Let's Do This Properly

Apollo's Collection

Tyson slept for hours, I don't know how long it was, but long enough for me to through every Cd he owned. And believe me, that was a very large number. I would pull out certain disk's that didn't seem to have cases, ones like the mixes Toni makes me, one of well known artist's, old music, unknown music, it seemed anything. Several I picked out and listened to where obviously ripped illegally, ones like; Apollo's Child.

It was a disk with only five songs on it. The cover design was beautiful. It looked like it'd been drawn with Sharpies, the actual Cd only had the words, Love you Ty. And damn if you break this one I'll kill you. Pay. It made me laugh to imagine Tyson breaking numerous Cd's, but looking at the state in which he kept some of his things I could fathom it.

I placed the Apollo's Child disk into Tyson's stereo and hit play; the first song started with rainfall, slowly a piano came in. Listening I didn't at first believe I'd like it, but as soon as the first word was sang I think I was hit. The song was incredibly beautiful, it sounded different from anything I'd heard, something like a terribly sad version of soft techno, or maybe just something indescribable.

"Do you like it?" Tyson's garbled voice comes from under his bedcovers.

"Mhm," I completely enticed, by the lyrics of the song. "Who'd you get this from?"

"My sister," he pulls the sheets from over his head and looks at me, "she burned me so much music and before she died I hadn't even listened to half of it. I'm pretty sure this song is called In The Darkness, it was one of Payton's favourites."

Tyson and I had talked about his sister all day before he fell asleep. He had never once called her by her name, only naming by using she or her.

I smile, "I think she had good taste in music."

Tyson laughs, "You'd think so, but," he gets up to shuffle through a stack of Cds and pulls out one coloured a neon green, "listen to this, I think you'll react differently." He doesn't even press stop on the machine before opening the lid and changing the disks.

Something like screamo but different comes on, I get what he means. I don't overly like it, the song is manageable, but nowhere near my favourite. I give him a look; "Payton gave that to me for my fifteenth birthday. It was kinda' a joke, but she really liked it," Tyson shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.
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Don't own the music. Please listen to it though, actually the song In The Darkness by Apollo's Child was my inspiration for this chapter. That's the song I described in the chapter in case you didn't catch on.

I must admit I'm disappointed, my number of readers and subscribers doesn't at all correlate to the one comment I've recieved.