Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 1

Mazelina's point of view

A typical day in school. Currently in Science class and it is so boring. Mr. Stone is teaching something about gravity of the Earth. Blah blah blah... Why is he teaching all this stuff anyway? I know all about this stupid gravity.

“Ms Adams. Looks like you're out into space. Tell me, why are we not floating up in the air when we're on Earth and why do we float up in the air when we're on the moon? I'm sure you'll know the answer if you bothered to pay attention.” Mr. Stone asked me with a smirk on his face.

“Because there's gravity on Earth and there's no gravity up there on the moon. That's why we don't fly around like superman when we're on Earth. Why am I answering all this crap? It's sooo easy...” I answered.

“Very good then Ms. Adams and I guess I will see you in detention later for your arrogant attitude. Now moving on to... blah blah blah...” Mr. Stone continued.

God damn! I hate him sooo much. Every single day of my life I've been given detention by him for stupid reasons!! Urghhh!!!

“Nice move Adams.”

I turned around to face Bill, the arrogant b*stard who's the most popular kid in school. He never fails to bugged me everytime... Why must he always sit behind me in every class....

“Whatever Kaulitz.”

“Hey hey hey. Just because you're in detention, it doesn't mean you should take your anger out on me. You should love me darling. Everybody loves me! You wanna know why? It's because I'm the Sharman of Hotness and Sexiness...” He smirk as he whispered the last sentence near my ear.

I could feel his breath on my neck and I blus... FREAK!! LINA LINA LINA!!! BILL IS YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!!! I push him away causing him to fall out of his chair and into the cold hard floor.

“Serve you right Kaulitz. Never mess with the Sharman of Pain and Misery.” I taunted him as I flipped my hair in his face.

I carried my books after the bell rung signalling the end of school and left for freakin detention.

At detention

I stepped into detention room only to be greeted by Mr. Stone...

"Why hello Mazelina. It's nice for you to show up for detention."

"Like duh. I'm here like every single day because of you... Can I go sit now?"

"Sure. You can go sit beside Tom over there."

I looked at the guy named 'Tom'. I never saw him in detention before. Maybe it was his first time here. Haz. So I went to sit beside him. When I reached there, I pulled the chair which caused him to tilt his head towards my direction. I just smiled and he did the same to me. Is it me or does this Tom guy look familiar... He looks like someone I know.

"Um. Excuse me. Don't mean to be rude or anything but why are you staring at me?" I snapped out of my thinking and felt my face turned red.

"Ouh. Um. I'm realli sorry. I just thought that there was something on your face. Nice lip ring though." I stuttered.

Great. What a lame comeback...

"I'm Tom." He said before putting his hand out.

"I'm Mazelina. Nice to meet you." I replied and shook his hand.

"So is this your first time in detention?" I asked as I was really curious.

"Yup. My very first time. It's not bad though. Quite peaceful."

"Haz. Peaceful for you. So why are you here anyway?"

"Kinda blew the Science lab at level 2."

"Ouh. So you're the kid that the whole school was talking about... Nice job anyway. It must have took alot of guts to blew the Science lab."

"It was not intentionally... It was more of an accident... But the teachers don't see it that way though. They thought that I purposely blew the concoction so that everybody could leave school early. Lame huh?"

"Hahaz. Lame indeed."

"Hey, are you free after detention?" He asked looking a little bit weird.

"I'm free. Why?"

"Maybe we could hang out at my place. Watch some movies. Play my x-box. What do you say?"

"Sure. I would love to." I replied.

It's nice to have friends to hang out with for once. Tom sure is a nice guy.

At Tom's house

So we finished detention and now I'm at Tom's house. It's really cosy. So we're like watching Spongebob Squarepants and it's soo funny how Patrick can be soo dumb.

"Hey, Tom. Can I have a glass of water or Coke or whatever you have in your fridge?"

"Yea sure. Bring me one too aite." He smiled.

So I went to the kitchen and started looking for something for me and Tom to drink. I saw a couple cans of Coke and grabbed 2 of them. As I turned, I hit someone and the 2 cans from my hands drop to the ground....

"Lina, what are you doing here?" He asked.

I looked up only to find....