Destiny That Awaits

Chapter 8

Mazelina's POV

*8 months later*

"News Tonight. Lead Guitarist of German's very own popular band, Tokio Hotel, has been reported being at Lindsay Lohan's birthday party at Munich, partying away with 25 other girls.

Let's go to John with more information."

"Thank you. John here with news.

Lead Guitarist of Tokio Hotel, also known as Tom Kaulitz has been invited over at Lindsay Lohan's party and he sure is having a blast with all the drinks and the obvious, girls. I'm sure it's not new to some of you that Tom is a party freak judging by the recent news of him engaging in one night stands with female-fans.

Reporter: Tom, how are you feeling tonight?
Tom: I feel great! Nothing beats the girls and drinks here! It's awesome!
R: Have you met Lindsay Lohan yet?
T: Yup. Wished her a happy birthday and who knows, I might get her in my bed tonight.

This is John signing out.

Thank John. More after the break, Presi--"

I switched off the television.

It's common for me to hear this now. I've been hearing and seeing it everywhere. Radios, televisions, newspapers, magazines. Everywhere.

It's been 6 months since Tokio Hotel went for tour and at the start, things was going great for me and Tom. He called me everyday and we'd talk for hours but as time passed by, the calls grew lesser, the talks grew shorter and it's been 2 to 3 months since he'd called me and don't get me wrong, I called him too. It's either his phone was not active or there were some cases where another girl picked it up.

At first, I felt stabbed and I cried but after a period of time, I'm just numb. Bill? Well, he called a few times but we didn't talked much. I just sat on the couch rembering the day when Tom and Bill went off for tour.


(4 months ago)

Finally, the day of the tour came. I'm not so excited about it because it means that I will not get to see Tom for about 6-7 months.

"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself ok?" Tom said as he hugged me.

"Don't worry about me. You should be worried about yourself. I'm gonna be fine here. Don't think to much about me. I'll be fine. I swear." I replied as I pincehed his nose.

He just smiled and we kissed for one last time before he board up the bus.

"You sure you don't want to come on tour with us?" Bill said as he took my hand.

"Hahaz. Yeah sure. I wanna stay and continue studying here." I smiled.

"Ok. But if you need anything call me ok? Like you need help or you want to complain or you just want to talk. Call me or I'll call you ok?"

"Yeah yeah. I will. Just take care of yourself ok. Don't forget to use condoms when having sex with any girls." I smirk and playfully punched his arm.

"*Mouth agap* I do not have sex with girls! I'm still a virgin!" He fought back.

"Nope my dear. I'm the virgin and your the sex-maniac who had sex with all the girls at school except for me and some other girls."

"That's because you wouldn't let me!"

"Hahaz. Ok ok. Better get on the bus. Tony might get angry."

"Ok ok. I love you aite!" He hugged me before kissing my cheeks.

"I love you too!" I said as I messed up his hair but he doesn't seem to mind.

After that, I just waved at them before the bus went its way. I couldn't help but feel that something terribly wrong would happen in the future.


And boy, that feeling was not wrong. Tom cheated behind my back and the terrible thing is that I couldn't face the fact that he did that to me.

Then, my phone started ringing so I picked it up,


"Hello Lina! Missed me?"

Yes, it's Bill.

"OBVIOUSLY! How are you?"

"I'm fine here. Things are great! How about you?"

"Things fine over here too. Gosh. You sound.... Like a coconut with deeper voice than before. Did your voice break?"

"Hahaz. You noticed?"

"Yup. It's obvious. Like DUH!"

"Hahaz. Yup. It broke alright. And it's not that comfortable. Sore throats all the time."

"Cool. So how's the band?"

"The band? Geog as usual, picks his nose all the time. Gustav, as sensitive as always. Tom... Er... He's... Well. Fine. Do you want to talk to him?"

"NO!" I immediately scream.

"Ouh ok... Um, Lina?"


"Me and the guys are having a week of next week and we'd figured that we'd come visit you."

"Oh ok..." I replied, sounded hesitant.

I mean, yeah sure, I like them to come and visit. It's just the facing Tom part that I'm afraid. I don't know what to say if I meet him later.

"Is this about Tom?" Bill asked, snapping me out from my thinking.

"Um. No! Why would tis be about Tom?"

"Lina, I know that you know. It's out everywhere."

"It's nothing. Really." I said, hoping that he would buy it.

"Lina, your Aunt called and she told me that you've been cutting yourself. You shouldn't do that. I'm going to talk to Tom ok. Just don't cut yourself. I love you and I don't want to lose my bestfriend just because of Tom. Promise me?"

A tear slipped out my eye. Yes, I forgot to mention that I cut myself. No one knows except for Aunt Sadie. She found me unconcious in my bed with blood stains everywhere. I didn't die. I woke in the hospital the next day and I had to begged her not to tell anyone, especially Bill and Tom.

"No Bill. I can't promise you this time. I'm sorry." I quickly said, controlling my tears which are threatening to spill, before hanging up the phone without saying 'Goodbye'.

I can't promise you Bill because... I don't know why... I'm sorry...

Bill's POV

She just hanged up. Lina... I must talk to Tom or she might be dead. I went to Tom's hotel room only to find him sitting on the couch, with his ears plugged in with loud music and him strumming the guitar. I immediately pulled the earpiece out of his eyes and snatched his guitar. He just glared at me but I don't care. This is about Lina.

"Tom, we need to freaking talk." I sneered.


"It's about Lina."

"What about her? Did she called you to complain because if she did then I'm so gonna call her back and talk things straight out with her. You know. I've been thinking. I think I should end my relationship with her. I mean why be with her when I can have all the girls in the world?"

"Shut up Tom. How can you say that about Lina? She cares about you! What happen to the Tom that I used to know? Before the tour, you were never like this. Everyday, you talked about Mazelina. You tell me how much she means to you. Hell! You even tell me you love her! Do you even mean what you say before?"

"No. I was young! I was blind! There're other girls that are like more good-looking than her. She's just another girl! Isn't that what YOU used to say?" He glared at me while pointing a finger directly in my face.

"That was before! I care about her now and you don't seem to give a shit about her anymore! Don't you care about how she's feeling about you playing around with girls and cheating behind her back?"

"Well, she doesn't know so why would she care and why should I be worried?"

"In case you don't know, news about your 'One night stands' are evrywhere. You think she doesn't know? You don't even know what she's going through right now and you still can say that you shouldn't be worried?"

"Give me one reason why should I be worried?" He shouted, annoyed"

Tom's POV

"Give me one reason why should I be worried?" I shouted at Bill.

I was getting annoyed. Really annoyed. He just wouldn't lay off the subject. Lina is my girlfriend so why is he like acting like Lina is his girlfriend.

"Because she cuts herself and she almost died! Luckily Aunt Sadie manage to bring Lina to the hospital in time or we would be at her funeral right now!" Bill shouted back as he threw my guitar on my bed.

That slapped me back into reality. What have I done?

"Yes, Tom. You caused all this and she was the one who had to suffer because of your mistakes. I hope you're happy." Bill glared before exiting from my room.

What have I done... She almost killed herself because of me... Gosh... I'm the worst boyfriend...

I covered my face with my hands before tears slowly flowed out... What have I fucking done...