The Letter Says Don't Jump

Chapter 6

Elena’s POV

I looked in the mirror and studied myself. A My Chemical Romance shirt, white skinnies and white converse. Normal hair and normal eyeliner. I hope the date goes well.


“Evening. You look wonderful.” Bill greeted with a smile on his face before giving me a bouquet of black roses.

I just smiled before the both of us walked to wherever we were going.

“Where did you get this?” I asked, smelling the roses.

Hmm. Vanilla. My favorite scent.

“For me to know, for you to find out. You like it? I had it specially scented with vanilla since it’s your favorite.” Bill smiled nervously before scratching his head.

“Thank you, Bill. It’s beautiful.”


“Have I told you that you look beautiful tonight?” Bill complimented before I flushed red.

“Shut up, Bill. You’ve said that a hundredth and one times.”

“Haha. You’re pretty.” Bill cheekily said before I threw a piece of fries at his face.

“Stop trying to make me blush! It’s not working anymore!” I complaint before sticking my tongue out at him.

“Well, you’ve blushed for the hundredth and one times. It’s cute to see you blush for the hundredth and two times.” He smirked before sipping his coke.

He sure LOVES his coke.

“So how do you feel about Live-Every-Second so far?” Bill asked, looking very eager.

“He’s really nice. Very kind. He understands me like no one ever had.” I smiled and I also noticed that Bill was really happy when I said that.

“Who are you hoping to see when you meet him later? I mean you must have some guesses inside your head right?”

“I don’t know… I thought it might be Tom but that’s not his user name. Tom’s user name was ILoveGirls.” I laughed, causing Bill to choke on his Coke, which causes me to laugh even more.

“Haha. Oh ok. Now you stand here and close your eyes. Don’t open them until I tell you too.” Bill wiped his mouth as he took my hand and pulled me up from the chair.

I closed my eyes and waited.

“It wasn’t long before ‘someone’ caressed my cheeks.

“What are you doing Bill?” I curiously asked, still with my eyes closed.

There was pure silence before ‘someone’ planted a kiss on my cheeks.

I immediately opened my eyes to see Bill Kaulitz kissing me. I mean my cheeks.

I pushed him away, shocked and speechless.

“What are you doing Bill?”

“Elena, it’s me.”

“Duh! Of course it’s you Bill.” I laughed but Bill was dead serious.

“I’m not fooling around, Elena. I’m Live-Every-Second.” Bill confessed while taking my hand in his.

Wait. What? Fuck. How can this be? No. He’s lying.

“No. You’re not Live-Every-Second. You can’t be! You’re lying. Like always.” I snapped before pushing his hand away and making my way.

I can’t believe that Bill was actually acting. I mean fuck. I don’t know anything anymore.

“Elena! Wait!” Bill shouted as he grabbed my hand.

“Let go of me you bastard!” I screamed before Bill’s grip got tighter.

“Shut up Elena! All you do is call me a stupid bastard when things doesn’t go YOUR way! You never gave me a chance to explain ANYTHING! You go around telling people all the wrong things and making me look bad without even knowing what really happened. Just give me a fucking chance to explain and after this, you can do anything that you fucking want!” Bill snapped, causing me to stare at him.

I’ve never seen him so angry before…

“You told me once, well not me but Live-Every-Second, that you moved to America. You almost got raped but you got away. Your cat got killed in an accident. You even said that maybe there’s a good side to Bill Kaulitz. Believe me Elena. Why would I lie to you right now? I admit that I’m in LOVE with Nothing-But-Me. I’m in love with you, Elena.” Bill explained, holding my shoulders and looking at me in the eye.

“Just give me a chance to show you that I am Live-Every-Second. Please.” Bill begged before he started singing a poem.

A poem that I sent to Live-Every-Second a long time ago…
“Heaven's looking down
For she's up there above
Death engulfed her
But there's nothing for me to cry..." Bill sang to me as he grabbed the both of my hands.

I just stared before hugging Bill. I could tell that he was shocked by my sudden movement due to his jerkiness. It wasn’t long before he hugged me back.

It was as if time stopped and nothing else mattered except for me and Bill.

“Why didn’t you just tell me that you’re Live-Every-Second you dickhead. It could have been easier for me.” I laughed still holding on to him.

“Yeah right. Like you’re going to believe me if I just went up to you and say “Hi! I’m Live-Every-Second!”” Bill replied.

“So all this time you knew that it was me? How evil can you get?” I asked before pulling away.

“Yup. At first I was shocked that it was fucking Elena Pig Linds.” He chuckled before the both of us started walking out of the restaurant, hand in hand.

“Aren’t you afraid that people are going to see us? I mean you are the Oh So Famous Bill Kaulitz.” I said looking around.

“Nein. Let them. I don’t mind. I want the whole world to know that you’re my girlfriend.” Bill smiled before I pinched his hand.

“I didn’t even agreed to be your girlfriend!” I said, mouth agape.

“Well then I’m glad you brought that question up . Do you, Elena Linds, take me, Bill Kaulitz to be your beloved boyfriend?” Bill asked in a pastor voice, causing me to laugh.

“Haha. Well…. I do. How bout you? Do you, Bill Kaulitz, take me, Elena Linds, to be you beloved girlfriend?”


“Hey! You’re suppose to say I Do!” I slapped his right arm.

“…Unless you kiss me.” He smirked.

“Urgggh. You’re childish you know that.” I rolled my eyes before leaning in.

Our lips touch for the first time and it felt like heaven.

I tried to pull back but Bill just kept his hands on my neck, preventing me from pulling away as his tongue begged for entry.

After a few minutes of struggling and hyperventilating, I slowly became comfortable and started to kiss back.

We pulled away and the only thing I could do was smile, the widest I could since God know when.

“I do.” Bill whispered as he kissed my forehead.

I smiled as we walked back.

I was happy. Yes I was. Even though Live-Every-Second wasn’t exactly who I expected it to be. I was still the happiest girl on Earth right now but…

I’m scared and worried…

What would the others say? Especially Tom?