Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 29

Mazelina's POV

"Give this to the guys aite." I said as I handed Gustav a bunch of letters.

"You wrote all this? When?"

"Just now, when I was waiting for you." I smiled.

"So where will you go after this?" He asked, looking concerned.

"Australia. I got a job offer there from one of Dad's colleague." I explained.

"Same job?"

"Yup. Only that I'll be helping band on tours in Australia only."

"How long?" He asked, looking sad.

"About six months to a year. Yup. That should be about it."

"Aw.... I'm gonna miss my sister!" Gustav whined as he hugged me.

"Don't worry. We could still talk on the phone." I hugged him back.

"I think you better get going. Georg is waiting for you."

"Yeah sure." He replied.

"Take good care of yourself ok?" He said before giving me a peck on the cheeks before parting ways.

Australia. Here I come.

Tom's POV

A letter from me to you. Thanks for all that you've done. Take care of Natalia for me. I'm sure you are the right guy for her. I'll never forget the times that we've shared. The tears that we'd cried together. The laughing moments. It was unforgettable. And yes, you can be the step-brudder. Hahaz. You're lame you know that?

Lastly, the necklace that you gave me, I returned it back. It's not right for me to keep this. Give this to Natalia for I'm sure you would want here to wear it too.

Hope to meet you again. Love you always.


I took out the black necklace from the envelope and stared at it. No. It's not meant for Natalia. It's meant for you. I promise that one day, this is going to go around your neck once more. Not Natalia's neck. Yours.

Bill's POV

For the days that I've waited
It's finally here
Facing the end
Hoping that leaving wasn't the choice to fear
The stars were long gone
For I wish that somehow you were there with me
Now I know that destiny didn't want our path to cross
I didn't mean to feel it
It just came and caught me off guard
I'm not afraid to say I Love You
Because that's wahat it is from the start

I love you Bill. I always will...


I love you too, Mazelina. I love you too...

"Bill?" I turned to see Tom heading towards my direction, holding a letter, just like mine.


"Letter from Mazelina?"

"Yup. Letter from Mazelina. What does yours say?" I asked as we swapped letters.

I read his and raised my eyebrows.

"So you giving the necklace to Nat?" I asked him.

"Nein. I want Maze to have it. So... I guess Destiny has finally made a choice huh?"

"Yup. It sure is cruel and nice at the same time." I sighed.

"Well, are you gonna wait for her?"

"I always did and I'll always will." I replied smiling.

"Great. Now... The favour that I wanted to ask you about..."

"What favour?"

"You'll see..." Tom grinned.