Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 21

Mazelina's POV

"Hahaha! You did that? You wore a g-string the other way around??" I laughed.

He was stupid! Just like always. I mean, he was talking about Stupid Day than the band celebrate every year and the band has to act dumb during that point of time. This year, they had to use their wild imaginations with pieces of g-strings... Hahaz! And it lasted for four days! One day for each member to act stupid with the same g-string.

"Yeap. I acted as if I don't know what's a g-string so I wore the thing the other way around. The cloth at the back and the string at the front for I thought that the cloth is for support for my butt. And the funny thing is that the string whish was in front went straight down and made a slight curve as my balls was present and straight back down. I think you get what I mean. Hahaz." He replied in between laughter.

"And you wore that for like the whole 24 hours??"

He nodded and I continued with my laughing. Gosh. My stomach's going to burst anytime soon bt it can't burst now. I wanna laugh at the stupid things that the others did.

"Haha. Pretty much. I was very lucky that there was no concert, no interview and no photoshoot for that day so I was pretty much safe from the press."

"Okok. Tell me what the others did." I asked, feeling a little bit jumpy.

"Georg prett much tore the cloth when he wore it. It was like his balls was so huge that the cloth of the g-string couldn't stand the pressure and *riiiippppeeeddd* the cloth tore!"

Upon hearing what I just heard, I burst into a fits of laughter... Again... But this time I was on my back, crunching my stomach as it was in the state of pure cramness.

"And he wore that for the whole day too??" I asked.

"Yes. The whole fucking day he walked around with a ripped g-string and he didn't even wore pants! At least I wore my pants before putting on that piece of thing!"

I just laughed and laughed and laughed and I don't know how many times have I used the word laugh. Rest assured. There'll be more 'laugh's.

"Wait till you hear what Bill did. It was the classic one." He giggled, slightly holding back laughter so that he could talk.

"What? What? What did he do??" I asked, obviously curious.

Hell. Who wouldn't be? If you were me I think you also wanna know right?

"He spiked up his hair like usual and he wore the g-string over his head and so of his hair was compressed but most of the spike bits came out of the holes!!" he quickly said before laughing hysterically and I did the same.

Imagine a spike up hair Bill with g-string on his head! Some parts are compressed while some poked out of the holes! Hillarious!

"And Tom did the same thing but the sad thing is that we had a concert during that day and he was like "What the Fuck?". So he didn't wore his cap and that pink g-string was on his head the whole concert and he even did something stupid. He was like flirting with this group of ladies and he was like raising his eyebrows and touching his hair and all that and when Bill told him there was a g-string on his head, he flushed to a bright red and just stop playing "Schrei" half way and ran back to backstage! Turns out he completely forgot that there was a g-string on his head!"

"Oh oh! I heard about that! In the newspaper or something. It was hillarious! I almost peed on my pants!" I laughed as I playfully punched Gustav.

As soon as we stipped laughing, we laid on the grass and stared at the night sky. Yes, we've been here since the afternoon.

"Are you like ever going to forgive Tom ever again?" Gustav asked all of a sudden.

Wow. That caught me off guard.

"Maybe not... He's just too much... Hey, can we not talk about him? He spoils the mood and I wanna enjoy with you, not be sad or angry about "ouhhh... Tom lied... Tom cheated... Tom blah blah blah...". I replied making that shit face.

"Hahaz. Sorry to bring that up. Didn't mean to." He replied guiltily.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault." I said as I nudged him on the shoulders.

"So... Any crushes or girlfriend or wife or widow that you didn't tell me about?" I asked.

"Hehe... There's one particular girl that I like..." He confessed, feeling embarrassed.

"OMG! Gustav is liking someone?? Wow! First time! What's her name?" I said, faking the shockness.

"Aly. I met her at a bookstore and we just talked and things just went from there." He said.

"So you and her are like going out. That's good." I smiled.

"Nein. I didn't have the guts to asked her out..." He confessed.

"Ok. Now that's not good. Why?" I asked.

"I mean, yes, I like her but I don't know if she feels the same way about me. What if she doesn't like me?" He said, sounding worried.

"Bullshit! Anyone would like you! You're sweet and funny and kind! But I really like the funny part. What if she likes you but is shy to make the first move?" I brought up a theory.

Nice one huh?

"Impossible." He fought back.

"What impossible? You never tried so you'll never know. And isn't guys should the one to like make the first move on girls and not the other way around?"

"Hahaz. You tell me. I wish HE would make his first move on you!" He said while poking my sides, causing me to jump a little and poke him back, which now, causes him to jumped a bit too.

I raised my brows in confusion after that.

"Who's 'He'?" I asked.

"For me to know and for you to find out. But nevermind. You'll find out one day... IF he has the guts to approach you. And don't worry, it's not Tom." He smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes.

"Ok ok. Whatever. But think about it, what if you tell her and she happens to like you back? You'll then go out and you then can show her this amazing place just like you showed me, only the fact that you and me didn't date."

"But I wished we were... But you were with Tom..." He said causing me to turned to him, shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"Because you're the first girl that I've ever really really like and it's special for me to show you this and I only want to share this with you and no ne else. Not even my wife or my mistress or my girlfriend or whoever! It means alot to me that I could show you this place but... I've moved on." He smiled and I just laughed.

"Ok. Wow. That was touching. I'm sooo honoured! But really, I think I'm way better off without Tom. I'd rather be dating you but I like our status right now. Just brothers and sisters. The way I'll always want it too be." I smiled.

"Me too and I wouldn't trade it for anything." He smiled back.