You're My Father

Best Worse Day of my Life

“So the world can get enough of Heavy metal band Hedeon, the lead singer/ guitarist, Amara Jo Madison has caught everyone’s attention and at the young age of seventeen. Her band mates Troy Kasim, Julias Mather, and Marcus Vladimir barely adults at the wondrous ages nineteen and twenty have now been dominating the radio waves now for a year. The album Rockstars and Bastards has sold well in to millions. Their tour Drunken Bastards‘ World Tour now coming to an end, people all around are wondering what is next for the band? We were lucky enough to get to interview the band before they got to leave back home.

“So how does it feel at the end of your first world tour?,” the Interviewer asked.
“Good. Exciting,” Troy said into his mic, his aviators covering his eyes from the bright sun.
“Tired,” Julias groaned hanging on Troy.

“So what was one of the favorite places for touring?”
“Japan had some pretty sick crowds," Marcus answered, not really looking at the camera, and trying to hide behind Troy.
“ Paris,” Julias kissed the tips of his fingers , “beautiful woman… Kidding babes.” Everyone laughed as Julias looked at the camera nervously after that.
“ Germany received us pretty good,” Troy answered then handed the mic to Amara.
“As much as I love the fans abroad. Nothing beats like a hometown show,” Amara smiled.

“So you’re a hometown type of girl.”
“ Yup,” She smiled slightly twisting her hips

“Kinda hard to see you as the girl next door, so tell us what type of girl were you?”
“The girl who could kick your ass,” Amara laughed, not noticing Julias nodding his head behind her, eyes wide open, “Na I got along with pretty much everyone, in till they insulted my mother, all hell would break loose then.”

“You’re pretty close to your mother, who gave up her job to help you guys with your band.”
“Ya it’s always just been my mom and us, she’s always supported us in anything we wanted to do,” She answered pushing her hair behind her ear.

“So what’s next for you guys?”
“ Snuggling up next to my babes and sleeping,” Julias chuckled winking at the camera
“Tabatha, your long time girlfriend, how is that going?”
“Good, if she hasn’t kicked my ass to the curb yet for that comment earlier… can we just cut it out?” Everyone chuckled at him. Amara handed Troy back the mic.
“ Working on the Band’s clothing Line,” He said then motioned to the shirt Amara was wearing. A tight Tunic shirt with a gothic ragdoll holding a grenade in one hand a beer in the other

“What’s the name of the line?”
“Destroyer,” Troy answered turning Amara around so they could see the back with the Line’s Name in Scratched writing
“After the band?”
“Ya,” Troy answered turning Amara back around. The interviewer looked over to Marcus

“ I have music classes I want to start giving again, I miss my students,” Marcus answered, he was still nervous around cameras.
“That was how you made money before the band?”
“ Ya My father runs the store and had me pitch in.”
“Music business runs in your Family, huh?”
“Ya,” Marcus answered shrugging his shoulders. The guy then turned over to Amara who was thumb wrestling Julias. She quickly took the mic from Troy.

“ I am going back on tour with my boyfriend after a week home with my Ma.,” She grinned into the camera. It never failed Amara glowed when she talked or thought about her boyfriend.

“You and Max Green of Escape the Fate still going strong?”
“Ya I like to believe so,” Amara chuckled and pushed her hair behind her ear, “he’s one of the greatest sweetest guys ever.”

“Coming close to tying the knot?”
“Hell NO!” Troy yelled outraged at the question, Amara just laughed it off.
:”Ummm… we’ve talked about the future and things that we want, but marriage hasn’t really come up yet, but hopefully soon.”

“So when can the fans expect the new Album to come out?” Amara handed Troy back the mic.
“We want some time to get back to our roots before we start working on a new album,” He answered as
“Ya we’ve been touring pretty much two years straight. We want a good break, so Mara’s ego deflates,” Julias laughed quickly dodging out of Amara’s aim....

“Fuck turn that shit off,” Amara yelled laughing walking into the living room of her mother’s house, with her dog Baby. Julias just laughed from the couch he was sitting upside down on.
“We sounded like a bunch of douches,” Julias laughed.
“You and Mara playing thumb war,” Marcus laughed.
“You being camera shy,” Amara laughed sitting down in the couch next to Julias and snatching the remote from him, Baby laid down at her feet sniffing at Julias’ head.

