Let's Do This Properly

How Long?

Softly I strummed chords on my severely damaged telecoustic guitar, it was new song I was working on, and I’ve been trying to get some of the lyrics right for about two hours. I huff in aggravation at my incompetence to write something halfway decent.

"That sounded good," suddenly I stop strumming, I'm embarrassed that someone heard my playing.

He stands at around 5'9 right in front of me, his wavy blonde hair covers one eye and he keep flipping it, his jeans aren't tight, but aren't loose and he's wearing a shirt that reads girlfriend.

"I'm Ryan," I set my guitar into its case and zip it shut.

"Tyson," he reached his hand out to shake mine, "how long have you been working on it?" I'm mildly surprised as I grip his hand, most don't take a huge interest in my music, usually just a that's cool and a head nod.

I count quickly in my head, "About four months."

"Wow, I would have given up by now, " he smiles slightly.

"I know, I want it to be perfect though," I mutter in frustration, "but I just can't get it."

"What's it about?" Tyson asks shyly, he makes a move to sit down I nod.

"Umm," I get a little flustered, "heartbreak I guess. I don't really mean love though, I think more like a battering in life. Like when I came out and my dad wouldn't look me in the eye for four months."

"You're gay?" I nod and make a show of looking away, "so am I." That wasn't the response I was expecting.

The lunch bell goes signaling everyone to get themselves inside. Tyson gets up brushing off his pants he then pulls me up and holds onto my hand for longer then necessary. It feels nice, his fingers are calloused, he plays a stringed instrument.

"Do you always skip second block?" That's his fourth consecutive question in a row; he's definitely on roll. "Don't get wierded out, I saw you from over there," he points.

But the thought of him watching me doesn't bother me at all. "Only on Wednesdays," I answer his question.

"I'm the same," and we go our separate ways, him to A wing and me to C. It has to be more then a coincidence that we both skip second period on Wednesdays. I think about the tingly feeling his touch has left me with as I walk away.
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I think it's short, I dunno I didn't preview it.
Sorry. Add more later.
And wowee, three subscriptions already, thanks a bunch. =D