Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 14

Mazelina's POV

Currently having dinner with the Dick Twins. After Natalia interviewed them about God knows what, they invited us to dinner. I hesitated to go at first but I was hungry so I just went along.

"So, how long have you guys live here?" Bill asked.

"I've been here for the past...14-15 years? Around there and Amy has been here for 4 years. She was living at Germany before moving to New York." Natalia said.

Hahaz. Weird that Natalia's calling me using my middle name? Well, I told her to call me that because I so don't want the Dick Twins to know who I am.

"Oh I see." Bill replied, smiling as he took a bite from his steak.

"So what do you do during your free time?" Tom spoke up.

"Um, both of us just plays the guitar. But Mazelina writes alot. You should see her poems. It's really wonderful. Especially the one about the little girl, Peterpan, Wendy and the lost boys." Natalia replied.

"Really? What's the poem about?" Tom asked.

"About a girl who lost her parents and was about to jump. More on the girl's depression." Lia explained only to get a nudge from me.

"What?" She said, slightly annoyed.

"You don't have to tell them about that ok." I sneered.

"Whatever. So Tom..." Lia continued with her conversation with Tom.

She sure is enjoying her conversation with Tom. Wow. Wait till she knows about the real him...

"Really? So who's the better one at guitar?" He asked. This time, the question was directed at me since he was looking at me.

"Oh, both of us are ok." I just said without lifting my eyes from my plate as Tom continued his conversation with Natalia.

"You're really quiet." Bill commented.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I apologized.

"No no. Don't be. You are not like your sister even though you're twins. Natalia seems more outgoing."

"Just like you too. You're... different from Tom."

<em>Yeah. Tom's a whore and you are the used-to-be whore. That's the difference.</em>

"What do you work as?" He asked as placed down his fork, knife and placed his hands on the table.

"I work at my Dad's company. I help out bands who's on tour."

"Oh I see. Something like a tour manager?"

"Something like that. I've been on tour with bands like A.F.I and Evanesence. Nice people."

"Hey, you wanna come on tour with us? We're having big tour in Europe and we sure could use your help."

"OMG!!! Can I come too?!?!" Natalia screamed, almost causing my ears to bleed.

She must have over-heard our converstaion.

"I'll see first. There's other bands listed for me to help so there's a slight chance that I'll be on tour with you guys." I said causing Natalia to frown a little.

"Nah. I'll talk to Tony and I'm sure he'll help us get you guys on tour with us!" Tom smiled as he adjusted his cap.

"No no. It's ok."

"Nein nein! We'll love to have you on board with us!" Bill insisted.

All I did was smile, unsincerely. Please don't let it happen.

Just then, I caught Tom's hands touching Natalia's legs and she was giggling. I became furius for a while and it wasn't long before I spoke up.

"Tom, please don't touch my sister." I said, annoyed.

"Oh ok. Soorry."

"Amy, can I talk to you for a minute? Excuse us." Natalia said as she dragged me outside.

"What's your problem Lina?" Natalia shouted.

"What's my problem? You don't know who he is! You don't know of what he's capable of doing!"

"What? Like you've date him before! You're just jealous that Tom is hitting on me!"


"Then stop doing whatever you're doing!"

"Fine! I will!" I screamed back as I made my way back in and took my bag.

I took out my $50 and gave it to the Dick Twins.

"Here. For the food and goodbye. And Tom, stay away from my sister." I sneered at Tom.

"Where are you going?" Bill asked.

"None of your buisness."

"Amy! Stop being this way!" Natalia came back in and tried to take my bag away.

"Let my bag go Natalia! I'm not in the mood to stay!"

"Why? Because of Tom?"

I was really angry now that the next thing I knew, something really unexpected came out of my mouth.

"Yes! It's because of him! If you ever get together with him, he'll hurt you just like he hurt me!" I said and pulled my bag, before making my way out of the restaurant and heading home.

I hate them.

Natalia's POV

What's her problem? I just sank down in my sit and sigh. Why does she hate Tokio Hotel so much?

"I apologized for my sister's act just now. She just.... Hates you guys." I explained.

"Ouh. It's ok. Any reason why she hates us?" Bill asked.

"No idea. Ever since she came from Germany, she hates Tokio Hotel. I just don't understand Mazelina. She's complicated sometimes." I sigh.

"Wait. I thought her name was Amy?" Tom asked, eyes wide.

"Nope. That's her middle name. Her first name is Mazelina."

"Does your last name happen to be Shaw?" Bill asked.

He and Tom seemed very curious and how do I explain this, they looked... frigidtive.

"Yes... Her name is Mazelina Amy Shaw. Why are you guys asking me all this?"

"Nothing nothing. Do you happen to have an Aunt named Sadie who's currently living at Germany right now?" Tom asked.

How did he know that?

"Are you like stalking my family because you knowing about my aunt is so weird."

"So it is true then!" Bill exclaimed with Tom's jaws dropped.

"What does Mazelina have to do with you guys?"

Bill's POV

Omg... That was Mazelina. THE Mazelina that we knew. I looked at Tom and he just nodded.

"Can we come to your place after this?" Me and Tom asked at the same time.

"Uh. Sure. Any reason why?" Natalia asked, curious.

Who wouldn't be in that state? Me and Tom are just asking questions and I'm sure Natalia has no clue.

"We just wanna see an old friend of us." I explained.

"Yes. A really old and dear friend." Tom explained too.

Gosh. That was her? No wonder she acted weird just now.