“I thought you guys did good,” Camilla, Amara’s mom, said walking into the living room with basket of the band’s laundry.
“Troy promoting shamelessly,” Amara cackled as Troy walked in with soda in his hand, he just flashed her a smirk.

Troy was proud of his work, he himself had come up with designs for the clothes. He was the one that put in the most work in the clothing line. It was his baby.

“You, Amara, you were glowing brighter then the sun,” Camilla teased her daughter, Amara blushed as everyone laughed.
“Hopefully soon, my ass,” Troy said rolling his eyes as he sat down on the Lazy boy, “Max better not be popping that damn question till you’re at least twenty-five.”
“Yes, daddy,” Amara said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. Camilla just chuckled at her children.

Hedeon was her children, she had somehow ended up adopting them all when they were younger, and now they were all her children. She took them in when their real parents would kick them out. Feed them, wash their clothes drive them to school and defend them against anyone. These were her children and she loved them all.


“Max if you don’t shut up I’m going to duck tape your mouth shut,” Omar growled.
“What I can’t wait to see her,” Max said and jumped out of his seat. He couldn’t sit still, he had to be moving around.

“I can’t deal with him,” Omar said and walked out of the dressing room. Ronnie chuckled at his best friend who couldn’t calm down, he knew why.

Max was finally going to ask Amara to marry him, after dating for two years he was going to ask her to marry him. He had finally gotten the balls to ask Camilla for permission, she had granted it as long as they waited till Amara was eighteen. It gave Max and Amara six months to plan everything out, if she agreed.

“I’m doing the right thing… right,” Max asked turning too Ronnie, he just smiled. He may be stoned most of the time or drunk, but even Ronnie knew that those two were meant for each other.

“Ya, man, and you know it too,” Ronnie laughed and patted Max’s shoulder.

“Ya you’re right, She’s the only girl for me,” Max said smiling and nodding his head,

“Yo!” Max and Ronnie turned to the door and saw Amara Madison standing in the door with a grin on her face.
“Baby,” Max said and quickly rushed over to her and scooped her up in his arms.
“Hey, love,” she moaned into his neck, how she missed him. She missed being held in his arms, how he would squeeze her tight as if he was afraid she would disappear.

“Hey, Beauty,” Ronnie said.
“Hey, Ronald,” Amara laughed from Max’s arms, Ronnie narrowed his eyes at her. He hated being called that, Ronnie pointed at his eyes then to her, telling her I’m watching you. Amara just laughed as he walked out of the room.

When Ronnie closed the door behind him, Max and Amara’s lips quickly attacked each other. They end up on the couch with Amara straddling Max’s lap, Max was ripping off Amara’s jacket when he came to his senses and pulled away. Amara let out a whimpered and moved back to capture his lips. Max pulled back.

“Wait, Baby,” he groaned as she went after his neck.
“No,” she groaned and nipped at his neck, Max couldn’t help but grind his pelvis up into hers.

“No no no no, Baby, really wait,” Max groaned he was quickly forgetting, with what Amara doing to him.
“This better be important,” Amara groaned and sat down on Max’s lap, smirking.
“It is,” Max said breathless, he had to catch his breath and clear his head. Amara couldn’t help but chuckle at her boyfriend.

“Ok,” Max said after a while, he took a deep breath and looked into Amara’s eyes, “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking all those lonely nights that we were apart. I hate them, I hate being apart from you, you’re my world. Amara Jo Madison, I’ve been in love with you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. Each day I’ve known you my love has grown, and at the end of each day I think, ’I couldn’t love you more.’ but each day I’ve been proven wrong. You are my world, my life, my everything. If you fuckin tell me no, I’ll fucking kill myself,” Max paused and took a deep breath, “ Amara Jo Madison, will you marry me? Will you be my mate?”
“Fucking yes,” Amara cried and threw herself at Max.
“Oh, thank you fucking God,” Max whispered then captured her mouth with his. Amara laughed softly against Max’s lips.

“What,” Max whispered un-wanting to pull always.
“Will you be my mate?,” she laughed, Max just gave her a little smirk.

“You’re so damn lucky you are so cute,” She laughed and kissed him. Max wrapped one arm around her waist and his other hand was tangled up in her black curls.

