The Letter Says Don't Jump

Chapter 8

Elena's POV

“Are you ok Elena?” Tom asked as he plopped down on the sofa beside me.


“You’re not being “Emo” are you?” He sighed while making the finger signs on his head.

“Nein. Why would I be Emo?”

“I mean, it’s the first time I heard you fight with Bill. Did you guys break up?” He looked at me, worried.

“I don’t know. We’re just having a time out.” I sighed.

A week of silence. I didn’t talk to him, let alone messaged him.

One whole week and all I did was sit at home and just do my own things.

“So you want to go to the mall?” Tom suggested as he leaned his head in my shoulder.

Tom has been persevering to get me out of the house.

Parties, restaurants, malls, swimming pools. You say it. He already suggested it.

I don’t want to be rude for declining his offer but I just don’t feel like going out at all.

“How about the party Geog is having at his house tonight? Are you going?”


“Aw common! It’s a party for heaven’s sake!!” Tom pleaded as he shook my shoulder.

“I’m not in the mood to go, Tom.” I groaned pushing his hand away.

“Please Elena! I don’t have a date and it would be nice if you could accompany me!” He begged, pouting.

“I don’t want to! Urgggh! Fine! Fine! But not as you date.” I sighed in defeat as Tom clapped his hands childishly.

“Is Bill going to be there?” I asked, staring at the television screen,

“I’m not sure but he should be there. Are you afraid?” Tom asked, softening his voice.

“Of course I am. I would rather die than to lose Bill. I love him.” I whispered, loud enough for him to hear before Tom hugged me.

“Don’t worry. He’ll never leave you. I promise…”


“Here. Are you sure you don’t want to dance?” Tom asked.

“Yeah. I’m fine here. You go and have fun. Don’t worry too much about me.” I replied, taking the drink from Tom.

“Ok. Come find me if you want to go home, alright?” Tom smiled as I nod my head.

I scanned around and saw that most of the guests there were having fun.

I slowly sipped my drink as I strolled around.

As I turned my head, I caught Bill and Eliza dancing together.

Her hands were wrapped around his neck as the both of them swayed slowly to the music.

“They sure are enjoying it.” I sighed softly before I felt a light tap on my shoulders.

I turned to see Gustav smiling at me and I couldn’t help but laugh at his cuteness.

“Would you like to dance with me?” Gustav offered as he took my hand.

I gave him a small smile as a form of yes before the both of us started dancing to Because You Believe.

I couldn’t help but stare at Bill’s direction once in a while.

It hurts to see him so close with Eliza. When she moves her hand up and down his back or when Bill supports his chin on her bare shoulders. I couldn’t help but shrug and look away, tears threatening not to spill.

“Are you alright?” Gustav asked as we stopped swaying.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry.” I replied with a shaky voice.

Great. What a way to cover up, Elena.

“It’s not Bill and Eliza is it?” Gustav said as he looked at Bill and Eliza before shifting back his eyes.

“No it’s—"

Seeing Bill and Eliza closing up as if they were about to kiss was the last bullet shot from the gun.

I just shook my head before walking away blindly, bumping into people as try to make my way out.

As I made my way out, I could hear my name being called but by who, I don’t know. I just wanted to get away from all this.

Finally, I got out and I started walking back home. I pulled my hoodie up as tears slowly fall on my cheeks, or is it rain?

Soon, it didn’t mattered anymore for now, I’m drenched wet and so were my cheeks.

Upon reaching my home’s backyard, I just let myself fall onto the wet grass before more tears escaped from my eyes.

It hurt so much. It’s much more painful than getting stab with a knife. My heart felt heavy and I couldn’t breathe properly due to crying. I felt dizzy and my whole body was as if it was set on fire.

“Raindrops fall from everywhere…
I reach out for you but you’re not there…
So I stood waiting in the dark…
With your picture in my hand
A story of a broken heart…” I silently sang to myself in between sobs before my eyes started to feel heavy.

Before my world turned completely black, a blur vision of a guy came into view.

I smiled for he looked a lot like Bill but that’s impossible.

I just let my eyelids engulfed my vision before saying,

“No. Bill’s not here. He’s with Eliza now…”


Bill's POV

I knew that Elena saw but she got the wrong idea!

Eliza was the one who leaned in, not me! I swear on it.

I pushed Eliza away before chasing after Elena, calling her name as I pushed pass people.

“Elena! Wait!”

“Bill, we need to talk.” Tom stopped me before Georg and Gustav dragged me to a room.

“No. I need to see Elena!” I tried to get away but Tom stopped my by pushing me, causing me to fall on the bed.

“No, Bill. You’ll hurt her more.” Gustav said as he tried to calm me down.

“Just calm the hell down Bill. What the hell happened between you, Elena and Eliza?” Tom asked, looking serious.

“It was just a misunderstanding! It was Eliza who caused all this hit to happen! Elena left, Eliza came and she was drunk and before I know it, her tongue was down my throat! Do you think I like tongues being pushed down my throat! I could be bulimic ok and it’s enough that people are saying that I’m anorexic!” I exclaimed before Georg laughed, causing the other three of us to glare at him.

“Vas? I just find it funny.” Georg chuckled but stopped immediately when he realized that we’re not amused.

“Do you know that she’s afraid that she’ll lose you?” Tom stated as he sat down on the bed beside me.

“And I’m not afraid? I love her and it kills me if I lose her. I’m going to see her. Can I go now?” I groaned before getting to the door.

Tom just sighed before getting up and unlocking the door.

After that, I just dashed out and ran pass people until I got out of Georg’s house.

Then, I just let my legs guide me to Elena’s house before seeing her, on the ground in her back yard.

Immediately ran to her and what I heard crushed my heart into pieces.

“No. Bill’s not here. He’s with Eliza now…”

I touched her forehead and she was burning hot.

“Gosh, Elena. You're burning up.I said before picking her up, bridal style, and carried her to her room.

I laid her down on her bed as I took of her jacket.

“Elena… I’m sorry if I hurt you in anyway…” I apologized as I sat down on her bed beside her and stroke her wet cheeks.

I am really sorry…

Better call up Doctor Sue...