Let's Do This Properly


Sometimes I don't know where to begin or to end, words don't come out and I move as if in a stupor. Don't get me wrong, it's a good way to get off work early, but the feelings aren't always right. Do you know what I mean? If a person you're really attracted to walks into a room your attention gets focused on them alone, what if I have the wrong attraction?

Does that make me wrong, or somewhat strange? I'm not sure yet. Toni changed my life actually, with her blue Slirpees and yellow Converse, she taught me that I wasn't always right, but definitely wasn't wrong, if that makes any sense.

She likes to ask me if I think I'm loveable, my answer has changed over the time I've known her. Going from a straight no, to a possibly or maybe, now I believe yes.
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Short as anything, but it'll get better. Just needed a prologue to get things going.