“Wait,” Amara said pulling away, causing this time Max to whimper, “where’s my ring?”
“In my Pants,” Max groaned, Amara smirked.

“We aint’t playing that game in till the wedding night,” she laughed, Max just rolled his eyes and shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out a white gold ring with a small opal stone. Taking Amara’s hand, his slipped it on, then kissed it.

“I love it, Max,” Amara whispered with tears filling her eyes.


“ So true story,” Ronnie laughed adjusting himself in his seat. You know in our music video for Situations…? Where Max sees that chick licking the popsicle…”
“Dude, shut up,” Max groaned blushing, Amara busted out laughing.
“And he faints,” Allison Hagendorf laughed.
“Ya,” Ronnie laughs, “that really happened to him.”
“No way,” Allison laughed looking over to Max who was blushing, “What happened?”

“Well everyone one knows how Max and Amara met right,” Ronnie asked, Allison shook her head no. Ronnie looked over to Amara and Max asking for permission to tell the story, Amara nodded her head.

“Well Max met Amara in Vegas when they had a show there, We had gotten back stage passes. Most I am sure know that they met at that show, but what they don’t know is that Amara was eating a popsicle back stage.”
“Sucking more like it,” Robert laughed Ronnie nodded his head in agreement, Amara was now blushing.
“Well Max walks in all excited and he stops in the middle of the door way, then just drops to the floor. Amara is sitting on a stool sucking on a cherry popsicle,” Ronnie cackles.
“I felt so bad,” Amara groaned and placed her hand on Max’s lap. He leaned over to give her a kiss.

“Ya she played nursed to him,” Monte laughed Amara rolled her eyes.
“Just cause I was wearing a nurse costume,” Amara said smirking.
“A nurse costume,” Allison asked a bit confused.
“It was Halloween night, so I dressed up for the show,” Amara smiled.

“So I can’t ignore it anymore,” Allison squealed looking at Amara’s hand.
“Max asked me this morning,” Amara said grinning like a mad woman.
“When is the wedding going to be?”
“I promise her mother we were going to wait till she turned eighteen,” Max grinned and grabbed Amara’s hand.

Amara looked down at her phone which was flashing and beeping. An urgent text message from Troy. Amara slipped opened her phone and looked at the text message. Call me NOW.

“Excuse me,” Amara muttered standing up and dialing Troy. Max watched Amara worried.

“Mara get home now,” Troy answered the phone.
“What happened,” Amara asked not liking the Troy’s tone.
“Just get home I’ll tell you when you get here,” Troy said.
“Just fucking tell me now,” Amara demand, everyone was watching her now.
“Your mom was in a car accident, Mara.”
“Is she ok,” Mara whispered tears filling her eyes.
“She didn’t even make it to the hospital, Princess…” Amara dropped her phone, Max quickly jumped from his seat and rushed over to her.

“Baby, what happened is everything ok. Baby!”
“My mama,” Amara cried out.

“We all best knew Camilla as a single mom, who would do anything for her child. A woman whom would fight the world to make sure her child had everything she need. If ever asked, ‘the one thing she wanted?’ her answer the same, ‘My Amara’s happiness.’ Camilla was always working hard, always putting her child’s need and other needs before her own…”

Amara sat in the first pew holding Max’s hand, as her childhood priest talked about her mother. She sat there numb from it all, she still couldn’t believe her mother was gone, forever. Amara could never crawl into bed with her mother when she had a nightmare. She would never stay up late, listening to her mother tell her stories of her childhood. She would never lay on the floor as her mother read to her.

“Camilla we’ll never see you again, till the day our father takes us from this world to join him in heaven, but we will always know that you are with us, in our hearts and in our minds,” the Priest finished then stepped down to close the coffin.

“No,” Amara screamed, “ Mama don’t leave me,” Amara cried standing up. Max quickly got up and wrapped his arms around her waist holding her back.

“Mama, don’t leave me I need you,” Amara screamed clawing at Max’s arms, “Wake up! Damn it Mama! Wake up!” Max held her back trying to soothe her.

“Princess, she’s dead. She’s not going to wake up,” he whispered to her, pulling her closer to him and turned her around so her face was in his chest, “Princess, I’m sorry.”

“Ma,” Amara screamed then broke down crying again. Troy pulled her away from Max and carried her out of the church.

