Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 6

Mazelina's POV

(1 month later)

Wow. Today is the 1 month anniversary for me and Tom. It's only been 1 month but alot has happened.

He bought me this silver necklace with a black rose pendant on it. It's beautiful and it's the most sweetest thing that anyone has ever given to me.

And the best thing is that Tom's band, Devilish, received a contract and they're recording their first album soon. I'm so happy and proud of him.

But behind all this happiness, I couldn't help but feel weird around Bill. Ever since me and Tom started dating, he has been ignoring me. I mean, yeah, I should be happy but that's just not like him. In school, he doesn't even pick fights on me anymore. Weird huh? And the more he stays that way, the more determine I am to find out what's wrong.

A bang from the front door snapped me out of my thinking. I turned my attention to Bill, who came in with his hands around Ashley's waist.


She's the most popular, bitchy, stinky, stuck-up cheerleader you would ever find. But I have to say, she's the most prettiest girl I've ever seen in my whole entire life. Flawless white skin, green eyes and long black hair that curls towards the end. It's just perfect. She's like a barbie doll.

I shifted back my gaze to the floor. I hate the fact that Bill's just using girls like Ashley to get in their pants and I really pity Ashley right now. It's juz sick. Realli sick...

I couldn't help but looked at their direction once in a while. I mean I just couldn't concentrate with all the making out stuff. N I think I saw Bill's hand went up Ashley's skirt and I couldn't help but feel... Jealous?

Nein! Nein! Nein! Lina Shaw! You are attached to TOM!!!

Later did I realised that I actually screamed that out loud and oh boy, Bill and Ashley turned their heads and juz stared at me like I'm some kind of a freak show...

I just sat there embarassed.

"Um. Uh. Hehe... I gotta go..." I said while pointing to the backyard and after that, I quickly made my way to the backyard.

No. Not at this point of time. I'm with Tom. I like Tom. Not Bill. I hate Bill. He hates me so that means he doesn't like me! And i don't like him! He hates me and I hate him! Hell, I should be happy that he's not even communicating with me! I hate him... Right?

Then, a pair of hands slided around my waist. It must be Tom.

"Tom. What did I tell you? Don't do that right?" I said as I tried to break free from his grip.

His hands... Why is there nail polish on his finger? I mean yes he wears black nail polish sometimes but I didn't remember him wearing them today... Haz. Maybe he just got it done.

"Hey. I saw and heard you back there. You were mumbling somthing about me. Care to share?" He, Bill Kaulitz, said as he placed his chin on my shoulder.

I immediately turned and pushed him away, only to tripped and fall into the pool, grabbing Bill with me.

What? I was falling and it's just nature to grab something when you're falling right and I just happened to grabbed him. Besides, it's his fault that we're falling right now!

The cold pool water hit my skin like a volt of lightning. I opened my eyes underwater and all I could see was just bubbles and water everywhere. I came up the surface, spitting out water and gasping for air. I just float there for a while before realising that Bill was no where in sight. I scanned the water for Bill and I panicked and I mean really freaked out when I saw him, underneath the waters, not moving. I quickly went to him and pulled him out of the water. He's not breathing.

"Ashley! Ashley! Help!" I screamed as I lightly tapped on his cheeks.

Please tell me your still alive! Just then Ashley came and her expression turned ugly when she saw Bill in this state.

"What happened? What did you do to him Goth?!" Ashley screamed as she slapped me across the cheeks while kneeling down beside Bill, shaking him and begging him to wake up.

My temper grew for a moment there but it soon dissapear when the thought of Bill actually being dead came up.

"I don't know what happened ok. He's just like this. Do you know CPR?" I asked Ashley, really hoping that she knows.

I mean, ya, they taught us CPR in school but I wasn't paying attention. Ashley just shook her head and I tried as hard as I possibly can to remember. Remember Lina! Try to remember!

I tried as hard as I could to remeber as I applied it on Bill. I placed my mouth on his and blew in air. Then, I pumped his chest. Is it correct? It must be corect. It has to be. I repeated the process over and over again and hope in me slowly fade and in the end, I just cried on his chest.

Yes. I cried. Bill's gone and I cried like nobody's buisness.

"I'm going to call the ambulance and trust me, you'll get it later. I'll tell the police that you murdered Bill and you'll be sent to jail." Ashley sobbed as she sneered at me.

She left to call the ambulance and I couldn't care less about what she'd just said. Bill's dead. I just stared at his face and caressed his cheeks.

Then, a miracle happened.

Bill coughed out water.

I immediately applied CPR on him again and he finally vomited out all the water and coughed profusely gasping for air. His alive! I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm happy that's he's alive and not dead!

So I just sat there, with a very wide smile plastered on my face. Bill just laid there and he laughed after that.

"I died and came back. Hahaz." He laughed and coughed in between lines.

"Asshole. You scared me to death. For a minute there, I though you were really gone." I said as I hugged him, still with that big printed smile.

He hugged me back and both of us just laughed like crazy. I let go of him and slowly pulled him up to his feet. I placed his arm over my shoulder for support and we slowly made our way to his bedroom before he laid down on his bed.

"You sure you don't want to change? I mean, this use to be my bed you know." I said as I sat down infront of him and placed both his ankles on my lap.

"Maybe later. Where's Ashley?" He asked and I couldn't help being furious.

I mean, I saved his fucking life and all he thinks about is Ashley? A 'thank you' and then asking me about Ashley after that is fine but asking me where's Ashley without even saying 'thank you' is like so rude.

"She's down stairs. I'll tell her you're alright and you could just continue with your sex session." I said sacasticly before making my way to the living room and telling Ashley that Bill's fine and boy did she ran up like crazy to continue with her sex session with Bill.

And guess what?

All this time, she was using my house phone to call one of her plastic friends, not the ambulance. Shitty right?

So I went back up to my room and change to a white-tee and normal jeans and made my way back down to the kitchen, grabbing a drink.

I'm still shock about what had happened just now and it got me thinking. Maybe I don't hate Bill as much as I think. Maybe I'm just... I don't know. Maybe I'm just judging him by the way he acts but not his personality. Maybe somewhere inside him, there's a nice, sensitive side. Or maybe he just means alot to me and I don't know why I just said that but maybe that's the reason.

"Hey virgin Goth." Bill said as he walked to the kitchen slowly with his changed clothes and damp, flat hair.

He looked like a zombie who didn't sleep for three days. It must be exhausting to die judging by the way he looked when he came back to life.

"Hey." I replied while sipping my Coke.

"Um, I wanna say thas for saving me just now and if it wasn't for you, I'll be dead right now. Thank you, Lina."

"No problem. My pleasure." I smiled to him as I made my way to the living room.

"Wait." Bill said as he grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"What?" I asked turning my head a lilttle bit.

"Lina, is there any way that we could be friends? I mean, yes we've been enemies since who knows when but is there any way that maybe we could bury the hatred and start over again?" He asked, sounding hesitant.

"Yeah. Sure. Friends. I like that." I smiled and he smiled back.

"And Lina..."


Then, he went forward and kissed my cheeks.

"That's for just now. Ashley told me she slapped you and you don't deserve that slap from her. She's just as ass so don't take the slap too hard ok." He assured me as he hugged me before going back to his bedroom.

I just stood there, shock by his gesture. Maybe he does have a good side. This might be the most weird and happy day I've ever had.