Maybe I'll Get It Right Someday

Tilly The Artist (Justin)

"I made my bed, mom!" Matilda said, gracefully bouncing down the stairs and into the living room.

"Atta girl," Lori praised. "Come sit here with Justin and me." Matilda, not shy in the least, sat between her mother and me, and smiled brightly at me.

"Hi, Justin," she said.

"Hi," I returned with a smile. This kid's good mood was infectious.

"Oh, I'll be right back!" She dashed excitedly back up the stairs.

"She's cute," I commented. "It looks like she's got plenty of energy."

"Well, remember, you and I did all the heavy lifting," Lori said with a smirk.

"And we're old."

"You're old. I'm seasoned."

"I'm back!" Matilda announced, reappearing in the living room. This time, she held a large book with a spiral binding. "Can I show you my drawings, Justin?"

"Of course you can," I said, patting the cushion next to me where she had been sitting before. Matilda plopped down and lifted the cover of the book, exposing a still-life drawing of flowers in a vase on a table. It looked like a skilled artist had drawn it, not just a little nine-year-old. "Wow," I breathed. "That's really pretty. Did you draw it?"

"Yeah. Look at this one." She turned the page. There was the portrait of a woman. "That's my mom. I drew it when we were still in Seattle."

"You're certainly talented," I said. I was amazed. I glanced up at Lori, who was smiling proudly at her daughter's works. "You know, one day you could go to art school. Maybe you'll become one of the most important artists in all of history."

"Thanks." She blushed, her blue eyes turning to the book she was now closing. She didn't get her eyes from Lori. Lori's eyes were brown.

"I should get home," I said. "If any of my friends call, and I don't answer, they spaz out and assume the worst. Besides, you need to get unpacked and settled in, and I'm not helping one bit by sitting here talking to you." I stood up from the couch and walked to the door. Before leaving, I turned around and smiled at Lori and Matilda. "I hope you enjoy Minneapolis."

"Bye," they said at the same time.

I looked up at the tree between my house and Lori's. The leaves were turning a pretty shade of bright golden yellow. Most were still green, but I liked watching the leaves turn. I got home and finished off my day; mostly boring, with the exception of meeting my new neighbors. Boring days are the reason we have Slinkies and Lava Lites. Well, they're the reason I have a Slinky and a Lava Lite.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short again.
Thanks JackieStarDust, neverendingnights, dorkosaur, and neonXbodyXstyle for the comments! You all get cookies!