The Letter Says Don't Jump

Chapter 4

Elena's POV

"I need you, Bill"

It was embarrasing admitting to someone that you have always hated that deep inside, you need them.

Yes. I hate Bill but only because he is so much like Ana. The he way he smiled or laugh, it was exactly like Ana's.

"I'm sorry Elena. I didn't mean to make you feel that way back then." Bill apologized.

"It's not your fault. You only did it so as to not offend Ana." I smiled, still embracing in his hug.

"Why did Ana hate you so much? You used to be bestfriends before right?" Bill asked as he let go of me.

"Haha. She was embarrased of me." I laughed but it hurt on the inside.

"Embarassed? What do you mean?"

"It's reasonable. I am no where as popular as you and she was embarassed that I was her friend. So she stopped being friends with me. Besides, she was also afraid that Emily and her plastic friends would tease her for being friends with a loser like me." I explained while Bill just stared at the ground.

"Serious? I thought you guys fought or something. I am so sorry." He apologized franktically, causing me to laugh.

"Don't be. You're not in the wrong."

"Listen. Umm. I know this is going to sound crazy... But... I would really like to get to know you better."

"As friends?" I interrupted before Bill shook his head.

"No. I mean as in more than that. As in you being my girlfriend." Bill looked at me, nervous but hopeful.

I felt as if Bill just shot me with a gun.

I just stared at him, shocked and speechless. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do, let alone say.

It wasn't long before Bill took my hand in his and stared deep into my eyes.

"I really want to know you better. I want to love you. Ana used to tell me wonderful things about you. You're kind, beutiful, caring and many more. Ana even told me about the black roses you used to grow in your backyard. I was so amazed that I even promised myself that I'm going to ask you out if my relationship with Ana doesn't work. Please?"

I seriously didn't know what to say...

No, I can't. I'll betray Ana if I do that. And there's Live-Every-Second...

"Umm. But what about Emily?" I said, hoping that he'll ust forget about the idea he just had.

"I don't care about her anymore. She's a a jerk. Please, Elena. Give me a chance. I know I hurt you in the past because of m big mistake with Emily but it was accidental." Bill pleaded.

"But you're already engage with her. I can't just bug in into your life. Besides, what would the others say when they see us together? They're going to freak! Especially Tom."

"Elena. Listen to me. I was never engage with Emily. Trust me and I know you're making up excuses to avoid answering my question." He said, sounding abit pissed and dissapointed at the same time.

"No no. I just don't know what to answer. Really. I'm sorry but I just don't know." I replied as I bowed my head in my knees.

"I tell you what. What if we go on a date tomorrow since we're having three days off starting from today. Then, after that, you'll give me an answer." Bill asked, looking as eager as ever.

I had a war inside my head for a while to agree on whether I should agree. I mean, it wouldn't hurt to go out with him on a date right? It's only one night.

"Ok." Was all that I could say.

Bill smiled widely before standing up and stretching his hand, offering to help me up.

I got up and the both of us started walking beck.

"Do you want to go back to the club or do you want to go somewhere else?"

"I think I'll go back to the bus. You can go back to the club if you want to." I replied.

"Nah. I think I'll go back to the bus too. I swear that I'll jurder the guy if I see him there." He said, laughing.

Then I realised what Bill did. he punched the guy in the jaw and kicked him in the balls.

"Haha. Thanks Bill. For helping me just now. You're a good guy you know." I smiled at him as he graciously returned my smile.

As soon as we reached the place wher the buses were parked, I punched in the door number and got up.

"You wanna come in?" I asked Bill who only gave back a hesistant look.

"Don't worry. I don't mind." I smiled before he boarded the bus.

We then headed straight to the lounge area and decided to hang out there.

"Ah. Comfortable sofas but mine is still the best." Bill said as he plopped down on the red sofa while stretching his arms.

"Whatever." I stuck my toungue out at Bill.

"So what do you want to do? Talk?"

"I'm not sure. Anything if you ask me. Do you want anything to eat ro drink? We have left over pasta from dinner just now." I offered him before getting up.

"really? Gail. I would love some pasta, I mean, that's if you don't mind." Bill laughed childishly before flashing me a huge smile.

"Ok. Be back in a couple of minutes. Does Coke sound ok to you?"

"Yep. Coke is perfectly fine."


"What's your favourite color?" Bill asked as he took a biteful of his pasta.

"Umm. It depends everydy but I like mainly dark colors like Black, Red, Dark Bule, Purple, Brown etc."

"Really. Interesting. How about you favourite band?"

"My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, Blind, Disturbed etc. Rock music but not those sreaming types though. That's um... you know what I mean." I cheekyly smiled, causing Bill to laugh.

"Gail. You like Tokio Hotel?"

"Nein. I despise you guys." I replied cusing Bill to choke on his coke.

Hey! That ryhmes!

"But maybe I'll like you guys one day." I laughed before pinching Bill's cheeks.

"Yeah right... So, you found any speacial guys these past few years." Bill questioned, looking me dead in the eyes and it was freaking me out a little.

"Not really but there is this guy though..." I confessed hesitantly.

"Really? Who is he?"

"You remember that Ebglish Penpal project? I still kept in touch with mine."

"What's his name? Maybe I know him from somewhere."


I then noticed that Bill's eyes widen and his expression changed from calm to pure shockness.

"Are you ok Bill?" I asked, worried by his current reaction.

"Ja ja. I'm fine. Live-Every-Second?" Bill asked again, this time with more enthusiasm.

"Well yes. Why? Do you know him?"

"Well. In fact I do." He smiled before taking another bite of his pasta.

"You do?!?"

He knows who Live-Every-Second is?!? Au Meine God...