Amara sat in Troy’s SUV as he and Max argued outside. Troy didn’t think it would be a good idea if Amara went to the Cemetery. Max thought she should, to see her mother one last time, to make it final.

“Ya it’ll be good for her if she snaps like she did in the church,” Troy spat pointing to the church doors.
“It won’t be final for her if she doesn’t go,” Max yelled.
“It’ll just hurt her,” Troy yelled stepping up to Max.
“It’ll hurt her even more if she doesn’t go,” Max yelled stepping to Troy, Max was a good two inches shorter then Troy.
“I want to go,” Amara spoke up. Both men looked over to her.

She sat there defeated, lifeless. It killed both men to see her like this. He black eye shadow was smudged all around her eyes, which were red from all her tears. Her skin was grayish dull, her shoulders limp. He black glossy ringlet were pulled back into a half ponytail.

“I want to go,” Amara spoke again, “I promise not to make a scene again, Troy.” Max glared at Troy before walking over to Amara and knelt down in front of her and took her hands into his.

“Angel of mine, you can go and make the biggest scene, if that’s what you want,” Max told her then turned his head to glare at Troy. Daring him to contradict him.
“I don’t,” Amara whispered.”
“Ok,” Max whispered and kissed her hands, “I’ll take you.”

Amara stood in between Max and Troy, both arms were around her, lending her support. Marcus, Julias, Tabby Mark, Janessa, and a bunch of Camilla’s friends stood around the casket as they lowered it down. Amara was shaking as she cried in Max’s arms. The bright sunny beautiful day was mocking her, mocking her pain. This was the type of day Camilla would have taken Amara out to the park when she had been younger.

Amara broke out in horrible sobs, which tore through everyone, when she could no longer see the casket. Max tightened his hold on her, as Troy, Julias and Marcus tried to sooth her. No one knew what to say to Amara, everyone knew how close she and her mother really were. So what could anyone say that could even remotely make her feel better?

Slow people started to leave as the dirt was being tossed into the grave. Amara stood there watching, each thunk of the dirt hitting the grave ripping her heart apart. Soon it was just Amara, her friends, and a man dressed in a cheap suit standing at Camilla’s grave.

“I’m sorry for your lost, Miss Madison,” He said walking over to Amara holding out his hand. Amara only gave a feeble nod, the life was drained from her.

“I know this is not the best time and I know you may just want to go home, but I’m your mother’s lawyer, Miss Madison, there are something’s that we need to talk about.”

“Can’t the Will wait,” Troy growled, he knew Amara needed to get home soon.
“The will can but the custody of Miss Madison cannot. She is still a minor.”
“What do you mean the custody of Mara,” Julias asked pissed, “She’s staying with us.”
“Legally she cannot, she’s still considered a minor, she must go to a guardian,” the man said trying to opened and suitcase without spilling all of his papers out.
“She has no guardian, so what are you going to do, put her in the System,” Julias spat out. Julias had been an orphan since he was five. He was bounced from foster home to foster home, one thing Julias hated the most was the Foster Care system.
“No,” the guy said getting frustrated he wasn’t able to get the papers out and the guys riding him.

“Then what,” Troy asked, “Amara only has her mother and us.”
“Her father,” The man half yelled as he dropped his suitcase and papers came flying out.
“Her father is a douche bag, who abandoned Amara and Ms. Mad, why the hell would he want her now. To use her money to get famous off of Amara. Fuck no! That man will have nothing to do with Amara,” Troy growled.
“Well it is not up to you, who gets the custody of Miss Amara Madison,” the guy said trying to stand up to Troy, but you could see the fear in him, “… It is up to Ms. Camilla Madison.”

“Ms. Mad gave Mara’s dad custody of her,” Julias asked confused.
“Yes,” the guy said bending down to pick up the papers that had fallen out, “Years ago when Ms. Madison first moved here, she contacted me to ensure if anything happened to her, that her daughter would go to her father.”

No one said anything; no one knew what to say, though the same question was on everyone’s mind. Why the hell would Ms. Mad give the bastard custody of Amara when he abandoned them. Max rubbed circles on Amara’s back, he knew even though she didn’t acknowledge the man, she was listening to every word he said.

“Who’s my father?”
“Billie Joe Armstrong.”