Maybe I'll Get It Right Someday

Christmas (Lori)

We visited Justin's parents for Christmas. It was Tilly's and my first time ever meeting his parents and sister. The whole experience was intimidating and uncomfortable; we only got along with his sister. "What do you think of my family?" Justin asked in the car as we rode back to Minneapolis.

"Hon, that's not a fair question," I argued, smiling and gently slapping his knee.

"I know." He flashed me a goofy grin. "They can be a little unwelcoming sometimes. It's no big deal. They'll warm up to you."

We got home and stepped inside, stomping the glistening snow off of our shoes while we all shucked off layers of warm clothing. I sat down in the recliner. Justin flicked the switch on for the lights on the artificial tree I'd convinced him to buy. There were several wrapped-up gifts on the floor under the tree. "Whose idea was it to put presents under a tree?" Justin groaned, crawling underneath and dragging out a large, flat box. He reached farther under and brought out another package with the same wrapping paper, only it was shaped nearly like a cube. "These are for you, Tilly," he said. "From me. Your mother put a present under there for you, too."

Matilda looked at Justin, who winked at her. A wide grin engulfed her features and she tore into the paper on the flat box. "Oh... oh my gosh!" Tilly exclaimed, revealing the box for a Daisy Rock guitar.

"You didn't!" I whispered harshly in Justin's ear.

"My guitars are too big for her, and she wants to learn how to play," he explained. "What's wrong with getting my girlfriend's kid a guitar?" He switched to a normal tone to address Matilda. "Open the cube-shaped one. I'll grab a scissors to cut the tape on the boxes."

Matilda's smile only broadened more when she discovered a white practice amp and a long guitar cable in the other package from Justin. He sat on the floor with her and cut the tape that held the boxes shut, then lifted the lid on the guitar box. Inside was a black gig bag. Matilda gave him a questioning look, and he unzipped the bag all the way around, then lifted the flap. He pulled out a small guitar wrapped in something soft, and removed the wrapping. The guitar was glittery purple with a white scratchplate, and it was shaped like a star. "That... is so... bomb," Tilly drawled in awe.

"Yeah," Justin agreed, cutting the tape on the amp's box. "Now I can teach you to play a guitar that fits you." He pulled out the amp, removed the protective packaging, and started showing her exactly how everything should be set up. I was silent. Justin looked up at me and smiled. "Why don't you take this stuff into your room?" he said to Matilda. "Plug the amp into the wall, and plug the guitar in like I showed you. I'll tune it later. And be careful, please. It's a heavy amp."

"Okay." Matilda waddled to her bedroom, weighed down by her heavy amp and guitar.

"I have something for you, too," Justin smiled, reaching under the tree to pull out a small box.

"I didn't get you anything," I whined.

"That's okay." Justin sat on the arm of the chair and placed the box in my lap. I opened it to find a necklace with a pendant that looked like an old-fashioned key. "Merry Christmas." He kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you." I lifted my chin and looked up at him. He closed the gap with a gentle kiss.

"Mew!" Billie squeaked, pawing at Justin's foot. "Mew!"

"I don't have a present for you, Billie," Justin said, picking the kitten up off the floor and holding him in his lap. "Merry Christmas anyway, huh?"

"Somebody didn't want a cat," I sing-songed.

"Will you stop reminding me?" he said in the same tone. "I mean it though; it's starting to get annoying."

"I'm sorry."

Matilda came back out of her room to open the gift I got for her. It wasn't as spectacular as a guitar. I just bought her some pajamas, because she had taken to falling asleep in whatever she wore during the day.

I was curling up against Justin in bed that night when it finally hit me. "Justin," I whispered, "I thought of what I can give you."


I lifted myself up and straddled his hips, leaning forward to plant kisses along the side of his neck. "Does that give you a hint?" I whispered.

"Oh, y-yeah."

Justin's warm, rough hands slid up under my shirt and held my sides. He reached up with one hand to fondle my breasts. Then, my shirt was lifted off, over my head, and dropped on the floor next to the bed. Our tongues fought for dominion of my mouth. Justin slipped one hand under my panties, two fingers sliding easily into my fold. He rubbed around my clit, spreading the wetness and making me arch and sigh. The door swung open, letting in a stream of light from the hallway. Matilda peeked in, and just as quickly, turned her back on us while still standing in the doorway. "Hey, sweetie," I said, putting my top back on. "So, knocking's good."

"There's a big spider on the wall in my room," she said.

I sighed. "You're nine! You can take care of a spider, can't you?"

"It's a big spider, Mom!"

"Okay, I'm coming. Just wait in there and watch it; I'll be in in a few seconds." Matilda left. I turned back to Justin, who had bunched blankets over his groin to cover up his mammoth erection. "Tomorrow night," I whispered. I kissed his lips, then went to rescue my child from the clutches of a big spider (that really wasn't very big at all).
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Thanks neverendingnights, JackieStarDust, and dorkosaur for the comments!
The guitar:


The necklace:
