Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 26

Mazelina's POV

The pain is unbearable. I can't stand it anymore but I can't just tell him. I can't. It'll break her heart and I don't want to hurt her anymore. I love her too much to see her cry anymore... But my hearts cries out blood...

"You ok Mazelina? You seemed distant." Tom asked as he kissed my temple.

"Yeah. I'm fine... It's just Natalia I'm thinking about..." I sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't worry. It'll be ok between you and her. Don't think too much about it. You wanna go out today. As in before the concert? We could explore the place here in Paris." He asked as I placed my head on his chest.

"Yeah. Sure. But wouldn't it be dangerous for you judging that you're the Tom Kaulitz that everybody wants to date?" I laughed.

"Nein. Don't worry. I booked a table at a restaurant nearby and we'll be having a double date with Bill and Natalia. Then we could walk around before going to our concert venue." He smiled.

I just gave him a small smile before closing my eyes to erase away the pain.

Georg's POV

"You don't have to lie to yourself Bill. You're only hurting yourself more." I told Bill who was in the state of dillema.

"But I can't just go to her and tell her how I feel. She's with Tom and it's already been three weeks and I can't just break it off with Natalia... Urrgghhh!!" He groaned.

Bill, bill... You like Mazelina but went out with Natalia. You're weird. And now it's been three weeks since Tom and Mazelina have been together and Tom's pretty serious this time. He's been faithful to Mazlina. No doubt about it. No girls. No parties. Always with Mazelina. Even before or after a concert, the first person he goes to is Mazelina. Sighs...

"Then why did you go out with Natalia in the first place?"

"I don't know... Just seeing Tom with her just blinds me and I don't know. I just ended up with Natalia... And now I have a double date with Tom and Mazelina with Natalia and I feel like puking any moment now..."

"Good luck!" I smiled as I gave him a pat on his shoulders.

"Shit you. You're useless!" He groaned, yet again, before leaving to find Natalia I think.

*At the restaurant*

Mazelina's POV

Just stare at the plate. Just stare at the fucking plate!

"How's the food?" Tom asked, snapping me out of my thinking.

"Yeah. Not bad. A bit too bitter I guess..." I commented before Bill suddenly took a bite of my pasta.

"Are you insane? It's delicious! Well, at least better than mine anyway." He laughed causing Natalia to glare at him and I noticed.

"I guess it's just my throat then..." I laughed softly.

"You wanna watch a movie later, Maze?" Tom asked as he placed my hair behind my left ear.

"Sure. What do you wanna watch?"

"Anything that's boring." He smiled widely.

"Huh?" I raised my eye brow.

"So that we can talk more and make-out more." He giggled.

"Hahaz. Very funny. Talk yes. Make-out no." I replied causing Tom to frown.

"I love you Maze." Tom suddenly blurted out.

I almost choked on my food.

"O...kay..." I said, wiping my mouth.

"There's something I wanna say too." Natalia confessed.

All of us just stared at Natalia as she took out a ring and placed it at Bill's finger.

"I want all of you to be my witness. This ring represents the love that I have for Bill and he is the only guy in my heart." She smiled before kissing Bill passionately.

I just stared before dashing out of the restaurant into the back alley.

"Mazelina! Wait!"

I stopped running before Tom stood before me, holding my shoulders.

"What?" I asked.

"Tell me something."


"You like Bill don't you?"

I just stared at the ground, refusing to answer.

"Answer me! You like Bill don't you!" Tom shouted.

I was taken back by his anger.

"I don't know.... I don't know I don't know I don't know!?!" I screamed as I punched the wall and that caused my knuckles to bleed.

"No no no Mazelina. No. You're hurt." Tom said before sucking the blood out of my knuckles.

I was shocked by his sudden change of emotion.

"No Tom. No. Don't do that. It's not good." I pulled away my hand before hugging him tight.

"I don't know Tom. I don't know what's up with myself. I don't know what I'm feeling but I just wanna be with you right now. Don't leave me Tom. Don't." I said to him.

"I won't Mazelina. I won't. I love you too much. I love you Maze." Tom replied, caressing my hair.

"I feel so guilty. You are trying your very best to be with me and I'm being like an idiot who's not even trying. I am so sorry Tom. I am. I wanna try again. I wanna try our relationship again."

"Yes. Yes. I understand but listen Mazelina." He said before pulling away and stared deep into my eyes.

"Don't tell me that you are not trying because you are. Giving me a second chance shows me that you're trying Maze. Don't think like that. I'll stand by your side ok. I promise." He smiled and I couldn't help smiling back.

"I just don't know what I'm feeling right now. I'm confuse. I really sorry Tom. I really am." I apologized.

"Stop saying you're sorry. I understand. I understand if you don't have feelings for me anymore. I don't mind us not dating."

"Nein nein nein. I wanna be with you right now. I'm just confuse but who knows, you might be the guy that I wanna be with forever." I said, holding his hands.

The both of us just smiled before slowly closing the gap before us. It was the very first time in many years that I was sincere when I kissed him. This kissed reminded me of what it used to be last time. Maybe Tom is the guy I wanna be with but... Is he the one?