Missing Part Of Me

Chapter 2

When we got back to the tour bus, it was awesome! It was what i've been wanting to see my whole life!
"Nick, this is so awesome!" I said
"Thanks, it kinda gets boring after a while."
We sat down on the couch where Joe and Kevin were playing guitar hero and Frankie was sleeping. I stared at Nick and noticed something around his neck that i've seen before.
"Nick, where did your necklace?"
"My parents gave it to me when I was born."
"Oh, thats pretty awesome, I have one just like it, see."
I pulled the necklace out from behind my shirt.
"Wow! Its exactly like mine! All the details and everything."
"Yea cool huh?"
Demi's p.o.v
Oh great, I can feel it comin. Shes gonna find out! OH MAN!
"Nicholas!" I heard someone yell.
"Yes ma'am?"
A lady came from th back of the bus.
"I need to-oh hello. Whos this?"
"This is Amanda-Kay and this is her sister Demi."
I could tell bythe look on Mrs. Jonas face that she knew who Amanda-Kay was.
"Mom look, Nick and Amanda-Kay have the exact same necklace as each other! Her parent gave it to her when she was born, just like you did Nick!" Joe said, looking away from his game.
He came from the back of the bus.
"Yes dear?"
"Its her!" She whispered, but I still heard her.
"Mom, im going to show Amanda something ok?" Nick asked.
"Sure honey."
Nick and my sister walked to the front of the bus.
Amanda-Kay's p.o.v
Nick and I walked to the front of the bus, like where the driver was. And we sat down on the steps.
"So?" Nick asked.
I took his hand and brought it into my lap. He looked at me and smiled.
"So, whats it like being famous?"
"Its pretty awesome, but its not everyday in my rockstar life that I get to meet someone like you!"
AWWW! He started to lean in to kiss me when DEMI can running towards us.
"Amanda-Kay! STOP! Dont kiss him!"
"Because hes your brother!"
"Amanda-Kay, im sorry I hid this from you all these years. I didnt want ot lose you!"
I looked at Mrs. Jonas and all she did was nod, a tear rolled down her cheek.
I turned back to Demi.
"I HATE YOU! All you had to do was tell me! You kept the most important people in my life away from me! Demi, how could you!?! And you would NEVER lose me, im your sister, and most importantly im your BEST FRIEND! But right now im not so sure! I HATE YOU DEMI! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" I yelled in her face.
By the the bus had stopped. I ran off the bus with tears pouring out of my eyes.
"Amanda-Kay, wait!!!"
I didnt turn back. I just ran. I didnt know where to but all I knew is, I wanted to get away!
♠ ♠ ♠
Its not my best, but I did it! Tell me what you think! :)
P.S. Thank you sooooooooo much for the banner!! I need another one for the next chapter!! :)
- Mrs. Nicholas Jerry Jonas (Haley)
