Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 10

Bill's POV

"Gustav, where's Tom?" I asked Gustav, who was on the couch playin with his laptop.

"Went to see Mazelina. Tony said it was something personal. You think they'll end it?"

"I don't know..." I sigh as I sank down the counch in front of him.

"You like her don't you." Gustav said, eyes still glued to the laptop.

"Her who?"

"As in Mazelina. You like her don't you?"

I frozed.

"Nope. I don't. I can't like her, she's my bestfriend and she's with Tom."

"Ouuuhhh kaaayyy. Whatver you say." He replied while rolling his eyes.

Mazelina's POV

"Tom?" I asked as I looked at his face.

Currently siting on my bed just staring at the ceiling with Tom.

"Yes?" Tom replied as he took my right hand.

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"As in do all that shit?"


His grip on my right hand loosen a bit and he sighed heavily.

"I don't know... It was like I was not me. It's like all the fame and girls just made me different. I was in a different state of mind and I couldn't control myself. I'm really sorry Maze. I really am."

"Hahaz. I forgive you." I said, smiling widely.

4 months later

Gustav's POV

"Hey. Is this Lina?" I asked via the phone.

"Yes, Gustav. It's me. What's up?"

"The sky and it's blue!"

"Hahaz. Ding ding ding! And you've won one million dollars! Congratulations!"

"Hahaz. Are you free now?"

"Yeap. Why'd you ask?"

"Wanna go to the park? I'm bored to death here. Bill and Tom went out and Geog doesn't want to play PS2 with me."

"Hahaz. Sure. Meet you at the usual fountain in 15 mins aite."

"Sure. Cya." I said as I put down the phone.

Gosh. Mazelina's fun. But somewhere deep inside me, I just know that she doesn't deserve Tom. She deserves someone better.

Someone like Bill. Bill cares for her. I'm just have this feeling that Bill's hiding his feelings towards Mazelina. Everytime I try to make him somehow admit that he likes Mazelina, he just finds a way to avoid that particular subject. It's really weird of him but really, Bill is way better than Tom.

I know that Tom isn't gonna be that faithful towards Mazelina any moment now. I just know it... I can feel it...

At the park

"Sorry I'm late!!" Lina shouted as she ran towrds the fountain.

"About time! What took you sooo long?" I asked while punchin her playfully.

"Hey, it wasn't may fault that Aunt Sadie told me to help her with her cookies! Here, I brought you some to make up for my lateness." She said as she handed me chocolate cookies.

"You have very weird words. Hahaz. Cool."

"So, what do you wanna do?"

"I wanna show you a place."

"Really? Where?"

"Follow me." I said as I grabbed her hand.

Mazelina's POV

"Where are you taking me Gustav??" I asked, obviously curious.

"Um... Just a few more metres... Tadaaaa!!!"

I just stared, awwed by the view. Gustav brought me to this lake. The lake was pure as ever and the sky was beutiful.

"Wow. How did you find this place Gustav?"

"My grandfather found this place. No one knows about this place accept for him. He said that this used to belong to a group of mermaids, now that they're gone, the place was hidden. Forest grew around it. My grandfather said that maybe he was destined to find this place and this is also the place where my grandfather met my grandmother. Hahaz. Cool right?"

"Nein! It's not anywhere near COOL. It's wonderful!!!!! Gosh!"

"And Lina. If you have anything to talk about, you can always come here. I'll be here if you need someone to console with aite." He said as he hugged me.

"Thanks Gustav. Thanks alot." I smiled as I hugged him back.

I must the luckiest girl on earth. God has given me 4 sweet friens. I wish that all of this will last forever.