The Letter Says Don't Jump

Chapter 5

Elena's POV

To: Live-Every-Second
Umm. Hi.

To: Nothing-But-Me
Uhh hi?

To: Live-Every-Second

To: Nothing-But-Me
Are you ok?

To: Live-Every–Second
Yeah. I’m perfectly fine.

To: Nothing-But-Me
Are you sure? Are you nervous about meeting me tomorrow?

To: Living-Every-Second
NO! I’m perfectly fine about it!

To: Nothing-But-Me
Are you sure? Bill told me you’re very nervous about it.

To: Live-Every-Second
He called you? Who are you?!

To: Nothing-But-Me
Haha. He did. Don’t worry. You’ll be surprised when you see me, Elena.

To: Live-Every-Second
Great. You know my name but I don’t even know yours…

To: Nothing-But-Me
I also know what you look like. You’re really beautiful you know that J

To: Live-Every-Second
Wonderful. Just wonderful. It’s not fair…

To: Nothing-But-Me
You want to know something?

To: Live-Every-Second

To: Nothing-But-Me
I didn’t realized that all this years, I’ve been talking to the Elena Linds from my class. I never thought that you could be Elena in the first place…

To: Live-Every-Second
So it’s a bad thing that I’m Elena Linds?

To: Nothing-But-Me
Nein! Nein! I like the fact that you’re Elena! I’ve really liked you since elementary school.

To: Live-Every-Second
Ouh… Kay… Anyway, I have to go. My laptop battery is running low. Sorry. See you soon aite.

To: Nothing-But-Me
See you too. Say hi to Bill for me.


“Hey Bill. Live-Every-Second says Hi.” Elena said to Bill, who was sitting opposite her, eyes glued to his laptop.

“Ouh. Ok. Hi!” Bill smiled as Elena rolled her eyes.


To: Live-Every-Second
Bill says Hi too.

To: Nothing-But-Me
Haha. I like your A7x t-shirt but you need to show some cleavage though. Haha. Joking. Joking.

To: Live-Every-Second
Seriously! Who the fuck are you?!? I have a feeling that you’re someone on the tour with Tokio Hotel as well!!

To: Nothing-But-Me
Don’t worry. We’ll meet tomorrow and I’m someone that’s really familiar to you.

To: Live-Every-Second
Oh shut up…


“It’s not fair. He knows who I am but I don’t even now who on earth is he. “I frowned as I closed my laptop shut.

“Relax. Trust me. He’s no stranger to you. It’ll be fine.” Bill replied, eyes still on his laptop.

I groaned before standing up and heading down to the fridge where I found Melrose and Shaun sitting at the dinning table.

“Well, well, well. Having fun with Bill?” Melrose smirked before Shaun started laughing.

“Shut up. We’re only friends.” I explained, taking out two ice-cream sandwiches and two cans of coke.

“Really? I see… Haha.” She mocked before string out of the window.

“ You want to go out tonight, Elena?” Shaun asked.

“I can’t. I have plans later in the evening.” I replied before heading back up.

“Say Hi to Bill for me J” Melrose shouted while giving me that ‘I know you’re hiding something away from me that has something to do with Bill’ smile.

“Whatever. I know that you know that I know that you had a fling with Shaun yesterday night.” I stuck my tongue out before going up to where Bill was, which is on my bed crossed legged.

“Here,” I said as I passed him the can of coke and placed the plate with the ice-cream sandwiches in between us.

“Danke,” Bill replied, eyes still fucking glued to the laptop.

“What the hell are you doing, Bill? Are you watching porn? Let me see!” I asked curiously before trying to take a peek at his laptop.

“No! Elena! Nein! You won’t like it! No you won’—“

I finally got a peek and was shocked at what I saw.

“Um. Elena… I… Um…”

I just placed my index finger in front of his face before carefully studying the photo that he’d just Photoshop.

It was beautiful. There was a picture of me and him fogged up together, like in front of a lake, late at night. In between, there was a sentence “Will you?” in crimson red.

“Bill. This is beautiful. Oh my god.”

“Thanks. I thought that maybe I’ll show you this picture when you agree to be my girlfriend.” Bill confessed, his cheeks flushed red.

“That’s so sweet.” I smiled before giving him a kiss on the cheeks and sitting back down.

Silence took over as I took a bite from my ice-cream sandwich.

“Eww. It melted… But is still nice.” I smiled before Bill gave me a weird look.
Silence took over, yet again.



“Where do you want to go later?” Bill asked, finally reverting his eyes from his god damn laptop.

“I don’t know.” I replied nervously.

I have been extremely nervous since the night before. Besides meeting Live-Every-Second, I’m REALLY nervous about my date with Bill.

“Are you nervous?” Bill asked, snapping me out of my thinking.

“Oh nein, nein. Of course I’m not.” I repLIED, avoiding eye contact.

“Where are we going later? Do you want me to wear anything formal or something?” I asked Bill, who only looked at me and laughed.

“Just be yourself. That’s better than being someone that you’re not.” Bill just smiled.

For a second there, I was actually happy that I’m having a date with Bill.