Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 19

Mazelina's POV

I opened my groggy eyes and tried to stand up, only to fall back down, flat on my butt. My head hurts like crazy... Why is it so painful? And where am I?

I tried to stand up again but this time, my stomach wasn't feeling too good... Then, it all came out... All of it down the lake. A hand was rubbing my back as I did my buisness. As I was done, a bottle of water was handed to me to wash my mouth. I didn't even bother to look who was present beside me and I finally did when I passed back the bottle to <em>him</em>.

I looked at him with wide eyes. Shocked obviously but my head started spinning again. My visions got slightly blurr as the world around me started to sway... Then, I fell but he manage to catch me and slowly laid my body on the floor, my head on his lap.

"Hey, don't stand too much. You're wasted, don't you know?" He said smiling abit.

I was drunk? It couldn't be. I was with Hayley and we went to a club and we danced abit and we went to sit down and... And... And what else? That's all right?

"Huh? I was drunk?" I asked, still feeling a bit light headed.

"Yes, Mazelina. You were really drunk. What were you thinking getting soo drunk back there? It's dangerous."

"But I wasn't drunk. I didn't drink at all." I said as I tried to sit up but Tom prevented me.

"Just lay down. You're giddy. You may faint again."

"But still, I wasn't drunk." I fought back, in a polite way.

"That wasn't what Hayley said. She said you drank like what? A few glasses? And you're drunk like crazy."

"Really? Where is she anyway? Why are you here?" I asked, as I massaged my temple slowly.

"She went back. She called me to keep you company here. I wanted to bring you home but seeing that there's no taxis or buses here, I decided to stay. Besides, the view is great here." He replied.

"Thanks... Gosh... My head hurts..."

"Just take a rest, everything'll be fine in the morning. Trust me." He smiled as he took my hand.

I couldn't do anything but smile back at him and squeezed his hand as a form of Thank You.

"Thanks again Tom. Hey, lie down." I told him as I gestured him to lay down beside me.

He just smiled and placed his body beside mine.

"I'm tired. Don't you feel tired?" I asked.

"Nein. If I'm tired and we both go to sleep, who's gonna protect you?"

"I don't mind. I'm already here with you so I'm safe." I said, smiling.

He smiled back and this time, he took out his overly-sized sweater and placed it on me.

"Here, you'll get cold." He whispered.

"Hahaz. Dumb Kaulitz." I laughed as I placed the sweater above both of us so thet both of us wouldn't get cold... I hope.

Tom's POV

"Listen Maze. I'm really sorry about just now. I didn't mean to get all hot-headed but I was just angry because of the fact that you're trying to avoid me and I don't like it. I love you like crazy Maze. And I know it's crazy to admit this but I am. I use to say I Love You before but now I really meant what I say. I fucking love you. There, I've said it. Don't just keep qu--"

I turned my head to see why wasn't she saying anything and guess what I saw? A peacefully sleeping Mazelina. I just sighed before placing the sweater properly over us. I guess the gods doesn't want me to let you know yet... I just placed my left hand over her waist before drifting off to a deep slumber...