Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 4

Mazelina's POV

The next morning


What a beautiful morning...

Wait... Let me rephrase that.

What a hell of a morning. Another torturous day with the Kaulitz. Aaah. That definitely sounded better.

So I woke up, showered and wore my clothes before drying up my hair. Wore a plain black tee and normal jeans.

To tell you the truth, I never really fancied fashion. I mean, you are what you are inside. Not the clothes you wear but sadly, everything is judge based on looks these days and that sucks... What the heck. I couldn't care less.

I went down heading for the kitchen and when I got there, there was a note stuck on the fridge.

Lina, me and Simone are having somewhat like a vacation. More like a girls night out. So I'm leaving you with the boys. Don't do anything stupid but I'm sure you wouldn't. There's 100 busks in my drawer. Use it anyway you like.
Aunt Sadie

Great... I went to the kitchen counter expecting a clean counter like always but instead, I saw a plate of pancakes. I was confused for a moment there. I mean, Aunt Sadie never cooks pancakes and I mean NEVER. She is not that kind of person who would cook pancakes for breakfast. Usually, it's eggs and bacons. Definitely not pancakes.

"Go ahead. Eat it."

I turned my head to Tom who came in with a cup of coffee and I turned back to the pancakes, still hesitant to eat it.

"Don't worry. It's not poisoned. I made it." He laughed as he took a sip from his cup.

"Serious?" I asked, still staring at the pancakes.

"Yup. It's famous, you know."


"Go ahead. You'll never know unless you've tried it."

So I took the plate of pancakes and went to the dining table. Tom did the same and he sat opposite me. I took a bite from these tempting round pancakes and they were...

"F*uck you. It's delicious." I complimented.

"My pleasure to f*uck you too. Wanna do it now?" He replied as he raised his eyebrows and played with his lipring.

"Seriously, it's really delicious and stop flirting with me! It's not working!" I said, slightly laughing by his cute actions.

"Haz. How could you tell I was flirting?" He asked as he too took a bite from my plate of pancakes with his hands.

"I can read minds." I replied as I rolled my eyes.

"Funny." He laughed.

Tom's not a bad guy after all. He's different. He's not like Bill. I can sense it. He has this very warm aura that can make me trust him and I do trust him.

"Hey. You wanna go out later? Go to the mall or something?" Tom asked. His facial expression was kinda nervous and it was really amusing for me.

"Sure." I smiled back at him.

*After a fun day at the mall*

"Wow... I didn't know you could run that fast..." Tom said as he panted like a dog.

Hahaz. We went to the mall, went to this cd shop and just search for random bands. Then, went to Tom's favourite clothing store and he bought like 5 t-shirts that was like size XXX-L when he's only like a size M. He's really cool. Turns out he has a Step-dad too. Whooopee! Another soul to share my sorrows with but sadly... His Step-dad is FREAKING awesome!! Not like mine...

"Lina, you wanna go--" I covered his mouth preventing Tom to say nothing more.

I saw Aunt Sadie thorugh the window and she's chatting with Mom and... Jo...

"What is she doing here?" I whispered to myself, but Tom could hear it.

"Who?" He asked, whispering.

"Ssh. Ssh. Ssh. Let's go in through the back door. Don't make any sound aite." I reminded Tom.

So we went in through the back door and sneaked in to the kitchen where we found Bill sitting on the kitchen counter crunching an apple. It looked like Bill wanted to say something but luckily, Tom placed his index finger on his lips, signalling Bill to shut up. I leaned against the wall and peeped to the living room. My blood boiled a little when I saw Jo.

"But Sadie... You need to understand our position here. Lina is our daughter and we really hope that you'll let her come back with us..." Mom pleaded with Aunt Sadie as she hold Aunt Sadie's hands.

Don't buy her cheap words Aunt. Don't buy it.

"Hey, Bill. What's my Aunt doing here? I thought she had a Girl's Night out with your mum." I whispered loud enough for Bill to hear.

"A last minute crisis. She said she's leaving immediately this couple leaves." Bill whispered back, still crunching on his apple.

"Oh." I said as I turned back to listen to the conversation.

"Sadie, listen. Jo didn't mean to hurt her. He's different now. He's changed. He loved Lina like his own biological daughter and we really hope that she'll come back."

That sentence really made me explode. The thing I knew, I came in to the living room cursing and caughting them off guard.

"F*ck you! You raped me and say that you loved me like your own daughter? That must be the most crappiest thing I've ever heard in my whole entire 13 years of living! And that doesn't even include the period when I'm inside mum's womb!" I yelled.

"Lina.. Lis--"

"No. YOU listen Mum. How can you say that Jo didn't mean to hurt me? He raped me three times, Mum! Three f*cking torturous times and you still believed him when he say that he didn.t mean to do it? What about me? Dont' you believe me? I'm your own flesh and blood but you still chose to believe a man-whore who f*cking raped your own daughter?"

I screamed my frustrations out only to be slapped by Jo, who apparently went beside me without me noticing him.

"Don't you ever talk to your mum like that young lady!" Jo yelled.

Great! Just Great! I then gave him a punch across the jaw, grinning.

"What? Surprised that I hit you?" I sneered.

He fought back by punching my stomach, causing me to fall on my knees. Then, a pair of hand pulled me up and I opened my eyes to see my mum smiling at me.

"Mum.. You believe me..." I smiled only to receive a slapped from her.

"Dont' ever call me Mum. The Mazelina that I knew died a long time ago..."

I pushed her away and just smiled at her.

"You're right. I died. I died because you killed me! You killed your own flesh and blood! You had a chance to reveive me but you only made me rot more, day by day! Yes! I died because of you! Goodbye Mum! Oh wait. I mean goodbye Meredith Adams!" I said, letting out all my frustrations before turning my backs on them and made my way to my room.

"Mazelina Adams! Where do you think you're going?" Jo yelled.

"Correction. It's Mazelina Shaw. Daughter of Meredith Adams's ex-husband, my biological father, Richard Shaw and I'm going to my room. Away from you bitches. Goodbye sunshines!" I smirked at them as I made my way up the stairs and into my room. Glad that's over!