Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 17

Natalia's POV

I felt her went out. I hadn't been sleeping and I knew she wasn't too. I just couldn't stop thinking why she hates Tokio Hotel so much. And what did Tom say to her just now in her room? I tossed and turned but those thoughts just stayed in my mind like glue. I finally decided to get up and sneaked in to my room.

To my realisation, Tom was sleeping there... Half naked... So I blushed like crazy but then I noticed that Bill was gone. Where did he go? Whatever. I just went to Tom and woke him up by shaking his shoulders. He slowly opened his eyes and jumped by the sight of me.

"Hell! What the hell are you doing here?" He shouted softly.

"I just want to ask you something. It concerns Mazelina and you."

"Oh.. What do you want to know?" He asked, his facial expression was... I don't know. Sad?

"Do you have anything going on with her right now?"

"Huh? Nein. Nein. There's nothing going on between us right now. Why would you think that?" He asked, in between laughs.

"I don't know. The question just came across my mind... But I'm just wondering, do you, like, met her before in the past because you seem to know her and Aunt Sadie."

"Oh... Yeah. She used to hang out with us in the past. Yeap. Good memories." He said smiling.

"You mean you know her before you were famous?"

He just nodded and I was still abit confuse. Just then, a theory came across my mind.

"So she hates you guys because when you got famous, you left her?" I asked.

Nice theory huh?

"Nein nein. She was still our bestest friend, even after we were famous but things just got ugly half way though.. Realli ugly..." He replied making that 'things got ugly' face.

"How ugly?"

"Really ugly... It got so ugly that she just left and she never wants to talk to us again..." He sighed.

"What happened?"

"I sort of... Nvm... I don't want to talk about it... It's not that I don't want to tell but it's just a bitter past..." He said softly before laying down and covering his face with a pillow.

I guess that's my cue to leave... I gotta find out what happened...

*The next morning*

Tom's POV

I woke up to find Bill still missing. I knew he woke up in the middle of the night saying he needs fresh air. Then Natalia came in and asked about Mazelina and I went back to sleep and I woke up and Bill is still not here?? Where the hell did he go??

I got up, put on my shirt and went downstairs. I looked around and my eyes caught two bodies at the backyard. I went there and the sight just somehow broke my heart to pieces. I guess this is how Mazelina felt when I'm around girls. I just stared at them before shaking my head and going back in and to Mazelina's room where I saw Natalia sleeping soundly on the bed. I sat beside her without waking her up and kissed her temple. In my head, I was imagining that it was Mazlina. The kissed caused Lia to open her eyes and she sat up with a confuse look on her face.

"No, you're not Mazelina..." I said and immediately went out.

She might be Lina's twin but she's just not her... She's just not Lina...

Mazelina's POV

I opened my eyes to see Bill staring at me smiling.

"Morning." I greeted warmly.

"Morning to you too." He smiled.

"Gosh, we spent the whole night here?" I said, as I sat up and yawned.

"Pretty much yeah. It's nice though."

"It sure is. I think I better get going." I said as I stood up and made my way back in.

I went to the kitchen to find Tom eating breakfast with Natalia. Tom just kept his eye on me as I made my way to the fridge and took out the milk. I sat infront of them and just ate like my own buisness.

"Where's Dad and Aunt Sadie?" I asked Natalia despite chewing the cereal in my mouth.

"Went out to get stuffs. Why?" She asked as she looked at me.

"Nah. Feel like going out today. Meeting Hayley today."

"You mean Hayley the Paramore Hayley?"

"Yup. Dicussing things about a tour." I rep<strong>lied</strong>.

Hahaz. I'm just pissing Tom off. Actually I'm just meeting Hayley to hang out with her. She's a great person.

And I think I did piss off Tom caused his facial expression was classic! But then he just slammed his bowl and left the kitchen. Natalia just looked at me and I just sigh...

I went to follow and he was outside, on the porch smoking a cigarrette. I went to him and snatch the cigarette away from him, causing him to looked at me with dead eyes.

"You shouldn't be smoking you know. You're under age."

"So? Bill smokes and you don't give a damn about it." He spat.

I was shocked and immediately stood infront of him.

"Excuse me? What does Bill have to do with this?"

"Yeah yeah. All you cared about is Bill. Don't you?" He rolled his eyes.

"Duh I care about him and I care about you too you dick shit."

"Then prove to me that you care!" He shouted as he stood up and snatched back his cigaratte.

"What do you want me to do?" I shouted back.

"Give me a second chance then!?!"

I just stood there, about to scream but I manage my impulsivity and made my way back in.

"What? You can give Bill a second chance but not to me?" He said.

"I gave you too many chances and you used none of them! I've wasted my time on you! I've wasted my love! I've wasted my kisses! I've wasted everything on you! And now you're lecturing me about who's right and who's wrong?" I screamed.

He really got on my last nerve. I pushed him from the porch and made my way in.

"Listen Mazelina. I'm gonna get you back and I'll make sure that Bill doesn't stand in the way." He sneered as he took another puff from his cigarette.

Yeah right? Bill? Why would he be standing in the way? Haz. In my dreams Tom Kaulitz!