I sat closer beside her before hugging her, this time, she didn't push away.

"I need you. The only reason I hated you because you remind me of Ana in every single way. I just..."

"Ssh. I understand. I'm sorry for making you feel the way you did back then. I'm sorry. I really am." I comforted her as I stroke he hair.

That night, we just sat there, Elena in my arms.

The Elena that looked so strong had cracked. I don't blame her. She went through the agony of losing her bestfriend to me, then Emily and then to death itself. She deserves to let it out.

I'm sorry Elena.