Maybe I'll Get It Right Someday

Bed (Justin)

It was December 3rd. Lori had a day off work, and Matilda was at school. Naturally, we took advantage of it and lay down on the couch together, kissing. Lori pulled away just as I was licking at her lips. "I want a cat," she said.

"Not in my house," I said. "I don't like cats. Nearly every girlfriend I've ever had has had at least one cat."

"I like cats," Lori whined.

"I don't! No cats!" I got up off of the couch and sighed. "I'm sorry. I just get so sick of annoying cats."

"Fine, I won't suggest anything to you anymore," she said, pulling her shirt down and brushing it off.

"Don't fight with me, please. It's not what I meant, anyway. I just don't want any cats. It's not like I won't be open to any of the things you say." Lori walked up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. She pulled my hair aside and kissed my neck. "I'll think about a cat."

"You're such a guy," she giggled. "Why do you still sleep on the couch?"

"Because you sleep in my bed."

"You should sleep with me." I raised my eyebrows, intrigued. "Not like that, perv! I know your back hasn't been all that great lately."

"Damn right," I said, turning to kiss her. "So we're going to share now?"

"Yeah. We have to talk to Matilda about it though. Make sure she understands, you know?"

"I know. Will she hate me if I get too close to you?"

"I hope not. I really haven't dated since she was about three. The last time I had a steady boyfriend, Tilly was one."

"That sounds lonely," I whispered.

"Yeah, it is. But I've got my daughter. She keeps me from feeling too alone."

I held her and kissed her lips gently, with no intention of letting go.

Later, Matilda arrived home in her dark blue coat, black jeans, black thermal shirt, black shoes, and with a black backpack. I still couldn't get over all the dark colors. She'd also begun smudging dark grey eyeshadow on her top eyelids. Whatever happened to that bouncy, outgoing little girl with a purple backpack and orange beads in her doorway? She was replaced by a quiet one in all black.

"Til, can we talk with you after you put your stuff away?" Lori asked.

"I guess," Matilda said. She headed for her room, and emerged shortly afterward without her coat and bag. "Okay, what's up?" Tilly sat on the chair by the couch. Her feet still didn't reach the floor.

"You like Justin, right?" Lori asked her.

"Yeah," Matilda said, raising her eyebrows and drawing out the vowel sound.

"Okay, and you understand that he's my boyfriend now?"


"Well, Justin and I were talking today. He's going to stop sleeping on the couch and start sharing the bed with me."

Matilda stared at her mother for a few seconds, then looked at me. "Fine. Can I go in my room and read now?"

"Sure." Matilda rolled her eyes, stood up, and started down the hall again. We heard the door open and close, and then The Almost could be heard faintly through the walls. I turned to Lori.

"She wants to kill me," I whispered.

"She doesn't want to kill you," Lori laughed.

"Well she clearly doesn't want me sleeping with you. I could see it in her eyes, she's angry about it."

"She's not! You're trying to make this a bad thing."

When Lori went to bed, I almost dug my pillow and blanket out of the closet to sleep on the couch. Then, I remembered. As I was lying down next to Lori for the first time, I resolved in my head to contact a cat breeder soon. I'd heard the Scottish Fold is a good breed.
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Thanks for the comment, neverendingnights!
Okay, I feel all special and stuff since dorkosaur gave me a shout-out in the author's note of her story "Commit This to Memory."
It owns.
You should read it if you haven't already.
Oh and the Scottish Fold is my personal favorite cat breed. :)